What the Tea Parties were all about ...


Well-Known Member
Sorry Med about the Line by Line thing. I still see many of the problems you do.

*No its about freedom. Not money. I could give a shit less about money really except as it pertains to feeding and clothing my kids. However Social freedom and economic freedom go hand in hand its very important to have both.
*No I say let Chaves do it why not God Knows these oil companys need some real competition.
*I will admit I know little about the VA I'll consead this one .... For now, LOL
* I would just match the tarrifs if they lowerd there tarrifs we should lower ours. That keeps prices down. But how can we have free trade when these countries tax us and we are their meal ticket.
*Well Glass stegal?? I think was a good regulation Can't remember what it was but their are some good ones and some real stinkers.

To me it comes down to competition. I was told in school that Competition was the heart of our economy. We have presious little competition in our economy. This is much of the problem. Companies lobby to regulate others out of buisness, or to stop competing companies from forming. See the Organic food bill they got now that will benift Huge factory farms but the little farmer is going to get regulated out of buisness. This is the norm and has been going on since at least the '30s with the rail roads. Competition is what we need not all powerful state monopolies and state protected companies. That is the wrong way to go. Once you have protected companys that is when our system breaks down and you get companies that behave the way you discribe.

Another thing is I just don't trust the government, period. considering all the evil shit they have done in the past why would you want to give them more power, it is beyond me. Like the Gulf of Tonkin it was fake and 58k men died and God only knows how many gooks died. How can you trust them?


New Member
Sorry Med about the Line by Line thing. I still see many of the problems you do.

*No its about freedom. Not money. I could give a shit less about money really except as it pertains to feeding and clothing my kids. However Social freedom and economic freedom go hand in hand its very important to have both.
*No I say let Chaves do it why not God Knows these oil companys need some real competition.
*I will admit I know little about the VA I'll consead this one .... For now, LOL
* I would just match the tarrifs if they lowerd there tarrifs we should lower ours. That keeps prices down. But how can we have free trade when these countries tax us and we are their meal ticket.
*Well Glass stegal?? I think was a good regulation Can't remember what it was but their are some good ones and some real stinkers.

To me it comes down to competition. I was told in school that Competition was the heart of our economy. We have presious little competition in our economy. This is much of the problem. Companies lobby to regulate others out of buisness, or to stop competing companies from forming. See the Organic food bill they got now that will benift Huge factory farms but the little farmer is going to get regulated out of buisness. This is the norm and has been going on since at least the '30s with the rail roads. Competition is what we need not all powerful state monopolies and state protected companies. That is the wrong way to go.

Another thing is I just don't trust the government, period. considering all the evil shit they have done in the past why would you want to give them more power, it is beyond me. Like the Gulf of Tonkin it was fake and 58k men died and God only knows how many gooks died. How can you trust them?
I don't trust the government one Iota, they are the resident evil. The thing is, corporate greed has done more to ruin the planet and the people than any government since Hitler or Stalin. Yeah, we have the illusion of being free, for craps sake, that was all bush talked about, "they hate us for our freedom", while commiting the most agregious acts against our freedom since the bill of rights was established. We are not free in the broader sense. Our incomes are limited by our social standing, IE education, Parents wealth, etc. Yeah we are free to walk down to the local liquor store and buy that "40", but first we must produce the money. When Bush talked about freedom, he was talking about the wealthy, of which he is a lifelong member. Money, in this and most societies, is freedom. Lack of money is the opposite, or slavery.
My contention has been for a number of years now, that it is this "football" mentality that has fucked the heads of this country. Competition is the be-all do-all of this society. we have lost the ability to think in cooperative ways, like if I help him/her, I'll actually be helping myself. We are trained from grade school to WIN, winning at all costs. Most winning must include losers, so what we end up with is a society that has a few winners and a shitpot full of losers. Think this over and see if it relates to your life.
I was never a competetive child, I saw right through the bullshit. I didn't understand it untill later in life, but I knew it wasn't right. I was one that would share my toys. I'll bet 99% ot these righties were selfish little bastards as kids. I knew a lot of them, assholes almost from birth. How could they help but not be with the guidelines layed out.
I also realize that human nature is not ready for true cooperativeness, with the guidelines most countries have, it will be centuries before we asscend the ladder of human dignity enough to be really concerned with our neighbors. Remember the word, "love thy neighbors as you love yourselves", we're still working on the Ourselves part.


