
Active Member
The bigger you talk the more full of shii you sound lol
If you dont provide pics w/e you say holds no ground.
If what you say is true then I have 1 billion dollars and 25 cents in my bank. Everyone has the great stuff as long as they cant prove it :finger:

Edit: lmao was just thinking its prob that little kid that comes here thinking he's cute. He did something similar a couple weeks back. Its pointless everyone no matter what you say he will think him and his stuff is superior.:lol:
thats cool buddy you can think whatever you want about me, i have nothing to prove to you and your comments dont mean shit to me... you havent tried this system so you dont know anything about it... why would i lie and say this system is great so far??? like i said, i have nothing to prove to you, you dont know me, and its not like i am trying to make myself look better over a damn computer... gimme a break. you are prolly some old man who thinks he knows everything and who has no room for anyone else's opinions... :finger::finger:


Active Member
the price i paid for the system was 1400 or so... its a 250 watt system that compares in some cases to a 1000 watt mh or hps system... so u dont necessarily need 3... the elctricity bill pays itself off after a year of use, and they say they last around 50000 hours. im not really sure about this, but in my opinion the other led's that arent 5 watts a piece are nothing like these 5 watt a piece lights. the spectrum is waayyy better, and for those 1 watt led's, u might as well paint a light bulb and call it an led light...

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
sportsballer06 your are the one that started this, I say put up some damn pictures of your ladies just before harvest.
Then give us a report on your yield, then we can all judge for ourselves whether LED's are a good choice for the garden.
I would love to save money on electricity and cut down on all that damn heat!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It said specifically on that site you linked to that two or three would cover a four by eight area, and that you would need more lights than you might think for certain sun loving plants...well...marijuana likes a warm, dry, well lit environment.And 1400 dollars is NUTS.Even if you were only growing in say, a 4x4 room,you'd still need the 250 and maybe another smaller led panel besides...and that's IF you're really getting the same performance out of them as a HID light, like they say...which I doubt.So, what, That's maybe 1600 bucks for a 250 and say a 45 watt?So for 1600 dollars, you get 295 watts of unproven lights.You could get 2 150 watt HID lights.Only five watts difference, and 1300 dollars cheaper.And you could get one 150 mh, and one them simultaneously, and you've got a full spectrum setup.And HID lights have been proven in grows over and over again.And since I'd only be running 5 more watts a month, it's going to be a very long time before your setup pays for itself.And if you add the fact that with the money I would save, I could purchase the best nutes, soil, and seeds, and still probably have some left over out of that 1600....I say it's not a deal at all.But i look foreward to seeing your grow.:peace:
the price i paid for the system was 1400 or so... its a 250 watt system that compares in some cases to a 1000 watt mh or hps system... so u dont necessarily need 3... the elctricity bill pays itself off after a year of use, and they say they last around 50000 hours. im not really sure about this, but in my opinion the other led's that arent 5 watts a piece are nothing like these 5 watt a piece lights. the spectrum is waayyy better, and for those 1 watt led's, u might as well paint a light bulb and call it an led light...


Well-Known Member
thats cool buddy you can think whatever you want about me, i have nothing to prove to you and your comments dont mean shit to me... you havent tried this system so you dont know anything about it... why would i lie and say this system is great so far??? like i said, i have nothing to prove to you, you dont know me, and its not like i am trying to make myself look better over a damn computer... gimme a break. you are prolly some old man who thinks he knows everything and who has no room for anyone else's opinions... :finger::finger:

You dont have nothing to prove? You've been trying to prove your light is the best this whole time lmao.

you are prolly some old man who thinks he knows everything and who has no room for anyone else's opinions... :finger::finger:
LOL now its an opinion? You were saying its a fact your LED is superior. Stop trying to lose people in your words :roll:


