Just Cats

That's backwards, a pussy tatoo...
I have to wonder if that is a selfie tattoo.
Tattoo Artist animated emoticon
me and my wife lost one of our cats for 3 days. We have new HVAC being installed and she musta went down an open vent. We found her in the crawl space. I have been walking and driving around the neighborhood for hours lol…. So relieved! Thought she was owl snacks cause never let her out
One of my neighbors cats spends so much time at our house they have relinquished ownership to us....just asked us to send them pictures once in a while lol...Burt
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Last night a young cat (no longer a kitten) showed up in my garage. Neutered and ear tipped. Typically such cats are not friendly, but this one wants in the house. Under foot. Purrs and heat butts. Loves petting. Clearly he has been someone's pet. Had him scanned for a chip this morning. No chip.

Got a sign up in the driveway. I'd keep him myself, but I care for an outdoor colony of 4 community cats, and have 2 indoor-only males, and they don't want another inside with them. Too many cats. Don't need another one. I keep the garage door cracked open enough the outdoor cats can get shelter from bad weather.

Will probably end up taking him to a shelter next week if he's still here. He's a sweetie and deserves to live inside.

Just venting. I hope he wanders back to his place.