Cloning from Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
hey woom i think you can do just arent gonna get very far with this crowd until you post some pics.


Well-Known Member
I dont have the desire to post pictures or the means, which means that the other guy with the rooted fan will have to do so. The fact that people are still posting such negative ignorant, speculative comments just makes me realise how narrow minded the modern world is. No pics, cant be true lol.


Well-Known Member
bottom line is put up, or shut up!!! you started this thread, end it......
i'm not a dick . ... but i'd have to agree...

what's the big deal anyway about not posting any pics...

because personally i've pissed around before over the years... and so has an old time growing buddy of mine and asked him on the phone today and he said it can't be done...

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
hey dusty, i'm not a dick either, but i play one on t.v. LOL!!! i can only think of 2 reasons to not post a pic. 1.) cause this is all a bunch of crap. 2.) he's not done photoshopping it yet.


Well-Known Member
or he doesn't have a cam? i sure as hell wouldn't run out and buy one just to post pics to please the assholes that have posted on this thread....


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda a dick and I would like to see pics. And yes, no body, not dead theory applies here. No pics in almost 400 replies (except for a few failed attempts)? If it CAN be done at any expense then a pic should be available-right? The only pic I have seen of a leaf with roots on it the leaf turned brown and died because it doesn't have stem DNA in the fan leaf or something like that.


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda a dick and I would like to see pics. And yes, no body, not dead theory applies here. No pics in almost 400 replies (except for a few failed attempts)? If it CAN be done at any expense then a pic should be available-right? The only pic I have seen of a leaf with roots on it the leaf turned brown and died because it doesn't have stem DNA in the fan leaf or something like that.
go back ONE PAGE, in this thread, i know its alot of work, but giver a shot.


Well-Known Member
nukes obviously work but all the pics we have of them are finished product and the explosions.

i kno thats kinda a stupid example but i don't think a college is going to waste the money on cloning a pot plant with a fan leaf....common.

and i highly doubt any of us hav the money to drop on the hormones or want to waste the time to perfect the process...

and if you still think it can't be done you should listen to this guy

The *ONLY* way you're getting anything from a fan leaf clone without nodes is to nick the outer cell walls of the stem after rooting and literally DRENCHING it with hormones to force cell deviation and force the cells that form at nodes to be produced.

Very time consuming, and VERY COSTLY AND DIFFICULT to maintain, with an absolutely dismal percentage rate of success. The hormone alone to force cell deviation costs over $100 per 50mL. The pot growers at Oxford, MS tried that and decided it's not feasible and too costly.

Yes, it can be done. Without a major lab and some major money, your chance of success is pretty much ZERO.

he might actually kno wut he is talking about and pretty much proves my point. unless pot becomes legal and some comapany needs to clone this way and is willing to fund a study about it your not going to get pics


Well-Known Member
your head is in your ass or you have smoked to many fan leavs lol
Well, the problem with that statement is that many nice elite strains of bud will have major trichome development on the fan leaves. I've smoked some Afghoo shake that was just the fan leaves covered in trichomes, chopped up after harvest and dried. Shit got me WASTED.


Well-Known Member
lol, thank you for proving that statement flawed.... soon as i get my harvest i think i'm gona smoke a few =P


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of smoking leaf regardless of how sativa like, and crystally they are.. It gives me a wierd slightly toxic feeling buzz.. If they're worth it I strip them or cook with them..


Active Member
I dont have the desire to post pictures or the means, which means that the other guy with the rooted fan will have to do so. The fact that people are still posting such negative ignorant, speculative comments just makes me realise how narrow minded the modern world is. No pics, cant be true lol.
People are posting negative comments because you act like its feasible or a good idea for people to clone from fan leaves. You said in your first post of the thread: "As a degree holder in botany I would just like to say forget all the hype use fan leaves and get great stocky clones with roots after 1 week!!!" Well there are very few people who are wizards of botany here... And making a claim to your supposed title as a degree holder in botany so often.. could maybe come across as arrogant to some... just a thought.


Well-Known Member
actually it was 3 pages sprucezeus, and I have actually looked this up on other gardening sites and all I saw were a dead leaf with some roots, where is the plant? If this were possible dont you think we would be doing it all ready?


Active Member
Woomeister has not said if the leaf is placed into a steroid or growth hormones or what. We have no idea what is getting the leaf to do what is claimed. This forces me to believe a leaf can grow a plant in due time. Think of how many different kinds of clones we have available. Like a new Liver or other human organ or your Dog. DNA is DNA i don't care how much you have. Give it time and what it needs to grow and you will have LIFE. It just might not happen in 7 days on a window sill with plastic rap over it is all i think we need to understand here.... thanks. happy growing. keep on cloning till you get it right. peace


Well-Known Member
or he doesn't have a cam? i sure as hell wouldn't run out and buy one just to post pics to please the assholes that have posted on this thread....
that is spot on and exactly the reason, I do have a very nice camera but it is a nikon and not digital.:wall: