So then this is your thread? Just another subversive lib?
uh....I am not a lib. I was fired from one of my jobs unfairly 16 months ago. My position with the school district was eliminated, and I did not get a summer contract...I have not filed for unemployment, because I do not want a handout. The Gov does not do shit for me, and I think little of government. I think it should stay the hell out of our lives. Some say this would be like the "wild West" be it.
I believe in self sufficiency. I think the problem with healthcare is greed. Insurance is a scam. My great grandfather was a physician. He often worked for chickens, and died with little but his reputation and many debts owed to him. He did not take off Tuesdays to play golf.
They aren't our best interest's, they're yours. You want your people in control even at the expense of your own freedom. Kissing their asses isn't going to save you.
Dude...If my people were in control....

Democrats are not my people...but NeoCons are just dudes in suits with something up there ass on every issue besides defense/war...the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The Republican party has been hijacked by Bible thumping, war mongering, ignorant hyporcites like yourself.
Keep blaming the president, immigrants or whatever you choose for your obvious lack of basic grammar or education past that of 3rd grade.
Its all their fault isn't it?
Anyone else try that bud light lime beer? It's better than I thought it would be. Just like a corona n lime.
This does not surprise me
It actually is. The gubment runs the education system. The lefties in gubment swear by it. A college freshman who graduated from public schools is on par with a 3rd grader from a private school. Sad but true. Kind of...
No they do not. They have a definite hand in it ($$), but Teachers unions and public opinion at the school board level is what runs education.
And I (think I) know you are exaggerating here, but it is not even close to the truth.
The education received in a public school is not exactly, but it is close to, the socio-economic base of the district. Wealthier areas have more money for the schools to hire veteran teachers and ample supplies. The parents are also usually higher educated and education is a priority. The parents are also more likely to be home in the evenings (rather than the second job)
In areas with a high % of English learners (also generally poorer districts) your statement about the 3rd grader in private school could at least be correct when compared to that of another 3rd grader. The amount of time spent teaching children English, only to have them go home to a Spanish only household is detrimental to the learning of native speaking children, period.
However, not all private schools are the same. Most are church based. These schools always have music, and usually a religion class.P.E. is often left out, but the amount of the 3 r's suffers for the hour of religion. They do not teach spelling or fractions on Sunday, so why during the academic week. These children often transition to public school at the middle and High school level as the expense and pressure from the children to be "normal". Not always, (some schools are excellent...and expensive! avg. pay is $10,000/yr less than public school!) but often these kids show up to public school behind in math, not to mention ruined for science!
Sorry, what was the topic? oh yeah Sarah Palin! She is hot IMO, but beyond all of the other minor/(major) flaws...the aerial gunning of wolves makes her near the top of my list of shitty humans.