From the time i learned of his existence, he struck me as a used car salesman class conman...I thought it was fucking hilarious when the republicans nominated him...Not so funny now, but it was a learning experience.
I thought the entire country was MUCH more intelligent, compassionate, and educated than it is...MUCH more. I learned to never underestimate the power of laziness and stupidity. I learned that people would rather defend a ridiculous fantasy to the death than admit they were fucking stupid.
I learned that some people fear the truth more than they fear being a puppet of fascists, that some of them actually seem eager for the hand of control to slither up their asses.
Life is full of lessons, and most of them suck ass.
I'm in the same boat as you and Roger,absolutely dumbfounded,I semi-understood 2016 because there was a lot ofQuite so. I do look at it in almost shock, it's amazing that so many people support him. It is a "this fucking guy?!?!?! Really!?!?!" type shock, trump was such a well known grifter, I just can't imagine supporting him.
I'm in the same boat as you and Roger,absolutely dumbfounded,I semi-understood 2016 because there was a lot of
anti Hillary sentiment which she aided w/a sense of entitlement that it was her turn for the Presidency,her "deplorables" comment fired people up,and she underestimated her opponent and lost states she undercampaig,THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!
What was really telling was Donald was the epitome of everything they supposedly despised, a city slicker elitist from NY and the perfect example of the seven deadly sins for the party of individual responsibility and family values. Everybody had Jesus as their best friend in the GOP a few years before. As more and more of his aberrant behavior became apparent, it made no difference to many, as the ones with hearts and brains walked out the door, white trash walked in, attracted by the dog whistle. Grab them by the pussy would have finished any previous presidential campaign then and there.I have a weakness in that I'm can't anticipate people doing things I never would do myself. I learned about that blind spot when I had a shitty roommate. In 2015, I expected the GOP to move harder right but nothing like this. It was only in 2019 that I started predicting the early 2020's were going to be difficult and by then I came to terms with how violent the MAGA fascist movement had become. Still, though, I knew Trump would be bad but never expected he would actually be able to motivate people carry out the Jan 6 insurrection until days before it happened. Like I said, blind spot.
we could just have an "anti revolution"...we could just march on D.C. and succeed where they failed...drag the fuckers out of the capital building, that they have been befouling with their presence, and hold sedition trials on the spot, with pence's gibbet waiting for the losers...which would be the entire freedumb caucus and any who have voted with them...I can’t wrap my head around a few interlocking things:
the Republicans are actively working toward turning this nation into a place combining the worse features of Russia and Saudi Arabia (to the plain detriment of 99% of the population).
People are voting enough of these post-republicans in. As their representatives on this site show, they’ve bought into a sick collective delusion that they have to dismember democracy to save America. Greene, Scott, McCarthy, DePantis are not aberrations.
And there’s no talking to them about it. Common sense and compassion are now woke, and woke is ruining America.
A plan this coherent isn’t new. When did the power structure guiding it assemble and start a long-term coup? We know some names; we know some tactics of the slow sedition — and by and large not enough people care.
It’s my kids who will bear the brunt of it. The western world was set back a thousand years after Rome shook itself apart in a series of shockingly similar civic departures. I shake my head in a sort of horror.
Bernie? the only candidate at the time with LESS charisma than Hillary?...or a crusty sock under a teenagers bed?...yeah, that would have happened...I fully agree with you about "Princess Hillary." The Dem's did not understand the disgust that independants felt for her. Bernie would have cleaned Donnie's clock and we would have a balanced budget and probably not as many Covid deaths. The Nazies would not have rasied their heads very high before the DOJ swooped in, Bill Barr would still be a disgraced asshole from olden times and Hillary would have been history. It's all the Dem's fault!
Not sure about Bernie,he has a good heart and genuinely wants to help the poor,but he is too far to the left to win a gen election,He would be demonized as a communist in sheeps clothing in political ads scaring people shitless.In retrospect I think Biden declining to run due to grieving his son's death paved the way for what happened,I could be wrong because he won in 2020 due to the countries yearning for some stability after a 4 yr. circus and Hillary possibly could have still beat him for the Dem nom in 2016,we'll never know as we struggle to get past all the divisiveness in the pop. and the institutional damage and mistrust that resulted.I fully agree with you about "Princess Hillary." The Dem's did not understand the disgust that independants felt for her. Bernie would have cleaned Donnie's clock and we would have a balanced budget and probably not as many Covid deaths. The Nazies would not have rasied their heads very high before the DOJ swooped in, Bill Barr would still be a disgraced asshole from olden times and Hillary would have been history. It's all the Dem's fault!
no. If we can’t do it without this sort of cheating, the republic is over.we could just have an "anti revolution"...we could just march on D.C. and succeed where they failed...drag the fuckers out of the capital building, that they have been befouling with their presence, and hold sedition trials on the spot, with pence's gibbet waiting for the losers...which would be the entire freedumb caucus and any who have voted with them...
It might have to come to that...not a fucking joke.
Not to mention that minorities are less than thrilled with him, and women aren't far behind them...Bernie may talk a liberal game, but he has some very "conservative" personal values, apparently.Not sure about Bernie,he has a good heart and genuinely wants to help the poor,but he is too far to the left to win a gen election,He would be demonized as a communist in sheeps clothing in political ads scaring people shitless.In retrospect I think Biden declining to run due to grieving his son's death paved the way for what happened,I could be wrong because he won in 2020 due to the countries yearning for some stability after a 4 yr. circus and Hillary possibly could have still beat him for the Dem nom in 2016,we'll never know as we struggle to get past all the divisiveness in the pop. and the institutional damage and mistrust that resulted.
You don't need to when you have truth, facts and the courts, that's what is all for, but it takes time. Jack is gonna go through these assholes like shit through a goose, he has far too many of them by the balls and there will be plenty of rats among this crowd, he will end up knowing every detail and will indict what he figures he can prove. These guys aren't dummies and know the rot runs deep in the GOP and it is a threat to the constitution and national security. If you are wondering who the warrior for the constitution is, look no further than Sammy's boy Jack. I think he is going for congress people if he can get them, J6 could not have happened without a conspiracy with some congress members. We have seen plenty of press reports about their treason and sedition, so has Jack.we could just have an "anti revolution"...we could just march on D.C. and succeed where they failed...drag the fuckers out of the capital building, that they have been befouling with their presence, and hold sedition trials on the spot, with pence's gibbet waiting for the losers...which would be the entire freedumb caucus and any who have voted with them...
It might have to come to that...not a fucking joke.
we could just have an "anti revolution"...we could just march on D.C. and succeed where they failed...drag the fuckers out of the capital building, that they have been befouling with their presence, and hold sedition trials on the spot, with pence's gibbet waiting for the losers...which would be the entire freedumb caucus and any who have voted with them...
It might have to come to that...not a fucking joke.
is kicking a squatter out of your house cheating? is throwing a cheater out on his ear cheating?no. If we can’t do it without this sort of cheating, the republic is over.
those do not kicking a squatter out of your house cheating? is throwing a cheater out on his ear cheating?
i do not intend to give up, no matter how grim things might look...they'll drag me away in a body bag before i'll accept a fascist government.
Bernie serves a purpose in calling out corporate greed and fighting for fairer taxation,but in this country any mention of Socialism immediately gets spun into full tilt commie,that's how it is and has been,in rural areas of the south and midwest Bernie is the equivalent of Lenen in their eyes.Not to mention that minorities are less than thrilled with him, and women aren't far behind them...Bernie may talk a liberal game, but he has some very "conservative" personal values, apparently.
you do you...i'll go out doing as much damage as i can on the way.those do not compare.
Have faith, things are improving. He didn’t win in 2020 and he’ll never win again. Republicans squeaked out a narrow victory in midterms that had a Democratic president with approval numbers in the 30’s. I believe the American people have woken up but it’s going to take a while to get these clowns away from the levers of government, unfortunately.I'm in the same boat as you and Roger,absolutely dumbfounded,I semi-understood 2016 because there was a lot of
anti Hillary sentiment which she aided w/a sense of entitlement that it was her turn for the Presidency,her "deplorables" comment fired people up,and she underestimated her opponent and lost states she undercampaigned in thinking she'd win them easily combined with his bombastic never seen before style and celebrity status the upset was in the making.But he had a sordid past,no experience, that bared watching and there was a hope the "weight of the office" would humble him.As soon a the inauguration went down it was a harbinger that this was going to be bad,4 yrs. of utter disaray,all norms cast aside,and a dizzying amount of strife and turbulence followed.The guy blew up yrs. of foreign policy w/allies and then tried to blow up our democracy ravaging respected govt. institutions and constructing and lighting the fuse of a insurrection.All this and he just received 7 million in donations over a couple of days durung this indightment and they still blindly drink the cool-aid. What a bitch slap of a lesson in human nature this whole thing has provided,THERE ARE NO WORDS!!!!