What the Tea Parties were all about ...


New Member
by Ann Coulter
April 15, 2009

I had no idea how important this week's nationwide anti-tax tea parties were until hearing liberals denounce them with such ferocity. The New York Times' Paul Krugman wrote a column attacking the tea parties, apologizing for making fun of "crazy people." It's OK, Paul, you're allowed to do that for the same reason Jews can make fun of Jews.

On MSNBC, hosts Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow have been tittering over the similarity of the name "tea parties" to an obscure homosexual sexual practice known as "tea bagging." Night after night, they sneer at Republicans for being so stupid as to call their rallies "tea bagging."

Every host on Air America and every unbathed, basement-dwelling loser on the left wing blogosphere has spent the last week making jokes about tea bagging, a practice they show a surprising degree of familiarity with.

Except no one is calling the tea parties "tea bagging" -- except Olbermann and Maddow. Republicans call them "tea parties."

But if the Republicans were calling them "tea-bagging parties," the MSNBC hosts would have a fantastically hilarious segment for viewers in San Francisco and the West Village and not anyplace else in the rest of the country. On the other hand, they're not called "tea-bagging parties." (That, of course refers to the cocktail hour at Barney Frank's condo in Georgetown.)

You know what else would be hilarious? It would be hilarious if Hillary Clinton's name were "Ima Douche." Unfortunately, it's not. It was just a dream. Most people would wake up, realize it was just a dream and scrap the joke. Not MSNBC hosts.

The point of the tea parties is to note the fact that the Democrats' modus operandi is to lead voters to believe they are no more likely to raise taxes than Republicans, get elected and immediately raise taxes.

Apparently, the people who actually pay taxes consider this a bad idea.

Obama's biggest shortcoming is that he believes the things believed by all Democrats, which have had devastating consequences every time they are put into effect. Among these is the Democrats' admiration for raising taxes on the productive.

All Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving "tax cuts" to people who don't pay taxes. Evidently, offering to expand welfare payments isn't a big vote-getter.

Even Bush had a "stimulus" bill that sent government checks to lots of people last year. Guess what happened? It didn't stimulate the economy. Obama's stimulus bill is the mother of all pork bills for friends of O and of Congressional Democrats. ("O" stands for Obama, not Oprah, but there's probably a lot of overlap.)

And all that government spending on the Democrats' constituents will be paid for by raising taxes on the productive.

Raise taxes and the productive will work less, adopt tax shelters, barter instead of sell, turn to an underground economy -- and the government will get less money.

The perfect bar bet with a liberal would be to wager that massive government deficits in the '80s were not caused by Reagan's tax cuts. If you casually mentioned that you thought Reagan's tax cuts brought in more revenue to the government -- which they did -- you could get odds in Hollywood and Manhattan. (This became a less attractive wager in New York this week after Gov. David Paterson announced his new plan to tax bar bets.)

The lie at the heart of liberals' mantra on taxes -- "tax increases only for the rich" -- is the ineluctable fact that unless taxes are raised across the board, the government won't get its money to fund layers and layers of useless government bureaucrats, none of whom can possibly be laid off.

How much would you have to raise taxes before any of Obama's constituents noticed? They don't pay taxes, they engage in "tax-reduction" strategies, they work for the government, or they're too rich to care. (Or they have off-shore tax shelters, like George Soros.)

California tried the Obama soak-the-productive "stimulus" plan years ago and was hailed as the perfect exemplar of Democratic governance.

In June 2002, the liberal American Prospect magazine called California a "laboratory" for Democratic policies, noting that "California is the only one of the nation's 10 largest states that is uniformly under Democratic control."

They said this, mind you, as if it were a good thing. In California, the article proclaimed, "the next new deal is in tryouts." As they say in show biz: "Thanks, we'll call you. Next!"

In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state -- or as it's now known, a "job-free zone" -- with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona.

Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits -- and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof.

Having run out of things to tax, now the California legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously. The only way out now for California is a tax on Botox and steroids. Sure, the governor will protest, but it is the best solution ...

California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level.

That's what the tea parties are about.


Well-Known Member
In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state -- or as it's now known, a "job-free zone" -- with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona.

Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits -- and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof.

Having run out of things to tax, now the California legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously. The only way out now for California is a tax on Botox and steroids. Sure, the governor will protest, but it is the best solution ...

California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level.

Well,yes they messed up Cali but that doesn't mean the experiment failed it simply means that the "test rabbit" needs to be able to print its own money instead of being limited to mere taxation. If California could have inflated its currency supply it would have been fine. We can't just give up on all these programs to help the people, my God we are not barbarians!!

Seriously, though if these neo-cons like Hanity and Coulter want any respect from me they need to address our foreign policy expenditures along with all the other stuff. You can't pick and choose. Just because Obamas policys are worse does not mean we forget about Bush. These people are Apologists for wars and police actions we should never have gotten into. We just can't afford to police the world we couldn't in the 1990's we can't now. These people think we have some moral obligation to stop all the evils in the world. While we are giving 2 bit dictators chemical weapons (like Saddom) conventional weapons and money to keep them in power.

