first timer--anyone have feedback?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have to admit I mainly just want to hear from Gypsy, Wink, Weedman420. Or, if you REALLY FUCKING KNOW what you're talking about. No guesswork or trying to inflate your ego.

Guys, take a look at these pics please. They should give you a pretty good idea of the space I have to work with.

Gypsy, I can either: vent it out the bathroom. OR, put an AC in the room (which I want anyway cause it will get up to 90 degrees easily in there this summer). I know you said no AC, but I mean a NICE one. Like 12,500 BTU. Why wouldn't this be a good idea? Pests?

Ok guys, well give me some feedback! I want to get this 1K light up and pumping!



Well-Known Member
Ok here is the last update for now.

Pic 1: Well I didn't get roots in 4 days, but not bad for 12, eh?

Pic 2: Here is the front view of my grow room. Notice I setup the 2-250 watt HPS ballasts and some CFL's for now.

Pic 3: Helicopter view of the room. I stole the term from DaGambler, along with this method of describing pics. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? :leaf:

Pic 4: This is my favorite barb phenotype to date. It is the shortest of them all by about 9", but it has SHORT internodes and just looks great :-P

Pic 5: The budding ladies are now in their 3rd week of flower and spitting out white hairs. The stretch is done, with 5 of the barb's at about 40", with the 6th shorter as I mentioned.

Pic 6: Budsites off another nice phenotype. Very compact and nice. These are growing so differently than my first batch that started off in Miracle Grow Soil, that got MG nutes (at 2X the directed amount), etc. Alas, you learn alot :lol:

Pic 7: Bud porn. Keep your pants on lol

Pic 8: These nugs I did flush three times. Each time, I used 1 gallon of water with 1.5 tablespoons of Clearex. I then ran 6 gallons of water through each, with NOTHING but Sucrate (organic, dehyrated cane juice). Apparently this will help the flavour in dirt...Didn't hurt anything it seems...

Pic 9: #3 and 4 are more potent than 1 and 3, I can tell already. Very crystallized and shit!

EDIT: The BARB Females (6) are in their 3rd week of flowering, not the fourth, as I previously listed.



Well-Known Member
Ok if you are going to need ac... then go for it...

I have a tendency to forget not everyone lives in the Arctic...;-)

As for the fan, I kept mentioning it because you kept asking if a 6" fan was enough, when I kept telling you that you should only need a 4" fan... which happens to be cheaper...:bigjoint:

As for me leaving, I left... I just really didn't wanna leave anyone that I started helping, hanging...

After we get you squared away a little better, chances are i won't be back...

No big reason, just that I am walking now.. and life is calling...

There is work to be done, girls to be danced, wine to be drank and Summer to enjoy...

I came here and people helped me... those people are gone now, but there is a new generation emerging...

Help as many as you can before you leave...

Overgrow the corporations...

Save the rainforest...



Well-Known Member
Room looks good.
I have to really stress the importance of having a good exaust fan. I never really thought that i needed to invest 250 bucks into a single fan, But i dealt with heat issues for a long time. Then one day i finally bit the bullet and bought a good 6" elicent 378cfm centrifugal fan. Heat issues solved. I run my cooltube open in my growroom and my odorsok on the other end of my fan. So it exausts into my furnace room, smell free (in theory).
I've considered having my cooltube run off of outside air and straight through the room, but to me the hassle of it doesn't really seem like it would be worth it. You need pretty good air movement to keep a 1000w cool and my shitty inline boosters (which i imagine are similar to your own) wouldnt be able to do it on thier own.

I can exaust my veg room with these guys, but even that is pushing it.

Old picture, but you see my point.

I don't have any active intakes, but i don't find i need them, that way i also keep a decent amount of negative pressure in the room, preventing air leaks.

Long story short, a good exaust fan completely dissolved my heat problems. I'd imagine it would help yours.
I haven't used a/c in my grow so i can't really speak to its pros and cons, but I would think it couldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
This is my 500th post on RIU. I want to thank everyone for all their help and good conversations. This is a great website and I hope we can all do our part to make the communities we live in just a little less scared, a little more resiliant to xenophobia, and a great deal more faithful to the natural rights of their fellow man and woman, to pursure a destiny of their choosing. :leaf:

:bigjoint:Ok if you are going to need ac... then go for it...

I have a tendency to forget not everyone lives in the Arctic...;-)
Ok good, I am glad this is an acceptable opinion. My blood pressure has dropped a few points reading this :peace:

As for the fan, I kept mentioning it because you kept asking if a 6" fan was enough, when I kept telling you that you should only need a 4" fan... which happens to be cheaper...:bigjoint: :fire:
Well I have a 6" cool tube...should I get a reducer of some sort, or DIY one? I assume they make them...I am not opposed to spending the money for the 6" either though, if it will guarentee a stable environment. If it's not neccesary, then so be it, but I would rather be in it 100 extra bucks or so and have it run like clock work, you know? Knowing that, 4" is what I will need, especially given the AC?

As for me leaving, I left... I just really didn't wanna leave anyone that I started helping, hanging...

After we get you squared away a little better, chances are i won't be back...

No big reason, just that I am walking now.. and life is calling...

There is work to be done, girls to be danced, wine to be drank and Summer to enjoy...

I came here and people helped me... those people are gone now, but there is a new generation emerging...

Help as many as you can before you leave...

Overgrow the corporations...

Save the rainforest...

I understand. We are a lucky animal indeed, to be given the gift of a conscious mind. I am glad you are mobile now, to do all that your mind can make possible. Thanks for your help, and if it causes any trouble to stay, then wander off, friend. I wouldn't want to delay your journey; it's been quite long and decidely difficult in the making, yes? :clap:

If it's not too much trouble though, it's always good to have a Gypsy around. To ward off the voodoo, if nothing else. :twisted:

Should I leave then at some point? Veiled advice, or do I dig without cause?

Room looks good.
Thanks :bigjoint:

I have to really stress the importance of having a good exaust fan. I never really thought that i needed to invest 250 bucks into a single fan, But i dealt with heat issues for a long time. Then one day i finally bit the bullet and bought a good 6" elicent 378cfm centrifugal fan. Heat issues solved. I run my cooltube open in my growroom and my odorsok on the other end of my fan. So it exausts into my furnace room, smell free (in theory).
I've considered having my cooltube run off of outside air and straight through the room, but to me the hassle of it doesn't really seem like it would be worth it. You need pretty good air movement to keep a 1000w cool and my shitty inline boosters (which i imagine are similar to your own) wouldnt be able to do it on thier own.
Yeah, I have FINALLY had this pounded into my thick head. For some reason, on this project, I had tunnel vision. Ballast, reflector, bulb. Poor planning = poor results, so I have learned my lesson there, even though I shouldn't have been so stupid in the first place.

I don't have any active intakes, but i don't find i need them, that way i also keep a decent amount of negative pressure in the room, preventing air leaks.

Long story short, a good exaust fan completely dissolved my heat problems. I'd imagine it would help yours.
I haven't used a/c in my grow so i can't really speak to its pros and cons, but I would think it couldn't hurt.
This is my plan for sure. I need to pursure a carbon filter also. Smell is a major issue, I am in an APT, as previously mentioned. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Very nice setup you have there, bro! I love closest grows because that's how I used to do it too and you are getting better results in there than I ever did! +Rep! I'll be watching...


Well-Known Member
lol... ok im stoned but i dont even see where you put your light ... except the first pic with the light coming out of some area to the left ....
what are you doing with that whole room ? dont tell me thats ur bed room:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Should I leave then at some point? Veiled advice, or do I dig without cause?
Naw dude...

I am just tired of sitting in front of the computer, now that I don't have to...

It feels good to go for a walk... well, it still hurts like hell, but at least I can do it... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Very nice setup you have there, bro! I love closest grows because that's how I used to do it too and you are getting better results in there than I ever did! +Rep! I'll be watching...
Thanks for the kind words man! I know I have a green thumb, but I have my everything else ! :-)

lol... ok im stoned but i dont even see where you put your light ... except the first pic with the light coming out of some area to the left ....
what are you doing with that whole room ? dont tell me thats ur bed room:mrgreen:
Lol no, not quite. I want to keep the light in the closet, really. I think with good vans and a good AC, you guys are gonna be drooling over copious amounts of bud porn in the coming months!! There is no bed lol, just a big mess. My pics are not that good, but boy you grow some good shit man huh, lol. Stoned ass mutter fucker, lol. ;-)

Just wanted to give my supprot to this lovely grow here,lol, NICE WORK!
Thanks man! Welcome and I am watchin your thread too!

Naw dude...

I am just tired of sitting in front of the computer, now that I don't have to...

