Bernie serves a purpose in calling out corporate greed and fighting for fairer taxation,but in this country any mention of Socialism immediately gets spun into full tilt commie,that's how it is and has been,in rural areas of the south and midwest Bernie is the equivalent of Lenen in their eyes.
that's not what i'm talking about, he has a history of ignoring minority and women's issues, and the minorities and women are aware of it...
Bernie serves a purpose in calling out corporate greed and fighting for fairer taxation,but in this country any mention of Socialism immediately gets spun into full tilt commie,that's how it is and has been,in rural areas of the south and midwest Bernie is the equivalent of Lenen in their eyes.

Right so 'they' are worried about Sanders' Democratic Socialism but Right Wing Fascism okay?

Seems they a history lesson or two.

Abortion not okay but don't you dare apply for social services when you can't afford that child.
The crucifixion of Cheeto Jesus begins, only he won't rise from the dead, neither did the original. We are in the passion of the Cheeto phase, where he's scourged and carries the cross for a spell while the hostile crowd jeers as he struggles and strains with his burden, these are future Holy days for the cult of Cheeto.

Will T**** Pose For a Mugshot? | GOP Warns: You Could Be Next
you do you...i'll go out doing as much damage as i can on the way.

It's much more likely than not to be moot, the republicans can't seem to pour piss out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel, They had years to plan their "revolution" and still failed, miserably. They have control of the house, and can't do a fucking thing except air grievances and waste time and money. Their base is slowly dwindling, the younger voters do not seem interested in them at all, and they continually force any independents that aren't very far right to begin with away from themselves.
They do have the ability to cause a lot of damage on their way out, but they ARE on their way out...
Most of the freedumb carcass HAS to have indictments waiting for them, they WILL be implicated by trump's and other's testimony when his federal case finally comes up, so it seems like the thing to do is wait (some more :( ) and see what happens during trump's trial...i'f i haven't died of extreme old age by then.
While you indulge a revenge fantasy, I’ll suggest that the one thing Democrats have going for them is that they are not following the Republicans into outlaw status. If that changes, we’re done.

The way back to a functional republic must be by exercising legal remedies. My hope is that enough people will get fed up with Republican assaults on fact and on decency that
despite gerrymandering, despite the electoral college, despite the sharp increase in sense-defying propaganda,
we will install a Democrat trifecta and mount a counterassault on fake news, Federalist Society judges and dark money.

The crucifixion of Cheeto Jesus begins, only he won't rise from the dead, neither did the original. We are in the passion of the Cheeto phase, where he's scourged and carries the cross for a spell while the hostile crowd jeers as he struggles and strains with his burden, these are future Holy days for the cult of Cheeto.

Will T**** Pose For a Mugshot? | GOP Warns: You Could Be Next

I tuned into a NY station, all I can see are MTG, her lapdog George Santos (he's her +1) and about six Blacks For Trump protesting in a very small circle. Some lady with a huge Trump flag and stove pipe hat (take a pic; leave a donation).
While you indulge a revenge fantasy, I’ll suggest that the one thing Democrats have going for them is that they are not following the Republicans into outlaw status. If that changes, we’re done.

The way back to a functional republic must be by exercising legal remedies. My hope is that enough people will get fed up with Republican assaults on fact and on decency that
despite gerrymandering, despite the electoral college, despite the sharp increase in sense-defying propaganda,
we will install a Democrat trifecta and mount a counterassault on fake news, Federalist Society judges and dark money.

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i'm actually just picking now...but at what point do you take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?
you would take the honorable path all the way to the graveyard? better to be dead with your principals shiney and intact than alive with slightly tarnished principals?
Then they are unopposed, and win by deception, and there is no honor in the entire which point i hope it is consumed by the chinese, it will be all we deserve.
i'm actually just picking now...but at what point do you take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?
you would take the honorable path all the way to the graveyard? better to be dead with your principals shiney and intact than alive with slightly tarnished principals?
Then they are unopposed, and win by deception, and there is no honor in the entire which point i hope it is consumed by the chinese, it will be all we deserve.
i'm actually just picking now...but at what point do you take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?
you would take the honorable path all the way to the graveyard? better to be dead with your principals shiney and intact than alive with slightly tarnished principals?
Then they are unopposed, and win by deception, and there is no honor in the entire which point i hope it is consumed by the chinese, it will be all we deserve.
When lawful avenues are exhausted. Imo we are not there.
While you indulge a revenge fantasy, I’ll suggest that the one thing Democrats have going for them is that they are not following the Republicans into outlaw status. If that changes, we’re done.

The way back to a functional republic must be by exercising legal remedies. My hope is that enough people will get fed up with Republican assaults on fact and on decency that
despite gerrymandering, despite the electoral college, despite the sharp increase in sense-defying propaganda,
we will install a Democrat trifecta and mount a counterassault on fake news, Federalist Society judges and dark money.

View attachment 5278150
This is the way... of the postmodern warrior in the battle against stupidity, we must stand on the foundations of what brought us to a civil society to move forward, we need to make what we have work, or modify it so that it does. You need to win elections to do anything significant, but once you do, social conditions are ripe for major political and social changes in America, it has been in a kind of gridlocked stasis. America could be at a "Tipping point", if the democrats can pull off a hat trick with Trump and Kevin's help.
i'm actually just picking now...but at what point do you take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?
you would take the honorable path all the way to the graveyard? better to be dead with your principals shiney and intact than alive with slightly tarnished principals?
Then they are unopposed, and win by deception, and there is no honor in the entire which point i hope it is consumed by the chinese, it will be all we deserve.

You do it just like Disney did as @DIY-HP-LED or @cannabineer fight back legally..just like Joe did when he had Congress play a little game. Those are the wins we are quite capable of; low hanging fruit.

Strategy and being a step or two ahead will translate into more wins. No scientist works without concept; no sales rep worth their salt shows up without knowing about its target and who else is targeting your target..and at times that person who is targeting your target? is within your own company. It's ruthless.
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I do. This is already a bunch of bull shit..they said no DNA swab now. That swab would clear up so many cases including E. Jean Carroll's. I know she had a rape kit done.

Trump is above the law- a no cuffs, no mugshot and supposedly no DNA now..could've done this through Zoom.

I'm officially disgusted.
Fully agree

Justice isn't just, if your pockets are empty