holding it in

Coughing also causes you to burst blood vessels in your eyes, the cause of red eyes, also the genesis of your friends' commenting, "dude, you look really stoned".
you know when you take that first hit off a smoking devise where the smoke is really concentrated...then cough really hard? that's seems like when I get the most stoned. I have been smoking for 40 years and I think there is no way to do an experiment on this topic because you would more than likely forget what you started out to do anyway....:mrgreen:
i usually hold in joint/blunt smoke for a few seconds but i dont usually hold in bong/gravity tokes..
im gonna just hold in hits for a sec now, fuck tar
Not challenging the theory this thread is devoted to, but, I wonder if one would get drunk from gargling Jack Daniels and not swallowing?

Yes you can. You could also pour JD in your anus and get drunk. If you don't believe me try it. Once the tissue absorbs the alcohol it's all gravy. Drinking it is faster of course.
Yes you can. You could also pour JD in your anus and get drunk. If you don't believe me try it. Once the tissue absorbs the alcohol it's all gravy. Drinking it is faster of course.

haha i've heard this..n it said that one beer in the ass will fuck u up! compared to drinkin like 10! hah casue it gets to the blood stream faster!! haha anyway i still prefer drinkin them like god intended!! :hump::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: