• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New Global warming puzzle: Is it the sun?


Well-Known Member
Exploration cost isn't as much as you may think Vi, On average it takes about $2,000,000 to drill a exploratory well. It only takes 3 - 4 wells to be drilled in any area to find what is there, the rest of the drilling (so called exploratory) is nothing but a tax write-off for the corporation.

On average oil only cost $3.00 a barrel to produce (the rest is politics), Gasoline is only waste by product of the refining process.

Vi, you know nothing about the oil industry, you spew what you hear from idiots like Rush Limbaugh (whom I will remind you knows absolutely nothing about the oil industry himself)(Hell I even doubt he pumps his own gas)


New Member
you spew what you hear from idiots like Rush Limbaugh! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahohohohohohohohohohohehehehehehehehehe!!! Figures!!!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
ummmmmm... imagine all of us sitting in a circle.. and we are all looking at the center of the circle... working together, we all focus our energy on the center of the circle... lets say there is an injured bird in the center of the circle and we are trying to heal this bird...

well when one of us stops focusing on the bird and instead focus on someone else in the circle... that person is no longer helping the situation...

This is what happens when we discuss something and we stop the discussion and attack or name call A PERSON...(it is because we lost focus of the real topic) We are no longer focusd on helping.. or solving the issue at hand... we are now attacking.... The point of discussion is to solve a problem not to WIN.. or beat someone else down...

this is the biggest problem in the entire world.. PEOPLE would rather be RIGHT (even if they are wrong) then actually solve a problem... it is pathetic....

when we loose focus of the real situation and attack each other... we have ALL LOST.... name calling is for those who can go no HIGHER...... they are abandoning ship...



New Member
There isn't anything wrong with pointing out the obvious. Sometimes a bit of name-calling can be entertaining. It can be quite frustrating when someone ignores your argument... completely missing the point as they refuse to see it clearly. The name-calling could merely be a way of getting down to the level to whom you are conversing. Plus, it makes you feel good to belittle someone you consider beneath you. Makes you sleep easier at night...

Do I need to put lol on the end? It never completely rings true... there are odd times where I am laughing out loud... at least for a moment. Usually, it's just a light (sometimes inward) chuckle... yet I still write that I'm laughing out loud at my computer. I've tried ha, ha... but even that seems fake.

Anyways, merry yule to all.


New Member
when we loose focus of the real situation and attack each other... we have ALL LOST.... name calling is for those who can go no HIGHER...... they are abandoning ship...

Quick, man the lifeboats, this ship is going down fast> Knowm, you think of an idealistic world. Sorry, but it doesn't exist. Man is by nature a selfish beast and without Divinity embracing him, he is the cause of the ship sinking, so look for your lifesaver and hold on, for the ride is gonna get a lot bumpier

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
THE agenda was to WIN or BE RIGHT... who gives a fuck who is right or wrong... the planet is "possibly" in serious jeopardy.. and the evidence shows that it is worthy of a dialogue....

If there was NO agenda except for coming up with the truth.. and both parties stay focused on the topic at hand a solution is inevitable..

BECUASE a "me" , "YOU" or "us" "them" is never introduced... NO EGO... no identity... thus, the truth is revealed....

when to minds come together to solve a problem OUTSIDE themselves... this of course is a rare occurence....

Many of the wolrds greatest phyiscists and scientists love speaking with the DALI LAMA becuase they can talk with him about their ideas and take the ideas to very very deep level.. cause the dali lama as very little "I" .. very little ego and the conversation can go on for hours without anybody saying "I" or "you"..

"I"loveyou - it is impossible to LOVE....

one can only be LOVE.. love has no "I"


If you ask people about global warming ... the ones who don't believe it dislike AL GORE... they can not hear the IDEA of GLOBAL WARMING

because THEIR EGO does not like Al Gore.. people actualy make it part of their identity "I don't like BUSH", "I dont like Al Gore"

How ridiculous and limiting to make ONE's identity be about DISLIKING... self destructive for sure...

and it is more imporatant for THE EGO/IDENTITY to be right then to save the planet..


love is YOU


New Member
Knowm, you speak beyond mortal understanding, This entity known as I knows of what you speak. My association with the spirit side of Indian Medicine allowed me to see without Ego, but in the real world, living without Ego is impossible unless you want to be like Gandi, or Budda, or Jesus,etc. and not very many of us can achieve that status in this evolution we're trapped in. I feel you are on the right track with your love crusade as, Lord knows, the world is short on that, But I doubt if it gets through to most of these mortals on this site or any other site for that matter. Keep up the fight as it can do no harm and know at least one out there knows of what you speak! God Bless!


