I really wish this woman would go away and move somewhere that she can't see Russia from her house. BTW please keep your religion out of my politics.
dude admit it you would throw her a boneYou came off sounding pretty smart then a brick wall.
Your Hot standards are way the fuck off dude.
agreed... my guess is CrackerJax lolThis is a hoax.
Interestingly it betrays your willingness to believe that southerners, Texans specifically, are this character... who seems to be Yo Simmity Sam. I guarantee this user is another user. I would bet his IP would match someone we know. I would bet money on it.
Any takers?
Hehe, as crazy as this shit is getting, I wouldn't take anything off the table.Palin could be the anti-christ? she becomes presiden in 2012 and she is attractive just like they said.2012
She's pretty enthusiastic about her love then. She's using both hands to show it.To whoever posted the pic of Palin with her hand up, she's giving the " I love you" sign. I don't see anything un-Christian about that.
fuck christians they are not good for this country we need an athiest for prezpalin in 2012!!!!!!!!!! she is our last hope to save this great country from the antichrist obama. she will beat him easy. shes a real american and folks like her and shes a regular good christian person like you and me. who should be her pick for vp? limbaugh or cheney or rove?
9/11 was an inside joke dont cha member gawsh!some of you liberals sound like you forgot 9/11 already. this country needs someone with a backbone like palin to take care of our enemies. shes more of a man than obama is. shoot id bet my truck that palin could whoop obamas ass in a street fight anyday. obama is a terrorist sympathizer tryin to pull out of iraq but right now we gotta finish killin em but we cant leave north korea and iran alone cuz those bastards gotta be stopped now.
yea i flew off the handle i just hate what the church has done to this country.Woah, there Fried. "Fuck Christians"? Why attack a religion who's basic concept is "be nice to people and they'll be nice to you"? You should be saying "Fuck fanatics". That would hold true for all the religions that were hijacked by them.