
Active Member
Ok i will, ill have it up on monday or tuesday. I'm just going to do it at my buddies house :) haha. I will probably post it under a different name too, but i will def. keep you updated.


Well-Known Member
no probs i have your 600w LED'S in mind so...

im only doin it to one plant mind you!!
dont wana waste to many

i have 6 sets of these crimbo tree lights lol so i can use them all to equal you....

how about it??

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You can't have more than one account here, it's frowned upon.Just use a proxy if you're so scared.We have to be able to find your journal,so keep your user name!:blsmoke:
Ok i will, ill have it up on monday or tuesday. I'm just going to do it at my buddies house :) haha. I will probably post it under a different name too, but i will def. keep you updated.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Alrighty then.
lol u r hilarious, but sounds good to me, i have 8 plants under my LED light
I await it with baited breath.
alright ill see what i can do with the posting
I'm not gonna tell, and I'm not a mod,so I can't ban you.I was just giving him a heads up, because they can tell if they want to how many accounts you have.:peace:
i had 2 outher names but no one talked to me....
n i cant delete them:lol:lol
what do i do
i dont wana get in trouble
just ban me now...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No its not an ad... and its like 1400-1500 bucks. oh well, i guess i will just have the yields to myself, and all the haters will one day realize whats really up!
Its not that we are haters,we all would love to lower our power costs as well as increase our yeilds but from what ive seen from LED's the negativves far out weigh the positives,first you have the massive start up costs to even get the lights,then you have the decreased yeilds that come from Led's when compared to HID systems,then you have the increased grow time it takes to finish LED grows.

With a 600 hps i can easily pull a pound at harvest,there is no way on earth a straight up led grow is gonna even come close to that,

You say the led is the wave of the future but like stoney said the proof is in the pudding,show me anywhere on any forum where one single led user has completed a grow,had harvests that were comprable to HID harvests,and also spoke as to the life span of the lamps,the technology is so new nobody can speak as to life span of these units,paying $1,200 for a light that cant compare to a $100 400 watt hid & has an unproven life span is not good business sense by any stretch of the imagination.

Pics are easy to post,every led grower all claims paranoia come time to back up their claims,not one has ever posted detailed pics showing plants in heavy bud,allways the same story about being scared of police,its odd that no led grower is to afraid to come here in the first place,or make claims saying exact gram weights refering to harvest,only at pic time do you guy's claim fear about posting.

You might be legit but then again you may not,of all the led grows ive seen ive only saw one legit led grower,then at the end of the grow he posted terrible results & now uses the light systems for spectrum reinforcement only along side hid lights.

Pics my friend pics.


Well-Known Member
You seriously think the popo is going to track you down for 8 plants?

There are thousands of people online posting mega grows with hundreds of plants ea they'd want to get before you, but they don't.

They find enough people in real life to keep them busy.

Post your grow journal, I want to see too. Are you going to use a 4x4 area like a 600 and veg them long enough to fill that area?
Soil? hydro? Nutes?
Make sure to include all that info when you start the journal.


Active Member
Its not that we are haters,we all would love to lower our power costs as well as increase our yeilds but from what ive seen from LED's the negativves far out weigh the positives,first you have the massive start up costs to even get the lights,then you have the decreased yeilds that come from Led's when compared to HID systems,then you have the increased grow time it takes to finish LED grows.

With a 600 hps i can easily pull a pound at harvest,there is no way on earth a straight up led grow is gonna even come close to that,

You say the led is the wave of the future but like stoney said the proof is in the pudding,show me anywhere on any forum where one single led user has completed a grow,had harvests that were comprable to HID harvests,and also spoke as to the life span of the lamps,the technology is so new nobody can speak as to life span of these units,paying $1,200 for a light that cant compare to a $100 400 watt hid & has an unproven life span is not good business sense by any stretch of the imagination.

Pics are easy to post,every led grower all claims paranoia come time to back up their claims,not one has ever posted detailed pics showing plants in heavy bud,allways the same story about being scared of police,its odd that no led grower is to afraid to come here in the first place,or make claims saying exact gram weights refering to harvest,only at pic time do you guy's claim fear about posting.

You might be legit but then again you may not,of all the led grows ive seen ive only saw one legit led grower,then at the end of the grow he posted terrible results & now uses the light systems for spectrum reinforcement only along side hid lights.

Pics my friend pics.
yeah that all sounds true to me, but i am also the first person to get my ahnds on one of these systems for this kind of growth and i gurantee u that... i wish u only knew... just sit back and wait for these pics within the next week or so :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
You seriously think the popo is going to track you down for 8 plants?

There are thousands of people online posting mega grows with hundreds of plants ea they'd want to get before you, but they don't.

They find enough people in real life to keep them busy.

