New Member
well I tried sellin Kirbys once and you are right, not for me!Med,let me take a have never been a salesman?
It's not as easy as you seem to suggest.
well I tried sellin Kirbys once and you are right, not for me!Med,let me take a have never been a salesman?
It's not as easy as you seem to suggest.
If you are truely a "champion" of the little guy, and you see such strife in this country, why not lead the way, Med? Hey man ... you have equity in your home right? You have that junk car in your garage, right? Hey, set the example for the rest of us to follow ... Sell everything you've worked for all of your life and spend the money on your lofty ideals. Come-on, big boy ... what's holding you back?These are human beings and they deserve to be treated like a human instead of out casted to the side because you fear it will lower your wages! Greedy bastard! These people have a huge impact on the reason why some goods are able to be obtained at a reasonable cost to the consumer. BTW, dorkwad, I'm retired and don't make any wages. If you check my posts, you'll find that I am a champion for the little guy accross the board. Unless you are brainless you'll know it takes 50K a year to maintain a family of 4 slightly above poverty in this country. If you don't like this scenario, I suggest you move to a country of your choice where you can live on 5.00 a day! I must assume you don't make shit or you Wouldn't be bitching about prices. Hey, Dorkwad, look for a better job and quit whining!
Don't quit your day job cuz, you are far from being a comedian!If you are truely a "champion" of the little guy, and you see such strife in this country, why not lead the way, Med? Hey man ... you have equity in your home right? You have that junk car in your garage, right? Hey, set the example for the rest of us to follow ... Sell everything you've worked for all of your life and spend the money on your lofty ideals. Come-on, big boy ... what's holding you back?
"That one car would feed a homless guy for a week" And you expect civility from me. I thought I explained that I'm supporting 6 people on me and my wifes incomes. The stupid remark about selling my home and giving it to charity is reprehensible! Sadly I guess you've never experienced any responsibility for other people, so to have me sell everything and give it to charity seems like a viable plan to you. Well guess what, I give what I can to charity and don't go around bragging about it like you do, and I'm not about to be very civil to you>Dankdude, your sense of civility is greatly appreciated!
Happy New Year!
Ditto here too Dank.
You need to get back on your meds, your having delusions!"I give what I can to charity..."
You may give what you "can" Med ... but its not near enough. After all ... there are just way too many needful people out there these days ... and that old car you have in your garage is just too much of a luxury item for you not to contribute it to the "needy." Not only that, but think about all the inequality of outcomes in the country today, Med. Why ... there are folks who, for what ever reason, have ended up with far less than you. So ... fork it over, big boy ... put your possessions where your mouth is.
I am with dankdude on this. I already paid taxes on what I have and don't expect to pay more. My tenet is this; If you make more, you pay more. What little I've been able to accumulate on this planet is but a drop in the proverbial bucket of wealth. I live a very conservative life, no wild parties or huge expenditures. We just had to buy a new refridgerator, 1200.00, really cut into my wealth, actually put it on a no interest payment plan from sears. so as you might surmise, I have no great wealth built up. I think a person that makes 300k a year ought to pay an appropriate tax, while a person that makes 50K a year ought to pay less, a progressive system is the only fair system. As far as taxes on accumulated wealth, well you've already paid so no more. Capital gains tax, yes it is just like income only you didn't have to work for it. Tax is the burden placed on a society to allow all the citizens a bountiful life, or it should be! PS, we can't support the world, they must figure out their own plan./ It might help if the US govt. didn't rape and pillage them!Seems to me that Vi's point is well made.
In that you,(med) don't seem to like when the government hypothetically determines to relieve you of some of your them to those more needful.
This whole notion sorta sucks, doesn't it?
Funny is not your middle name. Lay off my car. Call me a dickhead, but lay off my car, It's personal. If you don't want me calling you names like dickhead and asshole, lay off the car. other wise I have no reason to converse with you and you would miss the hell out of that, or maybe not, as then you could post your garbage un-opposed!Yeah, Med ... you see, it all has to do with that unequal outcome thingie. As long as there are folks who's outcome has been less than your's, you will need to sacrifice until the outcomes are exactly equal. For you to want to keep more than those needful people out there just isn't fair. Why ... there are those who try to eke out a living by supporting huge families on a measley minimum wage, while you enjoy your quiet retirement on an income that can only be imagined by those less fortunate than you. So, with that in mind ... give it up, Boy! Sell that wreck in the garage ... cash in the equity in your home. The country needs ya, Med. Bleed until it hurts ... or at least until everyone is enjoying an equal outcome. After all ... aren't equal outcomes for all exactly what you're after with your political views?
Who has the most to give between us? I'll post my net worth and you post yours and every thing above half a million we'll give to charity, Deal!OK ... no more about the car. But ... what about this??
The country needs ya, Med. Bleed until it hurts ... or at least until everyone is enjoying an equal outcome. After all ... aren't equal outcomes for all exactly what you're after with your political views?