Memo to Congress:

I already paid taxes on what I have and don't expect to pay more

I think that the latest part of this debate is an excellent example of the mindset that is part and parcel to the nanny state/liberal worldview. When it becomes government's job to take care of the have nots, we find it easier to stop caring about each other as individuals. I don't know how many of you followed my thread about trying to raise money for a friend's prosthesis; but the upshot was that the liberals thought the money should be coming from government agencies, and the consevervatives just gave money for the applaince with no questions asked.

The irony is that the liberals get all the credit for "caring", while it is the conservatives who are actually doing all the "doing".
The irony is that the liberals get all the credit for "caring", while it is the conservatives who are actually doing all the "doing".
This might be the case in the instance you've described, but doesn't apply accross the board. If you put charity on an ability to pay chart, I'll bet you'll find that liberals pay porportionately more than conservatives. I've known some pretty cheap conservatives. This is pure conjecture on my part so don't expect any charts!
You won't find any charts that will prove your point, Med. Remember the thread I started on John Stossel's experiment?

You won't find any charts that will prove your point, Med. Remember the thread I started on John Stossel's experiment?

Already dispensed with that post. I guess you don't bother to read my responses as you keep repeating confrontations, are you becoming senile? Remember when the I proved that theory wrong, or at least un believable!
No, you didn't "prove" anything at all. The fact remains that conservatives rely on the private sector more than the Nanny State, and liberals rely on the Nanny State more than private charities.

No, you didn't "prove" anything at all. The fact remains that conservatives rely on the private sector more than the Nanny State, and liberals rely on the Nanny State more than private charities.

So what have you got against nannies, Geeze, as Oscar Goodman says, hows a young girl supposed to make a living anyway, (a referral to strippers). Don't try and brainwash me. I've conceded on one of your points, the federal reserve and income tax, but I'm Not joining your club of miscreants that wish for plutocratic feudalism. oh no, I'm just gonna call my nannie and ask for a raise.~LOL~
More like Democrat lite. Now we'll see what the REAL spenders will do.
They could stop the war and fund every social program known to man with that money, also start paying down the debt. Here's my Plan: Cut off funds for the war, only leave enough for transportation from Iraq to here. Seal the southern Border. Send back every undocumented worker and their offsprings, Make the employers liable for that scenario with massive fines and Jailtime for offenders, the illegals will leave on their own if they can't get work, Set responsible fiscal policies with major cutbacks to the dept of defense, Retire all the major wartime Generals and reduce the military to minimum ranks. Stop all wars and occupations of foriegn lands (Bases and such), hell we can sting anyone from anywhere with our nuclear subs. Start rebuilding our infrastructure, not Iraqs. Iraq has mega-bucks with the Oil! We have mega-debt! Start a FDR type make work plan to get the dopers off speed and pot, and make them productive citizens again, hell, no-one wants to work for minimum wage, they could put everyone to work re-building our infrastructure. You want to hear more? This ought to be enough to send you into cardiac arrest, If you need more Ideas, just ask, I've got lots of them!
And the Democrats will do none of what you've listed. They were given the opportunity to vote to end the Iraq war in the last Congress. Only 13 Democrats voted to do so. They won't stop illegal immigration either because they wouldn't be elected to the position of dog catcher without the illegals and the Hispanic vote. They won't start any FDR make work programs either. Free market economics has proven what a waste that was.

And the Democrats will do none of what you've listed. They were given the opportunity to vote to end the Iraq war in the last Congress. Only 13 Democrats voted to do so. They won't stop illegal immigration either because they wouldn't be elected to the position of dog catcher without the illegals and the Hispanic vote. They won't start any FDR make work programs either. Free market economics has proven what a waste that was.

So this is your Na na na na na na? Maybe they won't do all or any, but with them there is hope, with the Republicans you can be sure they'll do none!
Ah, yes ... "hope" and "good feelings" are what your politics are constructed of. Sorry Med ... I forgot.

Now then ... back to the real world.

Ah, yes ... "hope" and "good feelings" are what your politics are constructed of. Sorry Med ... I forgot.

Now then ... back to the real world.

You mean your world, where the rich run everything. That will be coming to a screaching halt shortly, I'm guessing you have maybe 5 more years, then, Kaos! Your people will start wars that will lead to nuclear meltdown, all to keep their wealth, so enjoy your last 5 my old friend, cuz money won't buy your way out of kaos!
Kaos? I used to use that on my pancakes. Oh, wait ... that was Karo ... like in Karo syrup. *lol*