New Member
LOVE the people that will love you back. KILL ANYBODY that wants to hurt you.

LOVE everybody Knowm? BULLSHIT.

Some people are unworthy of LOVE. Like people that hurt little kids, people that trawl for victims looking to hurt them in unimaginable ways.

Could you love a murderer?

Now, could you love a murderer of one of YOUR family members?


New Member
LOVE the people that will love you back. KILL ANYBODY that wants to hurt you.

LOVE everybody Knowm? BULLSHIT.

Some people are unworthy of LOVE. Like people that hurt little kids, people that trawl for victims looking to hurt them in unimaginable ways.

Could you love a murderer?

Now, could you love a murderer of one of YOUR family members?
It would be fairly impossible for us mortals to love those described, but that was what Jesus was all about. Love your enemys and your neighbors. and most of all love those that need it most, like murderers and such. I can't and you can't because we are but mere mortals. The blessing of divinity has not yet been awarded us. Live life as best you can and maybe you'll get the answer someday. The human nature is to hate anyone that has besmirched us and to forgive is divine. So, hopefully for you, no-one will tred on your life and you will have no reason to hate, for hate poisons the mind!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mr. Skunk,

I do experience thoughts and feelings that are similiar to yours... regarding defending my body, family, and peers. I watch these thoughts very very very very closely. They are powerful thoughts...very powerful... yet, they are not ROOTED... and if one does not identify with these thoughts...if one simply lets these thoughts go as easily as the came.... they will blow away and reveal something greater.... please bare with me....

Think of the mind as a reel of film.. and the outter world as blank screen... Whatever is on ONE's mind gets projected onto the screen...

This light that passes through the mind/film and brings to life ONE's thoughts.....is UNKNOWN..... This light is often called by many... GOD or the soul... its name is irrelevant.... adn to try and identify this light is a major pitfall of many...

what is important is that ONE realize that this light gives to ONE anything the mind THINKS of... it manifests THOUGHTS... ALL THOUGHTS...

One does not have to nor should they take my word or believe this.....
It is very easy to realize this for oneself... all one has to do is sit still and watch the mind.... it takes a bit of practice... to simply sit still.... with daily practice of watching the mind.... sitting still.... ONE will clearly see that the entire world ONE perceives is nothing BUT one's thoughts...

One must watch the mind with unwaivering attention.. as if a cobra has entered the room... and ONE knows not to take their eyes off of this slippery snake...

this being realized...

that the world is nothing BUT ONE'S thoughts,....

It is no longer acceptable to have any thoughts of suffering... killing , malice.... not for or towards any BEING...

Once one crosses into this awareness.. there is no turning back... there are very very few HERE.... even though the journey involves nothing but sitting... There is no return....

BUT there is a reward that is so enormous, that it is impossible to speak of...



New Member
Knowm... I know.

Unfortunately there are people in the world that I know I could hurt very, very easily. Unfortunate too, is the fact that many human beings have thoughts that include hurting others all the time. It's all they think about (mostly), hurting a little kid, choking them till they are dead just because it makes them feel powerful. These types of people make me literally vibrate with aggression.

The mind is a powerful tool, but there is no excuse for people to hurt, abuse etc, other life.

Sometimes Knowm, you have to fight... You have to hurt someone to stop them hurting you. Hitting someone first does not mean that you caused the fight, merely that you sensed one coming and you didn't want to lose. As often the person that hits first will usually win the fight.

Knowm, I understand my mind very well, I truly do strive to understand myself, as I believe in so doing i will in turn understand other people. I see myself as a writer, to write you need to understand people and what makes them behave the way they do. If you want to understand other people, you must first understand yourself.