• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

- palin for president in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
COULD have? We have been there for a long time...the drapes are just new.

I specifically used the term "republican" in order to not offend the conservatives who are not under the spell of the 2 party system and have become Libertarians. (My closest political affiliation and until the primaries in 2008, my life long party...I had to register republican to vote for RP) Now the rallying cry of the Libertarian Party is not Freedom, personal liberty, and constitutional limited government but TAXES!!!!! Who pays stifling amounts in taxes? the RICH! The fact that wealthy people pay half of the money that they made off the backs and sweat of the poor...in doing so, keeping them poor...(serfdom) bothers me only a little...and until I have so much money that even after I give half of it to the IRS, I can still live in opulence...I guess I can live with it.

It does not matter whether it is the left or right...neither one will raise taxes on the middle class...they are the ones who are completely fooled, holding the whole charade together.

Being poor and a pothead for 25 years, I have a hard time picturing the average pothead as upper-middle class. And I can not imagine why a poor pothead would vote for any of the republican candidates besides Ron Paul. The rest are rich elitists who do not care about working class people...the dems are elitists also, but at least they pretend to care for the common people.

The 2 party system is a total joke. Law is introduced in our congress based on school yard alliances rather than whether or not it is good law...not to mention that it is completely infiltrated with a culture of corporate special interests.

You fail to realize the party break down in all of the big votes under the Marxist regime we now have in place. Dems for, repubs against. Republicans are now for the people, and although they too have been co-opted by the elites, they are slowly getting back on track. Purging themselves of leftists is the next step. A Lincoln like party again, I pray, is on the horizon.


stays relevant.
Yeah. Hopefully she will be found to have a terminal illness prior to 2012, otherwise... I'm moving to Canada too.


Well-Known Member
So then this is your thread? Just another subversive lib?
uh....I am not a lib. I was fired from one of my jobs unfairly 16 months ago. My position with the school district was eliminated, and I did not get a summer contract...I have not filed for unemployment, because I do not want a handout. The Gov does not do shit for me, and I think little of government. I think it should stay the hell out of our lives. Some say this would be like the "wild West"...so be it.

I believe in self sufficiency. I think the problem with healthcare is greed. Insurance is a scam. My great grandfather was a physician. He often worked for chickens, and died with little but his reputation and many debts owed to him. He did not take off Tuesdays to play golf.

They aren't our best interest's, they're yours. You want your people in control even at the expense of your own freedom. Kissing their asses isn't going to save you.
Dude...If my people were in control....:twisted: Democrats are not my people...but NeoCons are just dudes in suits with something up there ass on every issue besides defense/war...the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The Republican party has been hijacked by Bible thumping, war mongering, ignorant hyporcites like yourself.

Keep blaming the president, immigrants or whatever you choose for your obvious lack of basic grammar or education past that of 3rd grade.

Its all their fault isn't it?

Anyone else try that bud light lime beer? It's better than I thought it would be. Just like a corona n lime.
This does not surprise me

It actually is. The gubment runs the education system. The lefties in gubment swear by it. A college freshman who graduated from public schools is on par with a 3rd grader from a private school. Sad but true. Kind of...
No they do not. They have a definite hand in it ($$), but Teachers unions and public opinion at the school board level is what runs education.

And I (think I) know you are exaggerating here, but it is not even close to the truth.

The education received in a public school is not exactly, but it is close to, the socio-economic base of the district. Wealthier areas have more money for the schools to hire veteran teachers and ample supplies. The parents are also usually higher educated and education is a priority. The parents are also more likely to be home in the evenings (rather than the second job)

In areas with a high % of English learners (also generally poorer districts) your statement about the 3rd grader in private school could at least be correct when compared to that of another 3rd grader. The amount of time spent teaching children English, only to have them go home to a Spanish only household is detrimental to the learning of native speaking children, period.

However, not all private schools are the same. Most are church based. These schools always have music, and usually a religion class.P.E. is often left out, but the amount of the 3 r's suffers for the hour of religion. They do not teach spelling or fractions on Sunday, so why during the academic week. These children often transition to public school at the middle and High school level as the expense and pressure from the children to be "normal". Not always, (some schools are excellent...and expensive! avg. pay is $10,000/yr less than public school!) but often these kids show up to public school behind in math, not to mention ruined for science!

Sorry, what was the topic? oh yeah Sarah Palin! She is hot IMO, but beyond all of the other minor/(major) flaws...the aerial gunning of wolves makes her near the top of my list of shitty humans.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, what was the topic? oh yeah Sarah Palin! She is hot IMO, but beyond all of the other minor/(major) flaws...the aerial gunning of wolves makes her near the top of my list of shitty humans.

And yet your altruistic grandpa killed chickens for food. What a bastard.


New Member
I thought you were leaving ... why are you still here?

Oh, and by the way, after you leave, try to pick up a sense of humor before you re-enter the site.

What, you don't think V-Roid is funny? I'll damn well leave when I'm ready, or turned out, something you tried long ago. Too bad you old fuck. I'll be your nemesis for a while longer. Cheer up, We may get a public option health care package so you can get your head removed from your ass.


Well-Known Member
You fail to realize the party break down in all of the big votes under the Marxist regime we now have in place. Dems for, repubs against. Republicans are now for the people, and although they too have been co-opted by the elites, they are slowly getting back on track. Purging themselves of leftists is the next step. A Lincoln like party again, I pray, is on the horizon.
This will only happen if all the money is taken out of the process...The majority of these guys went to law school to make $$, when it is waved in their faces, they can't resist it.