Well-Known Member
It said specifically on that site you linked to that two or three would cover a four by eight area, and that you would need more lights than you might think for certain sun loving plants...well...marijuana likes a warm, dry, well lit environment.And 1400 dollars is NUTS.Even if you were only growing in say, a 4x4 room,you'd still need the 250 and maybe another smaller led panel besides...and that's IF you're really getting the same performance out of them as a HID light, like they say...which I doubt.So, what, That's maybe 1600 bucks for a 250 and say a 45 watt?So for 1600 dollars, you get 295 watts of unproven lights.You could get 2 150 watt HID lights.Only five watts difference, and 1300 dollars cheaper.And you could get one 150 mh, and one them simultaneously, and you've got a full spectrum setup.And HID lights have been proven in grows over and over again.And since I'd only be running 5 more watts a month, it's going to be a very long time before your setup pays for itself.And if you add the fact that with the money I would save, I could purchase the best nutes, soil, and seeds, and still probably have some left over out of that 1600....I say it's not a deal at all.But i look foreward to seeing your grow.:peace:

He only said the price after I sent the link for the Super Nova LED which so happens to be the same price :lol:

Its too bad we wont be able to see his grow cause he said he dont post pics up so he dont get caught lmao. Just too bad they dont need pics on here. They just need you say your growing and what not, which he already did so might as well post pics, if they're gonna get ya they already have enough ;-). I seriously doubt they are gonna worry about small time ops though.


Well-Known Member
I with yall! Notice his "Join Date: Feb 2009" lol I aint falling for it. LED's make the plants look all saggy'n shit!

Brick Top

New Member
So, what, That's maybe 1600 bucks for a 250 and say a 45 watt?So for 1600 dollars, you get 295 watts of unproven lights.

If you meant "unproven lights" as in the manufacturers name I would not bother to argue with you since maybe it is a new/different product and it is "unproven" but if you meant that LED’s are "unproven" I am sorry to have to be so blunt but were extremely incorrect.

It was discovered a good while back that LED’s make fantastic lights to grow any types of plant with. They put out the precise spectrums of light that plants need and nothing more and they do it putting off extremely little heat and using an astonishingly small amount of electricity. While it is not a case of pot growing NASA has used LED’s for a good while now and grown anything they have tried to grow and grew it very well.

The only two drawbacks they have is cost and light penetration. You can make up for light penetration by adding more lights in different ways/positions BUT because of the cost that is beyond the budget of most making them impractical but the lights themselves have more than just been proven.

A few years back on another herb site I hung around on a guy with money to burn went all LED’s. He covered the entire ceiling area above his grow with light bars that had LED’s that emit both veg and flowering light spectrums and then added LED ‘spotlights’ that were just flowering spectrum lights. He made what I call portable posts, he took 4X4’s and cut them about as long as the tallest plants he grew and on all four sides of some posts he added more light bars and he set them up in between his plants and then on other portable posts he added light bars to one side and made a ring around his grow area.

His plants were amazingly lush and not only did he have major top colas the buds all the way to the bottom were large and thick and firm and heavy. He did not get tiny buds from the bottom of his plants and there were no popcorn buds. His plants were totally flooded from every angle with the precise light spectrums they needed to grow and it showed in his results he posted in his grow thread of the time. I cannot recall ever seeing such impressive results from any other type of setup.

The drawback for most would have been the thousands of dollars he spent to buy as many LED’s as he did. For most it would make growing like he did cost prohibitive. But still the results way more than proved that LED lighting can and will not only grow plants and grow them well but will outdo any other lighting source if you can afford enough lights to do it with. If you cannot afford enough lights then LED’s are absolutely not the way to go unless someone is only using them to supplement some other lighting source.

If there is ever a major cost/price reduction say like happened to plasma screen TV’s where they dropped from around $10,000.00 for the first large sized models to being in the hundreds of dollars for many models LED lighting will totally replace all other lighting, that is if people are intelligent to go the route that is the very best and not live in the past and say HID always worked for me or CFL’s worked for me so I will stick with them.

