• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Memo to Congress:


New Member
So fuck you for thinking your better than the next because I know where my place is in this world, unlike the typical American! Well thank you very much! I guess you wouldn't mind living in a mud hut and eating grubs. The civilization that you propose to destroy by opening borders has taken over 200 years to build from sod shacks on the prarie to mansions in the hills, and some of those garish abodes could use some wealth distribution I believe. I agree with one of your tenets, the rest of the world needs to be brought up to our standards, but we cannot do that by opening our borders. The corporations would love this as then they would have third world wages right in their own backyards. And you will have to admit, if that were to happen, most Americans would lose their jobs to the people who would work for peanuts. So now what would happen to all those mortgages that are now being paid at 800-2500 per Mo., they would all be forclosed on and the banks would fold. This would spell disaster for all Americans, let alone the congestion that would ensue. If you think it's crowded on the freeway now, think about 2 billion people showing up on our shores to better themselves, for that would be about how many would come.The corporations would love to see a world economy as the average wage would be somewhere around 5 bucks a day. The lifestyle of the workers would hit the bottom, while the owners of the society would be rich beyond all belief! Are you ready for 5 bucks a day, or are you an owner of a corporation., It's not as simple as you seem to think! So what is the answer, I don't know. Yes I have compassion for all the people living in poverty all over the world. I don't have the solution, I just know I dont want to live in a mud hut and eat grubs. If this makes me a selfish dickhead in your estimation, I can't help it. Just think about putting your family in the mud hut scenario and then you make the call, I'll bet you would rather have what you have now! WE (US Citizens) are not God, we cannot solve the worlds problems. I will agree the US government in general makes the situation worse with their foriegn policies, but as a citizen, the only thing I can do to change that is Vote my conscience. So think about what I've said here, and get back to me!


New Member
I'm thinking that we may be doing the Mexican and South American people a great favor if we close the southern border, raid and fine employers who hire illegals, cut off all government benefits to illegals (except dire emergency treatment at hospitals) and then deport the illegals back across the border. Why a favor? Because our open southern border is nothing more than a pressure relief valve, protecting the southern, totalitarian and corrupt governments. Once we have the borders shut down tight, the employers free of illegals and all the illegals back below the border, Mexico will have an uprising the likes that have never been seen there. A revolution is what Mexico needs to convert itself into a true representative government with a free market economy.


PS: Med ... yer using my color again. Bah!


New Member
I'm thinking that we may be doing the Mexican and South American people a great favor if we close the southern border, raid and fine employers who hire illegals, cut off all government benefits to illegals (except dire emergency treatment at hospitals) and then deport the illegals back across the border. Why a favor? Because our open southern border is nothing more than a pressure relief valve, protecting the southern, totalitarian and corrupt governments. Once we have the borders shut down tight, the employers free of illegals and all the illegals back below the border, Mexico will have an uprising the likes that have never been seen there. A revolution is what Mexico needs to convert itself into a true representative government with a free market economy.


PS: Med ... yer using my color again. Bah!
Color or no (I was being subservient), I'll agree with you on this one. The Mexicans need to correct their own mess. If the employers were forced to pay a livable wage, Americans would do all those jobs,except maybe field work, we could import Bangladeshians for that, that would really piss off bigBaloon. He thinks we should open the borders and let everyone in, Jihadists and all, then the dollar a day scenario would be in full play. I swear, some people....................."Are you happy, color"


New Member
Closing the boarder is not a workable plan either. You people are the one's who are sparking the violence with your ideology. The reason Jihads hate America is because of this thinking. Yet everyone thinks the problem is going to go away through war. World violence is on the rise and all you can think about is your pocket book and what you can buy with making sure you have a job that pays you way to much and so the corporations can claim that the products and services they provide cost that much to produce. Your the reason why some people kill them selfs because they cant afford the to put a roof over their head all because you deserve $200.00 a day working 8 hours . People in other countries do make $5.00 a day working 12 to 18 hr days why because they are driven to because of self motivation. Yet you deserve to have a job that pays you more than the next person because they were born somewhere else? Your an idiot for thinking that away. All people deserve the same opportunities as you and you know it.
You don't think new laws could be enacted to keep employers from illegally hiring people at a cheaper wage?
Some type of system that would require employers to have local Government offices check employee's on-site to make sure that they are paying taxes and there wage reflects the current markets wages.
No one wants to address this issue because they know it can be done and are scared of losing their $20.00 an hour job.
Times change people change and travel has changed it is time for our policies toward other countries change as well.
All people can work together toward a common goal and you all have obviously lost sight of it, LIVING and preserving the Earth for future generations!


