How can people that praise Canada for allowing people to off themselves at a dr office because they’re sad be upset that guns skip the middle man?
that is a pretty ignorant question...
Who is eligible for medical assistance in dying
In order to be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all of the following criteria. You must:
be eligible for health services funded by the federal government, or a province or territory (or during the applicable minimum period of residence or waiting period for eligibility) generally, visitors to Canada are not eligible for medical assistance in dying
be at least 18 years old and mentally competent. This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.
have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
make a voluntary request for MAID that is not the result of outside pressure or influence
give informed consent to receive MAID
you could have spent about two minutes to see what the requirements of the law are, but you just assumed you knew everything about it, after listening to jerk rogaine or someone equally retarded talk about it for a couple of minutes...
As for "being upset that guns skip the middle man"...well, first, the medication someone is prescribed to end the agony their life has become can't be carried away and used to kill other people.
secondly, Countries with stricter gun control laws have a lot less suicide to begin with.
Another thing you could have looked up easily, if you had any desire to know the truth.
Because suicide attempts are often impulsive acts,
access to guns increases the risk of death. A 2020 study that followed 26 million California residents for 12 years found that men who owned handguns were eight times more likely to die from firearm suicide compared with those who didn’t. For women who owned a handgun, the likelihood increased to 35 times.
Of all suicide attempts,
8.5 per cent result in death. That rate rises to 90 per cent when a gun is used. Gun access doesn’t just mean someone will die by gun versus another method, says Nestadt, “it means someone will die by gun instead of surviving. And, importantly, for people who survive a suicide attempt, the vast majority never go on to die by suicide later.”