The light penetration problem may be solved, well it has been solved but the technology is so expensive that it is not marketable right now. A year or two back I read an article about a scientist working at Lawrence Livermore National Lab on improving the amount of light LED’s put off built an LED light that is roughly the size of a standard hand held mirror and it put off more light that a spotlight. I do not mean some small plug into your car’s cigarette lighter type spotlight but instead a BIG spotlight and it still did it without creating much heat or using much electricity so it can be done but right now the technology is so costly that no one would ever buy it so it has not been marketed. If and when the price/cost of the technology drops LED grow lights using that technology would make a 1000 watt HID light look like a candle in comparison and would put out vastly more of the light spectrums plants need without all the wasted light spectrums that HID lighting puts out.

So the technology has more than been proven but they are just cost prohibitive for most to use LED’s because they cannot afford to buy enough lights with the current low light penetration LED’s put out to make up for the low light penetration of current LED’s.


Well-Known Member
wow once again...Brick Top big LED claims and no pictures or proof. You know what? I'm sure growers of the fine herb in this forum have money to burn on LEDs cause they grow the dankest weed with HIDs and probably sell it for top dollar. So if anyone could afford LED tech it would be us at RIU. We are not all low budget closet growers. Your point is mute. As for NASA please??? they are looking for anything to waste money on.:cuss:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
No its not an ad... and its like 1400-1500 bucks. oh well, i guess i will just have the yields to myself, and all the haters will one day realize whats really up!
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:Who is gonna pay $1500 fer Christmas tree lights?!? You have got to be the biggest liar, or most gullible person ever. Hell, ya cant blame it on yer age, cause wen I was 13, I wouldnt have done that! Dude, I really hope that ya were lyin, cause if its the truth, thats just sad:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed anyone pushing LED lights on here sounds like someone who just got sold a shitload of LEDs at their hydro store and very proud about it, but are just waiting to find out that they overpaid for junk?

The hydro store I use, which is a VERY nice one, doesn't carry LEDs in stock. They will also straight shoot you on stuff like SuperThrive. Why use a 75 year old formula on plants that are just now being heavily studied? They have modern versions of it.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed anyone pushing LED lights on here sounds like someone who just got sold a shitload of LEDs at their hydro store and very proud about it, but are just waiting to find out that they overpaid for junk?

The hydro store I use, which is a VERY nice one, doesn't carry LEDs in stock. They will also straight shoot you on stuff like SuperThrive. Why use a 75 year old formula on plants that are just now being heavily studied? They have modern versions of it.
"Why use a 75 year old formula on plants that are just now being heavily studied? They have modern versions of it.[/quote]"
What plants are superthrive being used on that are just now being studied? This is a MARIJUANA forum, think ppl have been studyin it fer a while (if yer referring to 75 years as a long time) Also, if a product has been giving EXCELLENT results fer 75 years, why NOT use it?!?


Active Member
Call me nieve but there are a FEW true points to Brick's message. If and when the technology is proven and the price drops, I wouldn't mind a couple of them spotlights in my growroom.


Well-Known Member
NASA proved LEDs can grow plants.. uh... over 5 fucking years ago.

Did I mention it's proven? They're over 5 times as efficient as HID(for plants, not lumens). When using at proper distance.... even more, probably. Like LED = 1 inch away... vs. HID = 6-12" or whatever.

Learn more here:

Short-term memory loss becomes long-term memory loss. bongsmilie


Active Member
If you meant "unproven lights" as in the manufacturers name I would not bother to argue with you since maybe it is a new/different product and it is "unproven" but if you meant that LED’s are "unproven" I am sorry to have to be so blunt but were extremely incorrect.

It was discovered a good while back that LED’s make fantastic lights to grow any types of plant with. They put out the precise spectrums of light that plants need and nothing more and they do it putting off extremely little heat and using an astonishingly small amount of electricity. While it is not a case of pot growing NASA has used LED’s for a good while now and grown anything they have tried to grow and grew it very well.

The only two drawbacks they have is cost and light penetration. You can make up for light penetration by adding more lights in different ways/positions BUT because of the cost that is beyond the budget of most making them impractical but the lights themselves have more than just been proven.

