Blaze & Daze

Where those idiots buy high grade fireworks.

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View attachment 5404843

On Route 20 - Exit 22A off I-94 - in Burns Harbor, Indiana. The buildings are bigger than most auto dealerships.
yes! these literally could have been from right over the border in indiana here, west harrison. two massive warehouses. insanity.

here's a story from last year; i'm friends with a young woman who knew this man and went to his funeral. so sad and so senseless.

he literally blew up, died within seconds of lighting this. the news never reported how he even got ahold of this. his family was all there watched it happen.
It's like @curious2garden's words are coming out of your mouth!

Congratulations on your new sailboat! When do you get to let her rip?
haha! kindred spirits!
we're hoping to take her to michigan with us next week. we're gonna get her out on sunday and see what's missing. we suspect a fair amount of hardware, unfortunately. the good news is that we're headed up to where boat shops are aplenty (as are dispo's :) :) ) so we should be able to get it all figured out. the weather looks fantastic and i can.not.wait!!!
Sky turned brown last night from a fire up by Oroville. It's at 3K acres this morning with 4 houses destroyed. This is the third fire in that area in a week, they need to catch the bastard that's lighting these and put him/her away for a long time. :cuss:
North wind has backed down a bit so that will help the firefighters. They brought out the big gun DC 10 air tanker on this one. Hoping the firefighters stay safe and uninjured in this insane heat. It will probably be 112 in the fire area today with humidity in the 5-20% range.
Alcohol and a fireworks package the size of a case of beer - what could go wrong?

Neighbor almost torched his wood gazebo to the ground many years ago because a 24 pack of those fireworks (which we purchased at that very Phantom Fireworks barn on our way back home from the in-laws) fell over on the makeshift stand he had just after he lit it. Good thing the lake was only 10 feet away and we could "bucket brigade" the fire out.

And as you probably deduced - he now has a metal frame gazebo with mesh screens.