New Member
Well bigBallin, why don't you start by telling your employer you will take no more than 5.00 per day, and then invite a couple a hundred Mexicans to come and share your house. I think when you are put to the sacrifice you will certainly see the errors of your hypothesis. In Fact why don't you explain how you propose to implement this grand experiment you have in mind. Do you actually think Corporations will pay one penny more than they have to for labor. If you open a world labor market I think you'll find: Instead of wages going up around the world, they will certainly come down, to the bottom. BTW, what was your solution to the housing market again, you know the 100-500K houses that the banks now hold mortgages on?


New Member
Bigballin ...

We, as Americans, are not keeping those who live in third-world countries down. They are held down because of a lot of reasons, like caste systems for example. But ... the main reason is because of their governmental systems.



New Member
Bigballin ...

We, as Americans, are not keeping those who live in third-world countries down. They are held down because of a lot of reasons, like caste systems for example. But ... the main reason is because of their governmental systems.

Geeze, you agree with me, or as you would say, I agree with you (must allow for the superior tude)!


New Member
Hmmm ... interesting, Med. I wouldn't think you would agree with my last post. I thought in your mind, the "rich, greedy bastards" were holding everyone down.



New Member
Hmmm ... interesting, Med. I wouldn't think you would agree with my last post. I thought in your mind, the "rich, greedy bastards" were holding everyone down.

Well Yeahhhh, They are for sure, but America does not have a patent an rich greedy bastards, Sadam was an exceptional one,and I'm sure every country has a few. America, though, is responsible for the welfare of quite a few of these rich greedy bastards, I'll have to admit that! Wait maybe I disagree, I'm so confused. ~LOL~


Well-Known Member
I think I could live to be 800 years old and still not understand why people support a minimum wage. I mean, I understand it on an EMOTIONAL level, but it's so intellectually indefensible...


New Member
I think I could live to be 800 years old and still not understand why people support a minimum wage. I mean, I understand it on an EMOTIONAL level, but it's so intellectually indefensible...
In defense of a minimum wage: The defensive position is and has always been, a surplus of labor (Illegals) would drive the wage down to unliveable standards. Did you listen when I said the Illegals have driven the construction wages down 50% in the last 20 years. If someone who lives in an apartment with ten other people can live on 3.00 an hour, why should the rest of us that have been living on say 10.00 an hour have to take a cut. Our lifestyle has reached the 10.00 an hour level and to go lower would bankrupt us. You can't seriously think that corporations would voluntarily give raises in a saturated labor market. So a standard must be set. In a perfect world, everyone would have a Job and there would be no labor glut or shortage and workers would be rewarded for their ability. This my friend is far from a perfect worldso there are chances to make more, but making less is not acceptable by any standards. The congress have given themselves 5-7 raises in the last 10-12 years, but refuse the minimum increase. I believe all persons who don't believe in the minimum wage, should have to work for less than it for a year, then see what they think! If you were a minimum wage earner, you would know the futility of trying to live on it. What you are suggesting (the abolishment of the minimum wage) would only benefit the business owners, certainly not the worker. It's that old axiom, 90% of the people have 10% of the money or turned around, 10% of the people have 90% of the money. Greed knows no bounds!!!!! Nothing personal Danky!


Well-Known Member
While it does make sense to me that competition in the labor market would result in lower wages for some, I think it is exaggerated. I don't know if you actually know any migrant workers, but I'm from the San Joaquin valley, and I know several. The field workers make 10-12 an hour under the table, and the construction worker I know (I admit i only know one right now) makes 17-24 depending on who he is working for. So even the field laborers are making twice the federal minimum wage....


