The Junk Drawer

They are keeping their cards close to their chests on this one, if they are bullshitting it would be a major loss of face in that culture since shareholders are counting on this too. It is proprietary and neither they, nor the Chinese respect patents much, so industrial secret time. We will know when the many independent reviewers in the industry get their hands on one, which should be in a year or two, at least for preproduction models.
I am under the impression that Japanese firms are generally fastidious about obtaining licenses for someone else’s designs. Can you show otherwise?

That said, it’s pretty annoying that they toss out that 1500km claim but say nothing about capacity or energy density. In a BEV of average e-fficiency (5km/kWh), that would be 300 available kWh.
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I am under the impression that Japanese firms are generally fastidious about obtaining licenses for someone else’s designs. Can you show otherwise?

That said, it’s pretty annoying that they toss out that 1500km claim but say nothing about capacity or energy density. In a BEV of average e-fficiency (5km/kWh), that would be 300 available kWh.
They have pretty flexible patent laws and a history of infringement, quasilegal or otherwise, they said if you patented a car in Japan someone would just need to paint it red to copy it. Japan, South Korea and China all have a history of such mercantile attitudes, and ripping off technology, at least while they were growing. There are such things as trade secrets and formulas though and there is big money at stake. They would also be deceiving shareholders if such an announcement were false, Japan's corporate culture is not the smash and grab CEO American kind. In the states you might be able to bullshit your way through this, make your fortune and retire, but even then, shareholders would sue.
Popped up on Youtube so I had to watch. If it were not for the cost of the propulsion system I might think of doing something stupid.

The batteries aren't there yet but soon, even Toyota promises a solid-state battery with big capacity and less weight by 2025 and there are a couple of companies introducing lithium sulfur batteries for evaluation. I don't think Tesla Li-ions will get off the ground, too heavy and too little gravimetric power density plus they are a fire hazard.
I am under the impression that Japanese firms are generally fastidious about obtaining licenses for someone else’s designs. Can you show otherwise?

That said, it’s pretty annoying that they toss out that 1500km claim but say nothing about capacity or energy density. In a BEV of average e-fficiency (5km/kWh), that would be 300 available kWh.

Back in the 30's the Japanese made a Harley Davidson copy bike with the same off-centre crankshaft configuration that gives Harleys their distinctive sound. Toyota reverse engineered a US Army jeep to make their first models as well. Bought some surplus ones after the Korean War I gather.

I doubt they got permission to do those things.

And what about all the fine German optics they copied to become fine optics makers themselves?

When I was a kid they were big into those little umbrellas that get stuck in drinks. :) They even named a city in Japan called USA rather than U.S.A. so they could brand things as Made in USA. Think they got into serious shit over that and had to rename the city or some such. We used to joke, Made by the J.A.Pan Co.

Now almost everything we buy is made in China. :(

Meanwhile in fascist China

"Uyghur culture has been Disneyfied. They are made to dance and sing for tourists from other provinces. Hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, especially the elites, have been put in prisons."
Meanwhile in fascist China

"Uyghur culture has been Disneyfied. They are made to dance and sing for tourists from other provinces. Hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, especially the elites, have been put in prisons."
Wiping out cultures is as old as civilization and the Chinese are old fashioned about somethings like imperialism. They are just one victim that includes Tibet and now even the Cantonese, it is Xi's doing mostly he controls the party apparatus, for life it would appear. All such fascist authoritarians ride the tiger and dare not fall off lest the beast consume them. It's the same with Vlad and Trump who is in the tiger's jaws, and Bebe who is having a rough ride on his tiger too.
Dunno much about German philosophers, he thought Kant a fool I believe. Perhaps he observed that compassion fosters happiness, it is a rather obvious fact of life.
As not uncommon with Nietszche quotes, many attributed to him are the words from Zarathustra, a character from his philosophical fiction with fitting title Thus Spoke Zarathustra. A positive message of course, but not one of the many he was trying to convey, more part of a dialog and thought excercise. It’s like: “Luke, I am your father” - George Lucas. Which is a good analogy because that’s not verbatim what Darth Vader, the character to whom that quote should be attributed to, said either. Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, meaning good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, are the basic principles of Zoroastrianism but similar quotes exist in islam too.

he thought Kant a fool I believe.
That’s ok, Nietzsche last words supposedly were “Mom, I am dumb!”