holding it in

jamakans, those dirty hippies....lol they don't pass the joint, they just each smoke there own. i would too if i could get good sativa for 500 a pound and didn't care about my lungs...
i never did care about my lungs... i basically smoke as much as i can get my hands on lol you could get high off smokeing my blood(if it was possible) im not complaining though!!!! worth every last toke...
Fucken A, I'm the same way lol, always have been.

i never did care about my lungs... i basically smoke as much as i can get my hands on lol you could get high off smokeing my blood(if it was possible) im not complaining though!!!! worth every last toke...
Damn...that is news to me too. Time to learn NOT to hang on to it for so long...and more, shorter hits.

Been looking at vaporizers, but at the moment I'm too involved with building my first grow room. :mrgreen:

high times, i got nothin but love guys, but this is bs.

this debate has been done countless times. the end result is always the same. if you hold it in for a few seconds you get much higher than if you just blow it right back out. remember, thc isn't the only cannabinoid that goes into making a well rounded high.

anyone know how long it takes to absorb cbd? cbn?

i've tried this many times. i get higher from holding it in, so that's what i do, and will always do.

hahaha i can see a bunch of paranoid stoners counting the seconds they should hold in...im the same tho:mrgreen::peace:
The deeper you inhale, the deeper the smoke penetrates the lungs. Holding it there for a second or two also helps smooth the transition.

You could for example only take a little suck and hold that in, but it won't penetrate as far or get you as stoned unless you force that smoke down there like its the last breath you are ever going to take.
what movie was that with the stoner chick doing bong rips on the couch? she said something about expanding the lungs by taking big deep hits. this causes more surface area to be exposed, allowing more of the good stuff to be absorbed.
Yeah i heard what most ppl here are sayin, after 5 seconds or so your not getting anything more,just more tar and crap.
what movie was that with the stoner chick doing bong rips on the couch? she said something about expanding the lungs by taking big deep hits. this causes more surface area to be exposed, allowing more of the good stuff to be absorbed.

Don't know about the movie, but everything you just said is correct. I'm going from memory but I got my info' from a drug awareness pamphlet.
1 good thing about coughing.. When you cough it opens up the Capillaries in your lungs which in turn makes you higher... Works for me=) I'm going to go load up my vaporizer to start the morning=)
All this scientific study stuff isn't what it's cracked up to be. Another study will be done and that will contradict the previous study. I prefer to get my info from stoner nursery rhymes:

"Take a toke and hold your smoke and blow your fuckin mind!"

Nursery rhymes don't lie brothers and sisters! :peace:
Sorry if this was already mentioned but would using an ice bong make it "more safe" than using a normal glass pipe?
Sorry if this was already mentioned but would using an ice bong make it "more safe" than using a normal glass pipe?

Yes... using ice cools down your smoke, so your lungs have an easier time of it. Also better for your throat too. Also helps remove more of the nasty chemicals you really don't want to smoke.
what movie was that with the stoner chick doing bong rips on the couch? she said something about expanding the lungs by taking big deep hits. this causes more surface area to be exposed, allowing more of the good stuff to be absorbed.

Jackie Brown, she said its good to cough, but yeah same difference
all the old heads used to tell me..... you boys dont do it right. you guys just hit it and blow it right back out. they said hold your hits longer and get more stoned. dont know if its a myth but i always hold em til i cant take it any more. ask mythbusters.:confused: