The Junk Drawer

I'm waiting for live gladiator fights to the death on the internet from some shithole county or perhaps red state.

I think that is a supremely stupid idea, so it will probably go over huge with the unwashed masses....
Wrestling is theater, exaggeration, scripted but allowed to extemporize...
MMA up to now has been a real demonstration of mixed fighting skills between opponents who have trained hard for their chance...
They are not complimentary, wrestling fans don't care about real skill, they want drama, while real mma fans don't give a shit about drama, they want Real blood, and Real fights.
i think it will be to the detriment of both.
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I figure a cellphone too, I've seen a few drones explode in a blaze of glory after hitting solid objects at high speeds!
Cell phones don’t contain gas.

The explosion occurred in two stages: a release of gas that popped the door and gave a second to mix fuel and air, then the combustion event that pushed the window out.
If it was a disposable lighter, it was new with a full charge of butane when it burst. I’m guessing the dryer was gas-fired.
Cell phones don’t contain gas.

The explosion occurred in two stages: a release of gas that popped the door and gave a second to mix fuel and air, then the combustion event that pushed the window out.
If it was a disposable lighter, it was new with a full charge of butane. I’m guessing the dryer was gas-fired.
yeah, that seemed like a hell of an explosion for a bic lighter to was either a gas dryer, or there was a LOT of lint suspended in the air, possibly? or both?
i HEARD a grain elevator explode that was almost 5 miles away back in the 90s, that was from suspended grain dust. It leveled the elevator and a couple of large barn type buildings near it, and damaged the railroad tracks bad enough that it took them over a week to fix it.
yeah, that seemed like a hell of an explosion for a bic lighter to was either a gas dryer, or there was a LOT of lint suspended in the air, possibly? or both?
It didn’t have the look of a dust-air explosion imo. A large Bic contains enough fuel to make a hundred liters easy of fuel-air. The high luminosity suggests the mix was on the rich side.

(add) commercial dryers can run pretty hot. At 80 degrees C the butane/isobutane charge is under more than 150 psig pressure. The plastic probably softened, and the fuel sprayed into hot laundry, making for the flash-vapor burp that popped the door.
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Cell phones don’t contain gas.

The explosion occurred in two stages: a release of gas that popped the door and gave a second to mix fuel and air, then the combustion event that pushed the window out.
If it was a disposable lighter, it was new with a full charge of butane when it burst. I’m guessing the dryer was gas-fired.
They do when the highly combustible electrolyte is shot out of them at high pressure as a vapor when the cell is breeched li-ons are contained in a steel shell and Li pos are not. Li Pos are used for freestyle and racing a lot because of the high current demands of over 100 amps, but need to be managed better than Li ons which still have to be managed a lot. It looked like a fuel air explosion and the red persistent flame was my first clue it might be a lithium battery of some kind. The dryer door closed at the end, sucked back in by the vacuum.

Here is how fast information moved in 1860, when it got to Missouri, it got to the telegraph and back east at nearly the speed of light, or went most of the rest of the way by train. It is different world today and information technology made it so, but it started with the written word, then the printing press, and then the telgraph and then...

On This Day - April 3, 1860 – The first Pony Express mail simultaneously leaves St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, carried by Henry Wallace riding west and John Roff riding east. During the 1,800-mile journey, the riders changed horses dozens of times, and on April 13 the westbound packet arrived in Sacramento, beating the eastbound packet’s arrival in St. Joseph by two days.

Operating on a semiweekly basis for nearly two years, the route followed a pioneer trail across the present-day states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada to California, carrying mail as well as some small freight for the young Wells Fargo Company. The Pony Express Company, a private enterprise, charged $5 for every half-ounce of mail. Although short-lived and unprofitable, the mail service captivated the American imagination and helped win federal aid for a more economical overland mail service.

The Pony Express also contributed to the economy of the towns on its route and served the mail-service needs of the American West in the days before the telegraph or an efficient transcontinental railroad. Pony Express mail service was discontinued in October 1861.

why I live with high-powered binos close to hand. This just flew overhead.

Now here is something that could be a good long range drone engine depending on fuel economy. If it works out there would be plenty of military uses and it could power a tank at turbine engine sizes and vibration levels, perhaps with better fuel economy, rotaries were not the best on fuel economy, but neither are turbines. This can probably be developed into a multirotor design with no counterweight or much of one required.

Of course, nobody helped him, it was a wealthy area and none of them would risk helping a bleeding man on the ground whose cellphone was stolen. Muggers preyed upon it knowing assholes lived there with no sense of community, they were all self-centered "individuals". Look, if they called 911, the cops would show up and it takes time, so just ignore the noises from outside. Besides, if the cops show up, they might shoot you, because you never know with those guys.

Of course, nobody helped him, it was a wealthy area and none of them would risk helping a bleeding man on the ground whose cellphone was stolen. Muggers preyed upon it knowing assholes lived there with no sense of community, they were all self-centered "individuals". Look, if they called 911, the cops would show up and it takes time, so just ignore the noises from outside. Besides, if the cops show up, they might shoot you, because you never know with those guys.

It has a name. Hyper-Individualism and it's a result of 1995. And we're not going to be able to get this toothpaste back into the tube here. We have been forever changed..people keep asking what it is..the answer plain as the nose on your face or Smartphone in your hand.

Congress needs to step up and set some internet/app rules.
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