Well-Known Member
welp the orange bobble head got gagged again, actually the J6 judge re-instated her gag order after the Meadow's rant this morning
His disqualification case begins in Colorado today and the results of that should provoke a reaction from Trump and perhaps the bench. Once he is disqualified it is much easier to jail him. Donald is gagged in NY and DC and is on the cusp of jail in both of them. Meanwhile his kids are due to testify in NY with Donald in court glowering at them and maybe freaking out. From his reactions to this case, I figure it will bankrupt him and expose his finances and private equity partners, when the receiver goes through everything, she could even find more crimes, since she is a retired judge.


Well-Known Member
His disqualification case begins in Colorado today and the results of that should provoke a reaction from Trump and perhaps the bench. Once he is disqualified it is much easier to jail him. Donald is gagged in NY and DC and is on the cusp of jail in both of them. Meanwhile his kids are due to testify in NY with Donald in court glowering at them and maybe freaking out. From his reactions to this case, I figure it will bankrupt him and expose his finances and private equity partners, when the receiver goes through everything, she could even find more crimes, since she is a retired judge.
yeah i would like to see what Colorado does with the 14th, so we'll see.

so which of dumpies kids are gonna throw who under the bus this next week, and dumpy is being put on the stand monday of next week. So this is where it gets interesting, who is gonna throw who under the bus first? They're all under the same indictment, they were all found of Fraudulent Mispractices with the biz, all they're buisnesses have been closed in this is where you grab the perverbiale popcorn and see who gonna point fingers at who....

go ahead you orange mop, what are ya gonna say now.....


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Trump vows to appeal reimposed gag order: ‘It will not stand!’
Former President Trump vowed to appeal the gag order reimposed late Sunday by a federal judge in his election interference case, calling the decision unconstitutional and politically motivated.

Trump went on a lengthy social media rant shortly after the decision was posted, calling U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan a “very Biased, Trump Hating Judge” and claiming the gag order will put him at a “disadvantage” in his legal battles and on the campaign trail. He again said the gag order violates his First Amendment rights, an argument his legal team has pressed.

“This order, according to many legal scholars, is unthinkable! It illegally and unconstitutionally takes away my First Amendment Right of Free Speech, in the middle of my campaign for President, where I am leading against BOTH Parties in the Polls,” he wrote on Truth Social.

“Few can believe this is happening, but I will appeal. How can they tell the leading candidate that he, and only he, is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? It will not stand!” he added.

Chutkan, who is overseeing the federal election interference case, reinstated the gag order nine days after she temporarily lifted it to allow Trump and his lawyers to appeal the ruling. The order, which bars Trump from making certain public statements about witnesses and prosecutors, was initially implemented Oct. 16.

In a separate post late Sunday on Truth Social, the former president questioned the timing of the cases brought against him by the Justice Department, claiming the decision to file them during the presidential campaign season was to hurt his election bid.

“Why didn’t Crooked Joe Biden tell his Injustice Department to file the lawsuits and Indictments against me 3 years ago, instead of right in the middle of my campaign for President? You’re setting a BAD precedent for yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you,” he wrote.

“These Third World Biden Indictments, which should never have been filed, would have been tried and over with years ago. My SleazeBag Opponent shouldn’t be able to do this during my campaign, OR BEFORE THE ELECTION!” Trump added.

Prosecutors argued in a recent court filing that the court should reimpose the gag order “to prevent such harmful and prejudicial conduct.”

Trump pleaded not guilty to four felony accounts in the federal election interference case that accused him of engaging in multiple criminal conspiracies to stay in power after losing the presidential election in 2020.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would like to see what Colorado does with the 14th, so we'll see.

so which of dumpies kids are gonna throw who under the bus this next week, and dumpy is being put on the stand monday of next week. So this is where it gets interesting, who is gonna throw who under the bus first? They're all under the same indictment, they were all found of Fraudulent Mispractices with the biz, all they're buisnesses have been closed in this is where you grab the perverbiale popcorn and see who gonna point fingers at who....

go ahead you orange mop, what are ya gonna say now.....
The stress appears to be getting to Donald and he seems to be losing his marbles in public. The judge in Colorado said no later than Thanksgiving, but I expect it to wrap up before then, 90% of it should be witnesses, evidence and argument for the plaintiff, Trump has no defense and hired the worst lawyer imaginable to take his position (see the video above)! It goes to Gorsuch, who handles the appeals for that region, a super federalist society member who already ruled on the same thing with the same lawyer who now wants to argue the opposite for Trump and will have his own case cited against Trump! :lol: He's a good lawyer, but a very bad choice for this particular case.


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Judge reinstates gag order in Trump’s election interference trial
A federal judge reinstated a narrow gag order Sunday preventing former President Trump from making public remarks that target prosecutors, potential witnesses or court staff involved in his election interference case.

“As the court has explained, the First Amendment rights of participants in criminal proceedings must yield, when necessary, to the orderly administration of justice — a principle reflected in Supreme Court precedent,” Judge Tanya Chutkan wrote in the order.

“And contrary to Defendant’s argument, the right to a fair trial is not his alone, but belongs also to the government and the public.”