Well-Known Member
I don't trust the government one Iota, they are the resident evil. The thing is, corporate greed has done more to ruin the planet and the people than any government since Hitler or Stalin. Yeah, we have the illusion of being free, for craps sake, that was all bush talked about, "they hate us for our freedom", while commiting the most agregious acts against our freedom since the bill of rights was established. We are not free in the broader sense. Our incomes are limited by our social standing, IE education, Parents wealth, etc. Yeah we are free to walk down to the local liquor store and buy that "40", but first we must produce the money. When Bush talked about freedom, he was talking about the wealthy, of which he is a lifelong member. Money, in this and most societies, is freedom. Lack of money is the opposite, or slavery.
My contention has been for a number of years now, that it is this "football" mentality that has fucked the heads of this country. Competition is the be-all do-all of this society. we have lost the ability to think in cooperative ways, like if I help him/her, I'll actually be helping myself. We are trained from grade school to WIN, winning at all costs. Most winning must include losers, so what we end up with is a society that has a few winners and a shitpot full of losers. Think this over and see if it relates to your life.
I was never a competetive child, I saw right through the bullshit. I didn't understand it untill later in life, but I knew it wasn't right. I was one that would share my toys. I'll bet 99% ot these righties were selfish little bastards as kids. I knew a lot of them, assholes almost from birth. How could they help but not be with the guidelines layed out.
I also realize that human nature is not ready for true cooperativeness, with the guidelines most countries have, it will be centuries before we asscend the ladder of human dignity enough to be really concerned with our neighbors. Remember the word, "love thy neighbors as you love yourselves", we're still working on the Ourselves part.
Actually Mao was more destructive than both, of course admitting that would probably force you to drop your Eurocentric Hatred.


Well-Known Member
I'm not conserned with who has money. Indeed, I have "almost" everything I want I have a house that needs a little work, I have a car, and I have my Family. I'm not real competitive, I am a nerd.

Competition, is what built this country into the powerhouse it is. Even the Poorest person in the US is far better off then the poor in many other countrys, because of the competition. When you loss you either pick yourself up and move on or you don't. If you don't, does that give you the "right" to steal. I'm not just talking about people here I mean companies to. I know there are people in the real world who would rather suffer then take government money. Even when they know the money is there.

While I am right there with you on the Asshole people "Jocks" I am talking about real life here. While I may be in bad shape is that my fault or the jocks? I don't blame the Jocks for my health conditions. Niether should I blame Ford for putting GM out of buisness (not that, that is what happened)

I am saying if we had real competition in the market we wouldn't have greed (so much). Companies that gouge will go out of buisness. Without huge expencive government beaurocracy. Competition is what we are lacking not regulation. (I mean regulations that prevent competition here, not regulations that prevent Fraud and whatnot.) I see oil companies working together to gouge gas prices. (This is my educated guess so don't get all uppety Repubs, but 5 dollars a gallon, really, come on??)

On social issues Med, me and you are on about the same wavelength. Economicly we see the same problems but disagree with eachother on what to do about them. I just don't trust the government to run anything really. You would rather have the government run some things so companies don't gouge, am I right? I would rather see Competition so that companies don't gouge. Competition is far cheaper and easyer to manage then government, IMO.

Don't hate me because I think the Government steals. I just want freedom the maximum amount not "just the right amount." That is what it is for me. I don't want free speach zones, or gun control, I don't want wire taps, I don't want a police state, and I don't want jackboots taking my or your shit. I don't want people telling me I gotta put on a helmet to ride a bike Or I can't ride in the back of a pick-up truck. Who the hell do these people think they are? (Don't they know there is an organ doner problem in this country?)

Its freedom baby Yeah! BTW bush wouldn't know freedom if it jumped in his lap and called him momma. (IMHO)


New Member
Actually Mao was more destructive than both, of course admitting that would probably force you to drop your Eurocentric Hatred.
The problem with the Left is, they can't seem to get beyond their last icon of conservative hatred ... in Med's case, that would be Bush.

We've had presidents in the past who have curtailed liberty in such ways as to make Bush look like a Bush-leaguer.

President Wilson locked up thousands of Americans for protesting WWI.

Lincoln locked up thousands for protesting the Civil War.

FDR locked up hundreds of thousands for being the "wrong" race. His media buddies blackballed classical liberal authors from being published.

And yet ... here we have present-day progressives saying that the last Republican president did more to enslave the American people than Stalin or Hitler.

Is it the fault of the public (government) schools? Do they no longer teach unrevised history?



Well-Known Member
The problem with the Left is, they can't seem to get beyond their last icon of conservative hatred ... in Med's case, that would be Bush.