No matter how much Liberals, Neo-libs and neo-cons want the government to solve all the problems with "society" Government is not God. It can not ever be God, so stop acting like if you pray to it hard enouph or with whole masses of people that it will answer your prayers. That is why we have a constitution to prevent the Government from assuming it has God powers.


Well-Known Member
Did you catch what Janeane Garofalo said about the tea parties? Major hatemonger, it's really offensive and ignorant what she said.

Check it out, Lou Dobbs talked about her on his radio show.


Well-Known Member
damn dizzy ..all these observations is going to get you labeled a enemy of the state..are you a veteran too?


Well-Known Member
damn dizzy ..all these observations is going to get you labeled a enemy of the state..are you a veteran too?
Not a vet, though I hope to be someday. Kind of been hesitant to join the military after all this crap has been happening. I want to fight for my country and my people, but the enemy is our own damn government. It's madness!

I'm sure I will be labeled a terrorist when they start pointing fingers at Americans (they've pretty much already started with right-wing extremism). I don't care. I know where I stand, I know this country is being hijacked in a sense. They can label me, imprison me, torture me even... it's not going to change anything. I love this country and I will die fighting for what it was founded upon, if we must fight for it.


Well-Known Member
This is what the Tea partys were about, LOL. This is a republican congressmen at a tea party. CNN said he has the forth most conservative congressmen. But he voted yes on the tarp bailout. then this happened :

I almost feel sorry for the guy. I don't know how I would take that. I would have probably ran away crying LOL. But did you see him try to blame the democrats for big spending HAHA. Their is someone out there with a "HOPE OBAMA FAILS" sign. Well, I hope he grows a spine and stops talking to builderburgers, Banksters, and socialist groups that think the government should pay your rent.


Well-Known Member
Teaparty=teabagger recipients. I guess all you teabaggers had a ball, eh, ~LOL~, pun intended.
funny how you simply repeat the liberal media drum beat and dismiss alot of american people with comedy satire.
when did the fed hire you as a spokesperson? was that before or after taking the msnbc puppet job?
I hope they pay well for your treason and your not just giving it away....
hope they didn't pay you in jokes, because the only one you have is old. how many times are you going to say teabagging and laugh? you just showed your age med. anyone under 65 yrs old knows what teabagging is. it was funny in the late 90s.(like donkypunch and dirty sanchez)

what a good feeling it is to stand up against the people and inline yourself with the government huh?

...thanks med.:sad:


Well-Known Member
Yeah seems all the left has is bad puns and rascism LOL. All emotion no logic. Sad really. I mean forget econ 101, I would settle for basic math. They aren't gonna raise taxes?? But they are gonna quadruple last years debt this year, and cut this years debt in half by 2012. Wow cut it in half to only twice what bushes last budget was over. Nice.

I am not defending Bush here. I am saying "the government does not have any money!!"

What is so hard to understand here. What do you do when you have no money Med?? Do you run up your credit cards?? What happens to most people who do that med?? They very often go into backruptcy don't they Med?? Now what makes the Government any diffrent then a buisness or a person?? Use you reason not your emotions I know its hard to do, but I have faith in you Med. Your an old timer I know you got some common sence, use it. We are talking TRILLIONS of dollars, not tens or even hundreds of billions of Dollars, TRILLIONS. Every year for the forseeable future we are going to be putting on our credit card.

Obama doesn't care because when hes done he will move to Coasta Rica, or equidor like Bush is doing. We will be sadled with this mess.


Well-Known Member
funny how you simply repeat the liberal media drum beat and dismiss alot of american people with comedy satire.
when did the fed hire you as a spokesperson? was that before or after taking the msnbc puppet job?
I hope they pay well for your treason and your not just giving it away....
hope they didn't pay you in jokes, because the only one you have is old. how many times are you going to say teabagging and laugh? you just showed your age med. anyone under 65 yrs old knows what teabagging is. it was funny in the late 90s.(like donkypunch and dirty sanchez)

what a good feeling it is to stand up against the people and inline yourself with the government huh?

...thanks med.:sad:
They pay him Social Secruity.


Well-Known Member
Yeah seems all the left has is bad puns and rascism LOL. All emotion no logic. Sad really.
Thats rich.... the GOP would have to buy a clue to get whats happening around them... they're the party of the past, no new ideas to offer, no new policies.. just sulking over their beating at the polls...... and the world be a changing to the new US...


Well-Known Member
Thats rich.... the GOP would have to buy a clue to get whats happening around them... they're the party of the past, no new ideas to offer, no new policies.. just sulking over their beating at the polls...... and the world be a changing to the new US...
The Teapartys are Anti Fascisim, Anti Big Bother, and to go back to our pricinpals. Noone wants the NEW US that Obama wants.


