Well-Known Member
Just for you. It's even from Wikipedia so you know it's the truth,I’m curious. Can you link to one (1) instance of Wikipedia getting it seriously wrong?

Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a reliable source - Wikipedia

Just for you. It's even from Wikipedia so you know it's the truth,I’m curious. Can you link to one (1) instance of Wikipedia getting it seriously wrong?
Thanks, but that is not really what I mean. That is a disclaimer. I’m much more interested if you’ve encountered something in Wiki that is seriously wrong.Just for you. It's even from Wikipedia so you know it's the truth,
Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a reliable source - Wikipedia
I wouldn't quote Wikipedia. But correct. It was just created by a couple left wing veterans. Anyone can become a member. The name of the group is misleading. But that's typical political bullshit.
I think vets are terribly underrepresented in both of our countries, so political bullshit or not, I'd think it's a fairly worthwhile endevour for the group.
That's the end of this discussion. Either you agree with me, or I'm going to put a laughy smiley face thingy on your next 10 posts.
I ain't kidding man. This is war now.
it's like carlson can hear my thoughts about him...Foxshit is all over the news because it is big news, big enough to destroy fox, one way or another, big enough for the democrats to hold hearings and make their business model illegal, if they win in 2024.
Tucker never thought enough about it apparently, but he doesn't appear to be good at thinking anyway.
emojihadI think vets are terribly underrepresented in both of our countries, so political bullshit or not, I'd think it's a fairly worthwhile endevour for the group.
That's the end of this discussion. Either you agree with me, or I'm going to put a laughy smiley face thingy on your next 10 posts.
I ain't kidding man. This is war now.
"American carnage" -- Trump, 2017, inaugurationemojihad
Do you think that move to expel those two costs them votes in the state, or nationally? Will it have a negative net effect?
On PBS Newshour it's said out loud by Gary Abernathy during a wrap-up of the news regarding Trump's indictment and the expulsion of two Black representatives in Tennessee's legislature. First he said that Trump is above the law. He said other people could and maybe should be prosecuted for document fraud but Trump should be given a pass because he's too important.
Then he said during the discussion about the protest in Tennessee that the two who were expelled had violated the decorum of the legislature. He said they should face whatever punishment the GOP controlled legislature deemed necessary, regardless of the effects and consequences of disenfranchising the people of the districts they represent. Mind you, they did not break any laws, all they did was make the Republican leadership look bad by joining the anti-gun protester's calls that something be done to reduce gun homicides and mass shootings, especially in schools. There are plenty of examples elsewhere, including in the US Congress where members of those bodied joined protesters. Only in Tennessee did lawmakers get expelled of exercising their right to free speech.
To GOP MAGA leaders, the law is to be applied at their discretion and they see no contradiction in what they are demanding be done, or in Trump's case, not done. Also, Abernathy said "everybody says" Bragg's case against Trump is weak and therefore is a political charge, not a legal one. He said that before he had the opportunity to see what the evidence is. He's jumping the gun and saying what he cannot know.
If the leaders of our country refuse to follow the Constitution and have no fear of the law should they get caught breaking it (Trump, Clarence Thomas), our democracy will not stand.
In fascism, the discretionary power of the dictator prevails over the rule of law.
On PBS Newshour it's said out loud by Gary Abernathy during a wrap-up of the news regarding Trump's indictment and the expulsion of two Black representatives in Tennessee's legislature. First he said that Trump is above the law. He said other people could and maybe should be prosecuted for document fraud but Trump should be given a pass because he's too important.
Then he said during the discussion about the protest in Tennessee that the two who were expelled had violated the decorum of the legislature. He said they should face whatever punishment the GOP controlled legislature deemed necessary, regardless of the effects and consequences of disenfranchising the people of the districts they represent. Mind you, they did not break any laws, all they did was make the Republican leadership look bad by joining the anti-gun protester's calls that something be done to reduce gun homicides and mass shootings, especially in schools. There are plenty of examples elsewhere, including in the US Congress where members of those bodied joined protesters. Only in Tennessee did lawmakers get expelled of exercising their right to free speech.
To GOP MAGA leaders, the law is to be applied at their discretion and they see no contradiction in what they are demanding be done, or in Trump's case, not done. Also, Abernathy said "everybody says" Bragg's case against Trump is weak and therefore is a political charge, not a legal one. He said that before he had the opportunity to see what the evidence is. He's jumping the gun and saying what he cannot know.
If the leaders of our country refuse to follow the Constitution and have no fear of the law should they get caught breaking it (Trump, Clarence Thomas), our democracy will not stand.
In fascism, the discretionary power of the dictator prevails over the rule of law. you think that move to expel those two costs them votes in the state, or nationally? Will it have a negative net effect?
Will the effect be delayed, because they pissed off so many kids?
Will it bring out the youth vote, normally apathetic?
I have a big blind spot regarding what right wing authoritarians will do. Proximity to them helps but the farther away they are, the less able I am to predict what they will do. I would hope that the anti-democratic act of expelling members of the legislature for exercising their right to speak out on public matters will shake people into their senses about what's going on. I would hope this causes people to re-think their votes and choose better people next time. But I have no faith that MAGA GOP followers can see the harm to democracy and wrongness of what the Tennessee GOP leaders have just done. More likely, instead of reflecting on the fact that Memphis and Nashville voters have been disenfranchised for no good reason, people in hard core red districts are celebrating. This only hardens the divide and doesn't change people's minds.Do you think that move to expel those two costs them votes in the state, or nationally? Will it have a negative net effect?
Will the effect be delayed, because they pissed off so many kids?
Will it bring out the youth vote, normally apathetic?
I have a big blind spot regarding what right wing authoritarians will do. Proximity to them helps but the farther away they are, the less able I am to predict what they will do. I would hope that the anti-democratic act of expelling members of the legislature for exercising their right to speak out on public matters will shake people into their senses about what's going on. I would hope this causes people to re-think their votes and choose better people next time. But I have no faith that MAGA GOP followers can see the harm to democracy and wrongness of what the Tennessee GOP leaders have just done. More likely, instead of reflecting on the fact that Memphis and Nashville voters have been disenfranchised for no good reason, people in hard core red districts are celebrating. This only hardens the divide and doesn't change people's minds.
Long term, yes, the kids today who grow up with shooter drills and headlines about school mass shootings are going to be a problem for Republicans.It's the young people they are afraid of. So many more that have had to live with the fear of getting shot at school in the last few years outraged at the repubs lack of action and now TN pulling this Jim Crow crap should get them out to vote in droves in '24.
All the 'normal' repubs are getting sick of this too so hopefully many will just hold their noses and vote blue next time or not vote at all.
Way past time to something about the Supreme Court and the lying grifters embedded in there. All 3 of the tRump appointed ones lied to get in so why isn't something being done about that?
flipping the house would be great, but just making the fucking republicans follow the rules and not make shit up as they go wouldn't be a bad start.Long term, yes, the kids today who grow up with shooter drills and headlines about school mass shootings are going to be a problem for Republicans.
Short term outlook doesn't look good for Bemocrats. Something like 25 seats in the state House would have to flip for Democrats just to make the election close.