New Member
While it does make sense to me that competition in the labor market would result in lower wages for some, I think it is exaggerated. I don't know if you actually know any migrant workers, but I'm from the San Joaquin valley, and I know several. The field workers make 10-12 an hour under the table, and the construction worker I know (I admit i only know one right now) makes 17-24 depending on who he is working for. So even the field laborers are making twice the federal minimum wage....Those you know, ask them if they're doing piece work, as that is the only way they could be making that money, and California pays higher than any other state besides New York city. I know several migrant workers. They do manual labor for 7.00 an hour. in '73', the hourly rate was 14.77+ 1.20 an hr vacatiuon + health and retirement, in '1973'. Carpenters wages were 17.40 + benefits. laborers make 7-9 bucks with no benefits and carpenters make10-12 with no benefits, due to the overpowering influx of our southern neighbors whom are glad to work for that, there are no more white laborers or carpenters in the housing industry,(or plumbers or roofers or drywallers, or concrete finishers, or tile setters etc.) even if you could get hired, you would have to speak spanish or you wouldn't understand the job. I personally have nothing against Mexicans, But what are high school dropouts supposed to do now that there are no construction jobs? The influx of illegal aliens have unilaterally ruined the construction industry for Americans. Are those the jobs that americans didn't want to do? I doubt it. but when a guy comes along and tells a contractor that him and his cousins will do a better job for half pay, who do you think is getting hired. I'll say this, the workers I've observed in the tracts are the hardest working bunch I've ever witnessed. The old addage that Mexicans are lazy has certainly been put to rest in the constructuion industry. But here's the deal. The houses are 6 times the price they were when I worked there (72-80) and the labor costs are less than half, who is making out???? This is the greed factor that is ruining the American work force. The productivity of the american worker has never been higher while the wages are being driven down by the glut of un-educated foriegn workers, the benefactors of this, the corporations, Profits have never been higher, while costs of everything continue to escalate, the middle class takes it up the kazoo! If you can prove me wrong, I await your response!


New Member
I used to be a sales manager for a large, well known, non-union California company. One of my salesman came to me one day and said: "How come we don't get out birthdays off?" I told him that the company couldn't afford to give the employees their birthdays off. He replied: "Well, my brother's a carpenter and he gets HIS birthday off!" So, I just calmly said ... "Well, why don't you go be a carpenter?" He never brought it up again.



New Member
I used to be a sales manager for a large, well known, non-union California company. One of my salesman came to me one day and said: "How come we don't get out birthdays off?" I told him that the company couldn't afford to give the employees their birthdays off. He replied: "Well, my brother's a carpenter and he gets HIS birthday off!" So, I just calmly said ... "Well, why don't you go be a carpenter?" He never brought it up again.

See, I knew you were an a--hole manager. what a smart ass, go be a carpenter! You couldn't hold a carpenters pencil. Being a carpenter requires hand eye coordination and some semblence of brains. That comment you made to the salesman more than likely defines your personality, and confirms my suspicians, a mamby pamby salesman sleazeball, the worst kind of human! ~LOL~


New Member
"a mamby pamby salesman sleazeball, the worst kind of human! ~LOL~"

It probably never occures to nail-pounders that NOTHING moves in this country without the skill of a professional salesperson at the originating end of things. You know those nails you pounded, and the hammer you pounded them with? Well, someone had to sell the iron ore to make the steel that made the nails and hammer. Without that salesman exercising his/her skills, you would have starved to death groveling for minimum wages. *lol*



New Member
Without that salesman exercising his/her skills, you would have starved to death groveling for minimum wages. *lol*

Not: I'd a found a gun salesman to sell me a gun and then went after the salesmens loot. They are always overpaid anyway! ~LOL~


New Member
Without that salesman exercising his/her skills, you would have starved to death groveling for minimum wages. *lol*

Not: I'd a found a gun salesman to sell me a gun and then went after the salesmens loot. They are always overpaid anyway! ~LOL~
OK, fair enough. But what would you do with the loot? I'll tell you what, you'd run into another smooth-talkin' salesman who would talk you out of your socks AND your loot. Then you'd be back groveling for those minimum wages again sans the socks!



Well-Known Member
Med,let me take a guess....you have never been a salesman?
It's not as easy as you seem to suggest.

LOL :joint: