This is my 500th post on RIU. I want to thank everyone for all their help and good conversations. This is a great website and I hope we can all do our part to make the communities we live in just a little less scared, a little more resiliant to xenophobia, and a great deal more faithful to the natural rights of their fellow man and woman, to pursure a destiny of their choosing.

Ok if you are going to need ac... then go for it...
I have a tendency to forget not everyone lives in the Arctic...
Ok good, I am glad this is an acceptable opinion. My blood pressure has dropped a few points reading this
As for the fan, I kept mentioning it because you kept asking if a 6" fan was enough, when I kept telling you that you should only need a 4" fan... which happens to be cheaper...
Well I have a 6" cool tube...should I get a reducer of some sort, or DIY one? I assume they make them...I am not opposed to spending the money for the 6" either though, if it will guarentee a stable environment. If it's not neccesary, then so be it, but I would rather be in it 100 extra bucks or so and have it run like clock work, you know? Knowing that, 4" is what I will need, especially given the AC?
As for me leaving, I left... I just really didn't wanna leave anyone that I started helping, hanging...
After we get you squared away a little better, chances are i won't be back...
No big reason, just that I am walking now.. and life is calling...
There is work to be done,
girls to be danced, wine to be drank and Summer to enjoy...
I came here and people helped me... those people are gone now, but there is a new generation emerging...
Help as many as you can before you leave...
Overgrow the corporations...
Save the rainforest...
I understand. We are a lucky animal indeed, to be given the gift of a conscious mind. I am glad you are mobile now, to do all that your mind can make possible. Thanks for your help, and if it causes any trouble to stay, then wander off, friend. I wouldn't want to delay your journey; it's been quite long and decidely difficult in the making, yes?
If it's not too much trouble though, it's always good to have a Gypsy around. To ward off the voodoo, if nothing else.
Should I leave then at some point? Veiled advice, or do I dig without cause?
I have to really stress the importance of having a good exaust fan. I never really thought that i needed to invest 250 bucks into a single fan, But i dealt with heat issues for a long time. Then one day i finally bit the bullet and bought a good 6" elicent 378cfm centrifugal fan. Heat issues solved. I run my cooltube open in my growroom and my odorsok on the other end of my fan. So it exausts into my furnace room, smell free (in theory).
I've considered having my cooltube run off of outside air and straight through the room, but to me the hassle of it doesn't really seem like it would be worth it. You need pretty good air movement to keep a 1000w cool and my shitty inline boosters (which i imagine are similar to your own) wouldnt be able to do it on thier own.
Yeah, I have FINALLY had this pounded into my thick head. For some reason, on this project, I had tunnel vision. Ballast, reflector, bulb. Poor planning = poor results, so I have learned my lesson there, even though I shouldn't have been so stupid in the first place.
I don't have any active intakes, but i don't find i need them, that way i also keep a decent amount of negative pressure in the room, preventing air leaks.
Long story short, a good exaust fan completely dissolved my heat problems. I'd imagine it would help yours.
I haven't used a/c in my grow so i can't really speak to its pros and cons, but I would think it couldn't hurt.
This is my plan for sure. I need to pursure a carbon filter also. Smell is a major issue, I am in an APT, as previously mentioned.