Gun control is coming

Ya, the mental health issue is the biggest concern to me. Our system is all fucked up when it comes to dealing with it. I would rather we all focus on that before the guns.
Better background checks for mental illness and prior convictions are part of the package that are known will save lives when Oregon Measure 114 is implemented.

Gun lobbyists and fanatics are working to stop exactly what you just said.
Better background checks for mental illness and prior convictions are part of the package that are known will save lives when Oregon Measure 114 is implemented.

Gun lobbyists and fanatics are working to stop exactly what you just said.
The problem is mental illness usually goes undocumented. Even when it does there's loopholes to protect mental health records to be available when needed. And I'm not a gun lobbyist, :lol:. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

The problem is mental illness usually goes undocumented. Even when it does there's loopholes to protect mental health records to be available when needed. And I'm not a gun lobbyist, :lol:. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

You have spoken out against legislation that has been proven to prevent mentally ill people from sneaking through loopholes in background checks. What you posted above is just a complaint that suggests no resolution. Whenever a resolution is suggested you voice your cowardly and unjustified concern of "take muh gunz".
OMG how could you have survived all this time without your ammo?

I know eh! It's been touch and go but somehow we've managed to survive. ;)

I got a few shot shells left and 7 slugs. Box and a half of LR hollow points for the .22 and have 2 - 10 shot and 1 - 25 shot clips for the little Ruger 10-22 with the nice little Bushnell scope I put on it. Good little muskrat and magpie killer. Almost two boxes of 180gr soft nose .303 Brits for my 1942 USAF issue Mod. 1 Mk IV Lee Enfield. Had it a gun shop in Calgary 40 years ago and the guy said he doubted it had ever had more than 100 rounds put through it and was still in spec all over. A guy owed me $40 in 1976 and gave me the rifle and a big bag of WWII ammo from his dad including a dozen armour piercing rounds we used up blasting engine blocks on old wrecks. Just busted the shit out of them. Illegal to own so best use them up. Mine are 40 years old or so now. Good enough to knock down one of those damn moose that walk through the wife's garden once the dust from WWIII settles. ;)

The problem is mental illness usually goes undocumented. Even when it does there's loopholes to protect mental health records to be available when needed. And I'm not a gun lobbyist, :lol:. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

That's just f'n nuts. Part of the paper work here to get my ticket is a declaration from my spousal unit that she is cool with me having guns or no go. I've had them since she met me in '99 and never had reason to be concerned and we still get along great. Never even had a nasty fight yet and are both always looking out for the other. She don't nag and I don't fuss about little shit like most old farts. :)

They used to have a possession only permit so you could buy ammo for guns you already had but not buy a gun. No course needed for that and was $20 for 5 years same as the transport permit. Got my .303 confiscated in the middle of nowhere by the RCMP up by our cabin in west central BC. Cost me $100 to get it back. No shots fired.

I know eh! It's been touch and go but somehow we've managed to survive. ;)

I got a few shot shells left and 7 slugs. Box and a half of LR hollow points for the .22 and have 2 - 10 shot and 1 - 25 shot clips for the little Ruger 10-22 with the nice little Bushnell scope I put on it. Good little muskrat and magpie killer. Almost two boxes of 180gr soft nose .303 Brits for my 1942 USAF issue Mod. 1 Mk IV Lee Enfield. Had it a gun shop in Calgary 40 years ago and the guy said he doubted it had ever had more than 100 rounds put through it and was still in spec all over. A guy owed me $40 in 1976 and gave me the rifle and a big bag of WWII ammo from his dad including a dozen armour piercing rounds we used up blasting engine blocks on old wrecks. Just busted the shit out of them. Illegal to own so best use them up. Mine are 40 years old or so now. Good enough to knock down one of those damn moose that walk through the wife's garden once the dust from WWIII settles. ;)

Ammunition sort of disappeared here in 2008. It never came back, really. I have like 47 .22s left.

I am completely unprepared for Rodent Wave Attacks, excepting mêlée weapons like my big sushi knife and a fairly sharp hoe.

How can people that praise Canada for allowing people to off themselves at a dr office because they’re sad be upset that guns skip the middle man?
that is a pretty ignorant question...
Who is eligible for medical assistance in dying
In order to be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all of the following criteria. You must:
be eligible for health services funded by the federal government, or a province or territory (or during the applicable minimum period of residence or waiting period for eligibility) generally, visitors to Canada are not eligible for medical assistance in dying
be at least 18 years old and mentally competent. This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.
have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
make a voluntary request for MAID that is not the result of outside pressure or influence
give informed consent to receive MAID

you could have spent about two minutes to see what the requirements of the law are, but you just assumed you knew everything about it, after listening to jerk rogaine or someone equally retarded talk about it for a couple of minutes...

As for "being upset that guns skip the middle man"...well, first, the medication someone is prescribed to end the agony their life has become can't be carried away and used to kill other people.
secondly, Countries with stricter gun control laws have a lot less suicide to begin with.
Another thing you could have looked up easily, if you had any desire to know the truth.

Because suicide attempts are often impulsive acts, access to guns increases the risk of death. A 2020 study that followed 26 million California residents for 12 years found that men who owned handguns were eight times more likely to die from firearm suicide compared with those who didn’t. For women who owned a handgun, the likelihood increased to 35 times.
Of all suicide attempts, 8.5 per cent result in death. That rate rises to 90 per cent when a gun is used. Gun access doesn’t just mean someone will die by gun versus another method, says Nestadt, “it means someone will die by gun instead of surviving. And, importantly, for people who survive a suicide attempt, the vast majority never go on to die by suicide later.”
How can people that praise Canada for allowing people to off themselves at a dr office because they’re sad be upset that guns skip the middle man?
Actually there is a process to screen out people that are "just sad". Also it is not done at a Dr's office as it causes all the other appointments to be delayed as the ambulance to take away the body is busy elsewhere dealing with the sick or injured.

And you do not see a difference between killing yourself and killing others? Also much easier to kill yourself when you are sad with a gun in the house.
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Actually there is a process to screen out people that are "just sad". Also it is not done at a Dr's office as it causes all the other appointments to be delayed as the ambulance to take away the body is busy elsewhere dealing with the sick or injured.
It is a particularly clumsy example of a loaded question. It places being the very unwilling victim of a shooting on par with deliberate suicide. As such it manages to be cruel to both categories.
Yep. The MSU shooter had 2 handguns. So the guy didn't have a semi automatic rifle like Biden was implying.

The Michigan State University killer was previously charged with a felony but was still able to buy guns.
Third annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2021

MAID deaths accounted for 3.3% of all deaths in Canada in 2021


  1. This chart represents MAID deaths where the report was received by Health Canada by January 31, 2022. For 2021, this represents 9,950 MAID deaths.
  2. Providers were able to select more than one medical condition when reporting; therefore, the total exceeds 100%.
My comment was specifically targeted at people upset about gun suicide.
Then it was so poorly framed that it was open to the critique it received. You made no distinction between being shot by self or other.
To me, an American in the rural Midwest, the whole gun control argument is moot. There will never be anyone kicking in doors around here to confiscate guns they have no way of knowing a person has. And they sure won’t be arresting people at the county fair for “hate speech”.

In a country with a constitution specifically stating weapon ownership is a right, gun control is just something for people to argue about. But 400,000,000 guns aren’t going anywhere.
I believe the statement that quantity has a quality all its own is a Joseph Stalin quote. You might want to take a different approach, except on the off-chance that was your intent.