We've had presidents in the past who have curtailed liberty in such ways as to make Bush look like a Bush-leaguer.

President Wilson locked up thousands of Americans for protesting WWI.

Lincoln locked up thousands for protesting the Civil War.

FDR locked up hundreds of thousands for being the "wrong" race. His media buddies blackballed classical liberal authors from being published.

And yet ... here we have present-day progressives saying that the last Republican president did more to enslave the American people than Stalin or Hitler.

Is it the fault of the public (government) schools? Do they no longer teach unrevised history?

My Hate is for Regan Starting The Drug War:twisted:, You are on a Grow site Rite?


Well-Known Member


New Member
Yea, But Regan's Policies towards The War Did Great Damage,,,Ah I'm a Grower,Not a Fighter:peace: 2 all and I should not be Here Fuck The Dems & Rep,,,,,I AM American and don't know what the Hell to do any more,,,I was a DEM,,,,Maybe I need to Start a Party:hump::peace::hug::joint:
We in the Libertarian Party are eagerly awaiting your membership application. :)



Well-Known Member
Libritarians and Constitution party should team up with the campain for liberty and invade the Republican Party. Put the boot to them at the local level take it over. I know that the Constitution party is a little right leaning for Libritarians but get over it, we could take over the Repubs then we would have a fighting chance to get into the debates.

The fight is on for the soul of the Republican party right now. Neo-Con Vs. Small L Republicans/libritarians. You will know if the Repubs start wanting to bring home the troops from around the world, that the "Good" Republicans have won that fight. Not likely with murdoch funding the Tea parties. But worth the fighting.

We need to get back to our roots thats the Goldwater Branch. (Goldwaters Got nothin' on Paul though) The Neo-Cons are down lets get them!! Don't let Beck and them control the fight we can win this.

Hell I'm half tempted to run here, I got a half-ass Republican congressmen who raised all of 300k and ran unopposed last time. He runs unopposed agien. I might just get myself on the ballot, as a democrat LOL, Whats the worst that could happen. I am a social liberal I could blend in long enough. :)


New Member
What Obamacentric Hate, it's not centered around Obama, it's centered around imbecilic oligarchicial craving would be tyrants like you whose only knowledge apparently involves the homosexual practice known as tea bagging.
I guess you are the expert on teabagging then. I also guess you want to become a member of the oligarchic plutochracy, the elite ruling class. Well, unless you were born to it, forget it. You're just another wannabee. Stick to teabagging, on the recieving end of course.


Well-Known Member
I would probably just get censured, LOL. But Congress can get away with all kinds of shit I would smoke a blunt on the steps of the capital building before every session. Cops can't detain a congressman who is on his way to a session. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Libritarians and Constitution party should team up with the campain for liberty and invade the Republican Party. Put the boot to them at the local level take it over. I know that the Constitution party is a little right leaning for Libritarians but get over it, we could take over the Repubs then we would have a fighting chance to get into the debates.

The fight is on for the soul of the Republican party right now. Neo-Con Vs. Small L Republicans/libritarians. You will know if the Repubs start wanting to bring home the troops from around the world, that the "Good" Republicans have won that fight. Not likely with murdoch funding the Tea parties. But worth the fighting.

We need to get back to our roots thats the Goldwater Branch. (Goldwaters Got nothin' on Paul though) The Neo-Cons are down lets get them!! Don't let Beck and them control the fight we can win this.

Hell I'm half tempted to run here, I got a half-ass Republican congressmen who raised all of 300k and ran unopposed last time. He runs unopposed agien. I might just get myself on the ballot, as a democrat LOL, Whats the worst that could happen. I am a social liberal I could blend in long enough. :)
The problem I have with the Libertarians is that they are slightly too far to the right (liberty) in that they don't want to secure our borders (thinking that we shouldn't have them)

The problem that I have with the Constitution Party is that they want to nationalize assets that foreign companies bought. Nationalization = Theft. Now, on the other hand if the Constitution party expressing a willingness to pay the foreign corporations for those assets then I don't see a problem and think it's a good thing. We should not be selling national infrastructure to foreign companies, regardless of if those companies are companies HQed in countries that are our allies or countries that are our enemies.


New Member
Libritarians and Constitution party should team up with the campain for liberty and invade the Republican Party. Put the boot to them at the local level take it over. I know that the Constitution party is a little right leaning for Libritarians but get over it, we could take over the Repubs then we would have a fighting chance to get into the debates.