Well-Known Member
I hope they pay well for your treason and your not just giving it away....
Treason lol. No more jokes med, your committing Treason! Thats what was so funny about the "teabaggers" they didn't get that liberals were making fun of them. Thats whats happens when the majority of the conservative movement is white haired and out of touch.


Well-Known Member
"party of the past, no new ideas to offer, no new policies"

That is why we are called Conservatives. We don't want all your new Ideas. They are dumb. They arn't new either they have been tried, they don't work. What is the "New Idea" Obama has graced us with??

That wealth springs eternal form the fountain of endless money i.e. the FED.
That failed Government Programs fail because they arn't big enouph.
That Government can manage your medical buisness better then you and your doc?

What am I forgeting?? Oh yes.

The war, Progressives hate the war they hate it so much they want to spread it to other countrys. They want to leave troops in Iraq for ever, 50k of them will stay in Iraq after the withdrawel. Escalation in Afganistan and Pakistan. Millitary drills on the Russian Border.

Of course I can't speak for all republicans. But I will say that you are not wholly wrong. The republicans are trying to reform get back to their roots. But this will be co-opted by the Bible thumper/warmonger crowd. Until the Republicans address the wars and their own spending they have no moral high ground.


Well-Known Member
All Conservatives need to do some hard core soul searching. On the role of religion in politics, the ideals of freedom, The ideas that we must police the world or indeed even be in things like NATO. Before we can demand that Progressives stop their spending we must control ours. Bush has almost totally destroyed the GOP. It needs to get back to its roots, The Neo-Cons will make this harder.


New Member
Thats rich.... the GOP would have to buy a clue to get whats happening around them... they're the party of the past, no new ideas to offer, no new policies.. just sulking over their beating at the polls...... and the world be a changing to the new US...
Are you saying that the Obama administration is full of "new ideas?"

Look, Twisty ... these guys have been here before under different names, different banners and different slogans.

Their agendas may have the appearance of working for awhile ... but all of their programs depend upon wealth that can be extracted from the productive ... including printing press money that must eventually be paid for out of the production of the private sector and through the hidden tax of inflation.

Socialism, of what ever stripe ... communism, fascism or Great Societies, eventually run out of other people's money and attempt to extract wealth beyond the citizen's ability or willingness to pay. When that happens, the smiley-faced, velvet glove of socialism is removed to reveal the iron fist of totalitarianism. Read the history of other countries that have tried the same.

The Obama people are proposing nothing new. Its all about power over the individual and the ultimate sacrifice is liberty and freedom.

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I'd say a LOT of people want what Obama wants ... after all, there are parasites all over the place.



New Member
I'd say a LOT of people want what Obama wants ... after all, there are parasites all over the place.

There are also a lot of upright American citizens like myself that want Obama. You try and make it look like Myself and all liberals are parasitic. That's just not the case. Your arguement is flawed. Most of the "parasitic" people you so despise, don't even vote. I suppose that every welfare mother is a parasite, EH? Every ghetto dweller is a parasite, EH? The thing is, these are throw away people created by the likes of you, the ones you so despise, you have created by your unfettered capitalism and your quasi-social separation. When you (If ever) find out that just like you, these people have wants and needs, but lack the social tools to achieve them, then maybe, just maybe, you can see the big picture. Untill that time, I certainly will have no respect for you as a human being.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the Obama administration is full of "new ideas?"

Look, Twisty ... these guys have been here before under different names, different banners and different slogans.

Their agendas may have the appearance of working for awhile ... but all of their programs depend upon wealth that can be extracted from the productive ... including printing press money that must eventually be paid for out of the production of the private sector and through the hidden tax of inflation.

Socialism, of what ever stripe ... communism, fascism or Great Societies, eventually run out of other people's money and attempt to extract wealth beyond the citizen's ability or willingness to pay. When that happens, the smiley-faced, velvet glove of socialism is removed to reveal the iron fist of totalitarianism. Read the history of other countries that have tried the same.

The Obama people are proposing nothing new. Its all about power over the individual and the ultimate sacrifice is liberty and freedom.

I'm not saying that he's got all the answers.. but at least he's doing something... whats the GOP doing... besides trying to disrupt everything he does in the hope that he fails, as your drug addict friend Rush wants... Rush you remember him..that paragon of virtue...

Did you see the standing ovation that Obama got from the CIA... I never saw Bush get that.. I guess the spies aren't scared of being outed like Plame now that someone with common sense is in office...
All over the world people are happy with Obama..except for the poor babies on the right... All I can say is that the GOP screwed the GOP... not the Dems... they did it to themselves and now the payment is due..
Vi how you keep spouting fascism ... But Bush was closer to Hitler then anyone else has or will be... if the rt had their way it'd be gays and people who had abortions that would be "showered"..... oh yeah... lets not forget the Dems.... make room..move to the back of the bus..