Geeze V-Roid, I knew you were ignorant, but this is over the top.
whew! glad your here...v scares me a little

I thought you were leaving ... why are you still here?

Oh, and by the way, after you leave, try to pick up a sense of humor before you re-enter the site.

Nice! I'll bet your a great mom..............now I do not really mean that, but I am sure you can see why that is just not cool...that is like saying shit about someones mom, or calling their girl a tramp...you just should not go there...many ways to make him feel bad or you better.:fire:

Nice! I'll bet you're really a great dad.



New Member
What, you don't think V-Roid is funny? I'll damn well leave when I'm ready, or turned out, something you tried long ago. Too bad you old fuck. I'll be your nemesis for a while longer. Cheer up, We may get a public option health care package so you can get your head removed from your ass.
Yeah, you're just like a fucking progressive Marxist ... full of promises (I'm going to leave the site) but, in the end, nothing but hot air.

So, keep making your ridiculous political points, Med ... and I, and other's, will continue shooting them down, at which time, due to no substance to your arguments, you can continue with your personal attacks.



New Member
Yeah, you're just like a fucking progressive Marxist ... full of promises (I'm going to leave the site) but, in the end, nothing but hot air.

So, keep making your ridiculous political points, Med ... and I, and other's, will continue shooting them down, at which time, due to no substance to your arguments, you can continue with your personal attacks.

What, no comment on my sense of humor? My only point may seem ridiculous to you, and it is, simply put, People before corporations.


Well-Known Member
And yet your altruistic grandpa killed chickens for food. What a bastard.
Again what is with the family attacks? I never met the man. He was not altruistic, he was human, he took an oath. He chose to live in a rural farming community for whatever reason and during the depression there was no money. Evidently Nebraska was no hurt as bad as the south by the drought and farmers did just fine. From what I have been told....Great Grandma killed the chickens, nobody else would do it. They rarely ate them, just the eggs, except for when one of them would piss off Anna...she was not a woman to mess with and hated the farm.

What, you don't think V-Roid is funny? I'll damn well leave when I'm ready, or turned out, something you tried long ago. Too bad you old fuck. I'll be your nemesis for a while longer. Cheer up, We may get a public option health care package so you can get your head removed from your ass.

You talkin about Obama, right?
I am talking about 400 or so of them bastards. There really is not much difference except for dems are a liitle more sympathetic to the poor and blacks and the republicans hate taxes but love expensive war toys.

They are all pretty much the same...full of a lot of shit. They wrap themselves in proud history and tradition, all the while using the floor of the house and senate to line the pockets of their friends and family....for several years I was represented by Duke Cunningham he got caught.

If there is not a provision in the constitution allowing for it, I am against it...however...if huge amounts of money are to be spent to benefit corporations under the guise of jobs, and large amounts of money are to be spent in foreign lands for whatever reason...I think it is completely reasonable to throw a fraction a a percent of this wasted $$ at the poor...If that is socialism...what is the handout that is given to corporations in the form of tax breaks, no-bid contracts, and legislation which allows the destruction of habitat, pollution of air and water, or the money thrown at US friendly despots to keep the unrestricted liquidation of resources out from under the feet of the unknowing native population...Is this socialism too? No it is imperialism.

Why don't republicans get all upset about $$ going to corporations that do not need it and foreign countries that might, but welfare? healthcare? Socialism!!! and the slippery slope towards full scale red commie!

Republican are for farm subsidies that subsidize the over planting of monsanto seed...but food stamps? Yes of course...Multi-national billion dollar Monsanto needs and deserves federal assistance, but a single mother working a shitty job or 2 makes too much money to qualify for help...plus that would be socialism...and we are not socialists. Free market my ass.

When I see Republicans pissed off and bitching about putting missiles in Europe, or our military all around the globe. and the liberal exploitation of markets and the money borrowed to plug the hole in the damn...then maybe I will believe that they are conservative and not just class snobs and racists. But arguing whether in what is supposed to be the greatest country on earth with world class heathcare it would be for the privileged few, when Lesser unenlightened countries all over the planet do better. but they are not as worried about their global influence and understand that it is through cooperation and discussion that trade occurs rather than war domination and destruction.

To use the logic that healthcare would lead to poor care for everyone rather than mediocre care for those who previously had none...is just like saying that legalized gay marriage will lead to people wanting to marry goats....not surprisingly, both fallacies come from the same source.

I'm for a Sarah Palin/Mark Levin ticket in 2012. Now you libbies put that in your bong and smoke it. :lol:

well id vote for em but id rather see palin n cheney runnin in 2012. hey are any of ya all members of TEAM SARAH or would ya consider beocomin one???? were just a group of good patriotic AMERICANS who all beleive AND is dedicated to advancin the VALUES that palin represents.


Well-Known Member
So he only financed and supported the killing of chickens?
Yes he was a real bastard from what I heard. He was an immigrant also...but the white, non-italian/non-Irish type...so I guess that is ok. But all those altruistic ways of his, delayed the HMO saviors for who knows how long...and the chickens, lets not forget about the chickens.

Let us all take a moment for the chickens....smoke em' if ya got em'...:joint::shock:...IF anybody would like to say a few words for the chickens...now would be a good time....