The fight is on for the soul of the Republican party right now. Neo-Con Vs. Small L Republicans/libritarians. You will know if the Repubs start wanting to bring home the troops from around the world, that the "Good" Republicans have won that fight. Not likely with murdoch funding the Tea parties. But worth the fighting.

We need to get back to our roots thats the Goldwater Branch. (Goldwaters Got nothin' on Paul though) The Neo-Cons are down lets get them!! Don't let Beck and them control the fight we can win this.

Hell I'm half tempted to run here, I got a half-ass Republican congressmen who raised all of 300k and ran unopposed last time. He runs unopposed agien. I might just get myself on the ballot, as a democrat LOL, Whats the worst that could happen. I am a social liberal I could blend in long enough. :)
You Probably would come around after a few months, after you saw the light, and we'd have another convert from the darkside,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. But It is good to know we have some commen arguements I just believe in freedom more then some. You can't have social freedom without economic freedom.

But I think if the constitution party were to sit down with the Libritarians come up with some reasonable compramices on abortion the border and nationalization they could work it out. What libritarians seem to lack IMO is patriotism they believe in a system more then in America. Not that that is bad so much. They think about a world that is libritarian. Instead of how a libritarian nation would co-exsist with a mess of statist nations. They want totally free trade and open borders I don't see how that is workable other nations will not have free trade with us so our jobs will leave the nation. While I simpathize with the starving masses outside our country it is usually the fault of statist corpratist/socialist governments at home that drive them here. Mexico is a perfect example Mexico is rich they got oil, rich farm land, all sorts of natural resources. There is more then enouph for Mexicans to thrive. Only thing they are missing is a free market they are over regulated. So much so that poor farmers can't afford to take their crops to market because of the rediculous tolls on the privately owned roads.

Most of the arguement against Libritarianism is that it promotes greed. I don't see that, really it promotes free enterprise the way I was told it was supposed to be, with competition. Without competiton you might as well nationalize everything. Indeed it can be argued that we have de-facto nationalized them by granting them monopoly or semi-monopoly powers. The freedom to charge what the "market will bare", and thus supposedly increase tax revinue as well.

We have economic fascism here and have for a good many years, I see the greed your talking about Med, I do.
Its just Socialism does not work well anywhere. Why would we think it would work well here? I say let freedom work!


New Member
I doubt it. But It is good to know we have some commen arguements I just believe in freedom more then some. You can't have social freedom without economic freedom.

But I think if the constitution party were to sit down with the Libritarians come up with some reasonable compramices on abortion the border and nationalization they could work it out. What libritarians seem to lack IMO is patriotism they believe in a system more then in America. Not that that is bad so much. They think about a world that is libritarian. Instead of how a libritarian nation would co-exsist with a mess of statist nations. They want totally free trade and open borders I don't see how that is workable other nations will not have free trade with us so our jobs will leave the nation. While I simpathize with the starving masses outside our country it is usually the fault of statist corpratist/socialist governments at home that drive them here. Mexico is a perfect example Mexico is rich they got oil, rich farm land, all sorts of natural resources. There is more then enouph for Mexicans to thrive. Only thing they are missing is a free market they are over regulated. So much so that poor farmers can't afford to take their crops to market because of the rediculous tolls on the privately owned roads.

Most of the arguement against Libritarianism is that it promotes greed. I don't see that, really it promotes free enterprise the way I was told it was supposed to be, with competition. Without competiton you might as well nationalize everything. Indeed it can be argued that we have de-facto nationalized them by granting them monopoly or semi-monopoly powers. The freedom to charge what the "market will bare", and thus supposedly increase tax revinue as well.

We have economic fascism here and have for a good many years, I see the greed your talking about Med, I do.
Its just Socialism does not work well anywhere. Why would we think it would work well here? I say let freedom work!
It's a socialistic capitalism system that I seek. One where both ideals can co-exist. We must be socially conscience, with the will to make this country work for all citizens. A country that cares more about the will and condition of it's citizens than it does about, say, the military.
We have the largest military on the planet and found out that a few obsessed guys can take out 3,000 people plus and destroy our financial center with a couple of domestic planes.
It is our horrendous foriegn policies that make the world hate us. Those corporations that go to 3rd world countries and rape and pillage that need our military to back them up. Who pays for that, us, the lowly taxpayers.
Think about what that money spent on the military could do for the country, free medical for every citizen, free college for every child. Rebuild the infrastructure and the school system. I want a government that cares more about it's people than it's corporations.