A few years back on another herb site I hung around on a guy with money to burn went all LED’s. He covered the entire ceiling area above his grow with light bars that had LED’s that emit both veg and flowering light spectrums and then added LED ‘spotlights’ that were just flowering spectrum lights. He made what I call portable posts, he took 4X4’s and cut them about as long as the tallest plants he grew and on all four sides of some posts he added more light bars and he set them up in between his plants and then on other portable posts he added light bars to one side and made a ring around his grow area.

His plants were amazingly lush and not only did he have major top colas the buds all the way to the bottom were large and thick and firm and heavy. He did not get tiny buds from the bottom of his plants and there were no popcorn buds. His plants were totally flooded from every angle with the precise light spectrums they needed to grow and it showed in his results he posted in his grow thread of the time. I cannot recall ever seeing such impressive results from any other type of setup.

The drawback for most would have been the thousands of dollars he spent to buy as many LED’s as he did. For most it would make growing like he did cost prohibitive. But still the results way more than proved that LED lighting can and will not only grow plants and grow them well but will outdo any other lighting source if you can afford enough lights to do it with. If you cannot afford enough lights then LED’s are absolutely not the way to go unless someone is only using them to supplement some other lighting source.

If there is ever a major cost/price reduction say like happened to plasma screen TV’s where they dropped from around $10,000.00 for the first large sized models to being in the hundreds of dollars for many models LED lighting will totally replace all other lighting, that is if people are intelligent to go the route that is the very best and not live in the past and say HID always worked for me or CFL’s worked for me so I will stick with them.

The light penetration problem may be solved, well it has been solved but the technology is so expensive that it is not marketable right now. A year or two back I read an article about a scientist working at Lawrence Livermore National Lab on improving the amount of light LED’s put off built an LED light that is roughly the size of a standard hand held mirror and it put off more light that a spotlight. I do not mean some small plug into your car’s cigarette lighter type spotlight but instead a BIG spotlight and it still did it without creating much heat or using much electricity so it can be done but right now the technology is so costly that no one would ever buy it so it has not been marketed. If and when the price/cost of the technology drops LED grow lights using that technology would make a 1000 watt HID light look like a candle in comparison and would put out vastly more of the light spectrums plants need without all the wasted light spectrums that HID lighting puts out.

So the technology has more than been proven but they are just cost prohibitive for most to use LED’s because they cannot afford to buy enough lights with the current low light penetration LED’s put out to make up for the low light penetration of current LED’s.
thank you...


Active Member
You dont have nothing to prove? You've been trying to prove your light is the best this whole time lmao.

LOL now its an opinion? You were saying its a fact your LED is superior. Stop trying to lose people in your words :roll:
yeah its my opinion that LED's are superior... im done with you man, all u do is talk shit. its cool how you can sit behind a computer and talk whatever you want.

and no i have nothing to prove to you, you just talk shit, when i tell you my opinion...


Active Member
NASA proved LEDs can grow plants.. uh... over 5 fucking years ago.

Did I mention it's proven? They're over 5 times as efficient as HID(for plants, not lumens). When using at proper distance.... even more, probably. Like LED = 1 inch away... vs. HID = 6-12" or whatever.

Learn more here:

Short-term memory loss becomes long-term memory loss. bongsmilie
thank you, maybe a majority of these people on this thread smoked themselves stupid


Active Member
sportsballer06 your are the one that started this, I say put up some damn pictures of your ladies just before harvest.
Then give us a report on your yield, then we can all judge for ourselves whether LED's are a good choice for the garden.
I would love to save money on electricity and cut down on all that damn heat!
pictures will be put up right before harvest


Well-Known Member
thank you, maybe a majority of these people on this thread smoked themselves stupid

I dont care if they are more efficient for the plant! I want fast growing, healthy, large buds. HIDs may be less efficient for the plants, but they are 1000 times more efficient for turning that plant into some monster bud.