Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
$260 + $60 victim surcharge + $5 court costs. :cuss:
I ride my bike everywhere and I'm not standing in the sun waiting on a 2-minute red light in 90° when I have a clear and safe opportunity and a rational fear of skin cancer. However, I got a honk from a guy on a scooter when I went against his green light. He got no closer than 30 feet before I was already across. Same thing happened a few weeks ago but with a car that was no closer than 200 feet before I was well across. Neither had to react in any manner. I didn't slow them down but it apparently annoys some people. Maybe I'm a bit of an asshole. I can't say it's an "I don't give a **** attitude" from getting old because I had this attitude when I was young.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5404685
Two hours of driving, 30 mins of chitchat with the old man, $1k later…we are boat owners! 1976 Rhodes Bantam, sails still crispy. I’m going to try to convince him to take it out tomorrow. Wish me luck! Never sailed a day in my life and while napping after we got home, I had my first nightmare that I tipped the boat and the entire mast sunk to the bottom of the lake. :lol:
Congrats on the boat and the best of luck to you with all of your endeavor captain or is it Admiral lol


Well-Known Member
morning, friends. it's windy and muggy here. supposed to get rain later today, definitely rain tomorrow and friday. i'm looking forward to it because i hate fireworks and even more, i hate people who like fireworks. LOL just kidding. kinda. here folks start the fireworks bullshit around memorial day, then every weekend until labor day there is some asshole letting them off. and from where our house is situated, we can hear them from miles away. and this is inner city, houses with little yards, lots of multifamily houses, apartment buildings, etc. my dad used to buy fireworks, and he would take us out to a church parking lot in the middle of cornfields to let them off. now they sell professional grade fireworks to any idiot, and said idiots light them off in their driveways.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
morning, friends. it's windy and muggy here. supposed to get rain later today, definitely rain tomorrow and friday. i'm looking forward to it because i hate fireworks and even more, i hate people who like fireworks. LOL just kidding. kinda. here folks start the fireworks bullshit around memorial day, then every weekend until labor day there is some asshole letting them off. and from where our house is situated, we can hear them from miles away. and this is inner city, houses with little yards, lots of multifamily houses, apartment buildings, etc. my dad used to buy fireworks, and he would take us out to a church parking lot in the middle of cornfields to let them off. now they sell professional grade fireworks to any idiot, and said idiots light them off in their driveways.
It's like @curious2garden's words are coming out of your mouth!

Congratulations on your new sailboat! When do you get to let her rip?