It feels good to go for a walk... well, it still hurts like hell, but at least I can do it... :eyesmoke:
Good to hear! Boy, am I paranoid.


Well-Known Member
i think you may be better off if you can hang the light in the room.... pic of the closet ?
I posted a few pics of the closet recently. Where all the lights are and such.

I agree, in a perfect world I would put it in the room. But I just don't want to do that. Unless I have to.

Here is my plan:

1. Purchase new 10,200 BTU AC for $250
2. Purchase new 6" inline fan for cool tube
3. Cut whole in closet ceiling to vent into attic (tips here please!!)

I have already put 6 eyehook holes in the closet ceiling; the drywall in going to have to be replaced anyway...why not just do it...

With this, I will have cool air (79F or under) to draw in the cool tube and room and be able to draw all the hot air into the attic.

Thoughts people?


Well-Known Member
I posted a few pics of the closet recently. Where all the lights are and such.

I agree, in a perfect world I would put it in the room. But I just don't want to do that. Unless I have to.

Here is my plan:

1. Purchase new 10,200 BTU AC for $250
2. Purchase new 6" inline fan for cool tube
3. Cut whole in closet ceiling to vent into attic (tips here please!!)

I have already put 6 eyehook holes in the closet ceiling; the drywall in going to have to be replaced anyway...why not just do it...

With this, I will have cool air (79F or under) to draw in the cool tube and room and be able to draw all the hot air into the attic.

Thoughts people?
that A/C and a 1000W HPS ,fans .. is alot of power... so be careful not to exceed the circuit for that room/outlet

have you been up in the attic yet ?
if you just poke a hole in the sheet rock with a nail ... and then push a thin stick/rod through it..... this should make it easier to spot where it is from the attic.... remove the insulation ... its possible there may be some plywood on top of it too, so thats another hole to cut


Well-Known Member
that A/C and a 1000W HPS ,fans .. is alot of power... so be careful not to exceed the circuit for that room/outlet
Yeah I am worried about that too. I am pretty sure it's only on a 15 amp circuit. I am less than knowledgable with electical issues. Have any tips?

have you been up in the attic yet ?
if you just poke a hole in the sheet rock with a nail ... and then push a thin stick/rod through it..... this should make it easier to spot where it is from the attic.... remove the insulation ... its possible there may be some plywood on top of it too, so thats another hole to cut
No, haven't been up there. I think it is sealed. I am kinda assuming alot I think. I am assuming that if I cut a hole in the ceiling in between the studs I will find the attic....I may not though...

Still, with the AC I should be able to keep the room temp down. Another option is to build a tent near the bathroom door and vent it into the bathroom and out the fan exhaust or into the attic, which I have found through the bathroom. Any other thoughts based on this?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am worried about that too. I am pretty sure it's only on a 15 amp circuit. I am less than knowledgable with electical issues. Have any tips?

No, haven't been up there. I think it is sealed. I am kinda assuming alot I think. I am assuming that if I cut a hole in the ceiling in between the studs I will find the attic....I may not though...

Still, with the AC I should be able to keep the room temp down. Another option is to build a tent near the bathroom door and vent it into the bathroom and out the fan exhaust or into the attic, which I have found through the bathroom. Any other thoughts based on this?
check what the amp draw is on the hps....

find access to your attic, mine happens to be a removable board on the ceiling in a upstairs closet ...


Well-Known Member
check what the amp draw is on the hps....

find access to your attic, mine happens to be a removable board on the ceiling in a upstairs closet ...
The amp draw is 9.5 for the ballast.

I found the enterance, but it's sealed. I am in an apartment for the op, remember. I won't grow at my actual house.


Well-Known Member
watch your step :joint:
Yeah really huh. Hey I asked you a ? on your thread about hash...

So, attic report. It appears there is some 1/4" plywood I will have to drill through as well. I am not worried about that. When I move out I will just fix the ceiling and they will never know. I am pretty spot on with drywall and paintings and such.

I really like the idea after seeing the attic. It has high walls and great ventilation. It's cooler than in the apt.

The only thing that worries me: it seems you can move from one person's attic to another. Seems it would be easy for ANYONE in my building to come drop in and pay me a visit...

Edit: No, not renting just to grow. It's a complicated story. I actually grow medically, thus legal EXCEPT from the feds, which keeps my paranoid ass up nights. But I have so little, I shouldn't worry.


Active Member
hey bigjesse I saw your post from 07, the beginning of this you have any pics of that grow? I'm interested at seeing a couple.