Chutkan’s decision to bar Trump from making certain public statements comes nine days after she granted an administrative stay in the case to allow for further briefing. Trump and his legal team asked Chutkan to stay her ruling while he appeals the gag order in a higher court.

She concluded Trump is unlikely to prevail in appeals court, writing that “First Amendment rights, whether those of the speaker or the listener, may be curtailed to preclude statements that pose sufficiently grave threats to the integrity of judicial proceedings.”

The dispute between Trump’s legal team and the Justice Department (DOJ) about the legality of the gag order and has gone through several rounds of arguments, many focused on its risks.

In her opinion, Chutkan takes Trump’s team to task for making numerous statements that “disregard” the record of the case.

Chutkan wrote that Trump’s team “never disputed” that his remarks could endanger those he targets, pointing to a transcript from an Oct. 16 hearing where she raised that issue, and Trump attorney John Lauro called the matter “totally irrelevant.”

“The evidence is in the record; Defendant simply fails to acknowledge it,” Chutkan wrote.

She also defended her order against Trump complaints that her guidance was too vague to be constitutional.
Chutkan then parsed two Trump statements — one made just after the gag order was imposed, and another after ABC News reported that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was granted immunity to testify before grand jurors in the case.

In the statement after the gag order was imposed, Trump steered clear of regular taunts and nicknames of special counsel Jack Smith.

But the statement after the temporary lifting of the order casts Meadows’s “potentially unfavorable testimony as a ‘lie’ ‘mad[e] up’ to secure immunity, and it attacks him as a ‘weakling and coward’ if he provides that unfavorable testimony — an attack that could readily be interpreted as an attempt to influence or prevent the witness’s participation in this case,” Chutkan wrote.

“The plain distinctions between this statement and the prior one — apparent to the court and both parties — demonstrate that far from being arbitrary or standardless, the Order’s prohibition on ‘targeting’ statements can be straightforwardly understood and applied,” she added.

Trump’s legal team has previously said it would seek an emergency stay of the order, with the former president both in court and on social media arguing the order violates his First Amendment rights and will hinder his reelection campaign.

“The Corrupt Biden Administration just took away my First Amendment Right To Free Speech. NOT CONSTITUTIONAL! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…,” Trump wrote on Truth Social shortly after Chutkan’s order was reinstated.

Trump, this past week, was fined $10,000 in a civil trial in New York after the judge determined he violated for a second time a separate gag order issued in his financial fraud case barring him from attacking court personnel.


Well-Known Member
I think Trump's disqualification case starting today is the most important case from a political POV and has implications for his other court cases, civil and criminal. His NY tax case should be totaled up by around the same time there is a decision out of the Colorado supreme court, but first this judge must rule in a bench trial. We should have a much clearer idea about Trump's future by the end of the year starting with disqualification and possible bankruptcy going into his spring trial in DC. He might end up in jail before he is disqualified, if he keeps on going the way he is, it will be much easier for a judge to jail him pretrial if he is disqualified.


Well-Known Member
I doubt if he would mention it as it has no bearing on his case if it was not political.
He can cite court decisions and findings by a judge I believe, but it will be hardly necessary in DC. Other trials used to disqualify Trump could cite it though, but I feel the SCOTUS will speak to it first, if he is disqualified in Colorado. Colorado is where the real action is besides NY IMO. We will find out there first and it will have the biggest impact going forward. Will Trump be disqualified and broke, we should know within 60 days at the latest.


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Trump coup bombshell: DOJ gets the goods as lawyers confess & WH vet flips

A judge reinstated Donald Trump’s gag order in his coup case following his attacks on key witnesses. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on Trump’s legal setbacks in his coup cases and compares his actions to New York mob boss John Gotti.


Well-Known Member
He can cite court decisions and findings by a judge I believe, but it will be hardly necessary in DC. Other trials used to disqualify Trump could cite it though, but I feel the SCOTUS will speak to it first, if he is disqualified in Colorado. Colorado is where the real action is besides NY IMO. We will find out there first and it will have the biggest impact going forward. Will Trump be disqualified and broke, we should know within 60 days at the latest.
I think he will, to cover the bases. He's thorough.
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'A family affair:' Trump and his kids set for cross-examination in New York civil fraud trial

Susanne Craig, New York Times Investigative Reporter, Glenn Kirschner, Assistant U.S. Attorney and MSNBC Legal Analyst, and Donny Deutsch, Host of the podcast "On Brand," join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss the ramifications of the Trump kids testifying in their fathers civil trial in New York.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Trump went on a lengthy social media rant shortly after the decision was posted, calling U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan a “very Biased, Trump Hating Judge” and claiming the gag order will put him at a “disadvantage” in his legal battles and on the campaign trail.
A REAL candidate would be talking about issues affecting the nation rather than trying to rally hatred


Well-Known Member
A REAL candidate would be talking about issues affecting the nation rather than trying to rally hatred
A real candidate wouldn't have 91 criminal indictments and be on trial now in Colorado to be disqualified under the 14th amendment. Yet he leads the republican race for the nomination by a mile...


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On this weekend’s edition of the Legal AF pod, anchors Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok debate whether Trump will show up for this upcoming week’s Colorado trial to determine if he “engaged” in “insurrection” ban him from the ballot under the 14th Amendment and what is the likelihood that he will be banned.