Post your grow journal, I want to see too. Are you going to use a 4x4 area like a 600 and veg them long enough to fill that area?
Soil? hydro? Nutes?
Make sure to include all that info when you start the journal.
If they really wanted to catch us, we would be reading Thread after thread of "Cops busted down my door" and "Got Raided last night" All you ever hear in here is "my friend stole my plants" and "my mother found my stealth computer grow"

I don't think he has much to worrie about with his 8 little itty bitty LED plants anyway.

I have seen an LED grow, and believe me, It sucked.. He know what he was doing.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
An excerpt from said article....Depending on your plant variety, two to three of our 250 Watt LED units will cover a 4x8 ft growing area, producing a rapid 'rain forest’ like growth cycle with quality fruits and or flowers. This is the LED effect but only if the LED unit has enough raw LED power and the circuitry to handle the electrical current to achieve peak performance. Be advised you may have to use more LED's than you have been lead to believe in order to the raise certain varieties of plants that really appreciate lots of extra sun light.

Now, a sampling of the Q and A beneath this article....
Q: Why is the unit so much more expensive that conventional lighting? How can I justify to my wife or customer or myself for that matter that spending the extra money on the LED light system is worth the investment?

A: First, the cost of our system is comparable to other LED lighting solutions. Due to the quality of design we feel our product is dollar for dollar, watt for watt is one of the best products available on the market. Our cost reflects the current cost of the technology. Also our system is made in the United States and we do out source for cheap parts or labor. When compared to the cost of a sodium or halide lighting systems, the money that is saved in electricity costs in one year will have paid for the increased cost of the light.* Also the light system is rated at 50,000 hours of longevity. No more replacement light bulb expense will also add to your savings.

Since they say they are comparable to other L.E.D. systems without actually stating their prices anywhere, I'm forced to go to another vendor for an idea of what these lights cost.

I searched and found a bunch of 45 watt panels, but I wanted something comparable.So, I found this. It IS 20 watts more than the one you described..sooo I'll knock off 100 dollars.That brings it to 849.95.Yes.Not a typo.For ONE light.The article says you need three to cover a 4 by 8 growing area. Which would be around 2600 dollars.AND!250 plus 250 plus 250 is..anyone?750 watts. So, let's compare this...with a 600 watt HID.A nice one, with a digital ballast,mh conversion bulb...complete system.
with comes to 272.64.So, not only are you saving 150 watts in electricity..because watts are watts, no matter what they come from, we all're saving around 2300 dollars.That's if I knock a hundred off of each L.E.D.

So..uh...those L.E.D's better clean my house, grow me some fat nugs, and make sweet love to me for THAT much.

In the mean time everyone read this article at if you have some time on your hands...


Active Member
LED's ehhh i have an ufo there good supplement light until there truly tested and if you knew anything about LED's and growing you would know the most reputable and backed by high times i might add is, so not saying your system is wack or putting you down, but for now a great middle point for supporters and haters is there supplemental light i have a UFO now 50watt- htgsupply those our my people gotta support them, but went on and got the, which goes right on top of the ufo as an 8 light bulb hanger so ufo plus 8 23 watt equiv to 100w 5600k for veg and then when flowering time 8 23 watt equiv to 100w 2700k in a homebox xs now that is a great time right there if you keeping it stealth because the ufo obviously does not penetrate that deep but with up to 850 watts of light bumping through my 2x2x4 homebox and the right spectrum of light plants grow so fast i would highly recommend if anyone is doing box,stealth, indoor this thing goes right on top of the ufo or whatever you feel like hanging from you do the math on lumens in that little box it is up there haha but seriously over the next month or so every website will claim to have the best LED's i decided to get one try it from htgsupply cuz it was a pretty low number for me( maybe not others) but what the hell .... EVERYONE BUY THE MARCH HIGHTIMES ISSUE IT HAS THE RESULTS OF THE TEST OF THE HIDHUT UFO'S THEY USE COMPARING THE SAME GROW WITH A 400HPS AND ALL OTHER MAJOR TYPE OF LIGHTS SOURCES!!!! BUT I CANNOT WAIT FOR LEDS TO BE OFFICAL


Well-Known Member
yeah that all sounds true to me, but i am also the first person to get my ahnds on one of these systems for this kind of growth and i gurantee u that... i wish u only knew... just sit back and wait for these pics within the next week or so :eyesmoke:

The bigger you talk the more full of shii you sound lol
If you dont provide pics w/e you say holds no ground.
If what you say is true then I have 1 billion dollars and 25 cents in my bank. Everyone has the great stuff as long as they cant prove it :finger:

Edit: lmao was just thinking its prob that little kid that comes here thinking he's cute. He did something similar a couple weeks back. Its pointless everyone no matter what you say he will think him and his stuff is superior.:lol: