Gun control is coming

Because they get worried the Democrats are going to take them, or ban them. And even Democrats are buying them.
As an exercise, look up and list the number of gun confiscations that have occurred in US since, say, 1865.

I don’t mean the kind at airports, which are the result of individual stupidity.

I also don’t mean buybacks, which get billed as confiscation by wingnuts like ILA or Heritage, but are voluntary.

So, by what precedent are you expressing a reasonable concern?
As an exercise, look up and list the number of gun confiscations that have occurred in US since, say, 1865.

I don’t mean the kind at airports, which are the result of individual stupidity.

I also don’t mean buybacks, which get billed as confiscation by wingnuts like ILA or Heritage, but are voluntary.

So, by what precedent are you expressing a reasonable concern?
Biden's talking about a gun ban right now man.
ban ≠ confiscation
also, please link* to the particulars of this supposed ban. I cannot imagine it extends to guns already sold.

*real journalism, not NRA fear porn
He wants to take them but that's never gonna happen. The threat of a ban just makes more people want them and go out and buy them now before they're banned. They've already tried a ban of what they consider assault rifles and it didn't work. It won't work this time either. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That about sums up Special Joe.
He wants to take them but that's never gonna happen. The threat of a ban just makes more people want them and go out and buy them now before they're banned. They've already tried a ban of what they consider assault rifles and it didn't work. It won't work this time either. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That about sums up Special Joe.
no link, no sale. Fear porn.
He wants to take them but that's never gonna happen. The threat of a ban just makes more people want them and go out and buy them now before they're banned. They've already tried a ban of what they consider assault rifles and it didn't work. It won't work this time either. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That about sums up Special Joe.
You all seem driven by fear of a bunch of stuff, it must be very tiring :(.
You all seem driven by fear of a bunch of stuff, it must be very tiring :(.

No shit eh. Americans have to be the most paranoid people in the 'free' world. The fear mongering that goes on in the right wing media has them all jumping at shadows and arming themselves to the teeth. That bullshit about a good man with a gun stops a bad man with a gun is just that, bullshit. It so rarely happens that an armed citizen intervenes in a shooting scenario it's like finding teats on a bull.

Every time I see a twice daily mass shooting in the states on the news I thank the heavens I'm Canadian.

Since our neighbours were home invaded about 5 years ago I've kept my little 16 gauge loaded and under my mattress just in case. If I did kill an invader I'd be charged with murder but I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

No shit eh. Americans have to be the most paranoid people in the 'free' world. The fear mongering that goes on in the right wing media has them all jumping at shadows and arming themselves to the teeth. That bullshit about a good man with a gun stops a bad man with a gun is just that, bullshit. It so rarely happens that an armed citizen intervenes in a shooting scenario it's like finding teats on a bull.

Every time I see a twice daily mass shooting in the states on the news I thank the heavens I'm Canadian.

Since our neighbours were home invaded about 5 years ago I've kept my little 16 gauge loaded and under my mattress just in case. If I did kill an invader I'd be charged with murder but I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

for every defensive use of a gun here, there are 15 instances of deadly gun violence and again as many suicides.

The other side of that is that there is something visceral about holding a handgun. Much rationalization gets troweled onto that.
sorry i asked now....
Folsom Prison was a hell of a place to work....and i mean that literally.
As a Superintendent I had more than one qualified newly hired employee not report for the second day. They lay at home after the first day and imagine repeating that mayhem every day for the next 25 years and cannot talk themselves thru the gate a 2nd time. Mailed their ID cards in.
I always had a short meeting with each new convict assigned to my crew. I once casually asked one guy "so what are you in prison for?" and he responded "For killing my boss for asking stupid questions".....I checked his file...Yep high on meth he curb stomped his boss to death in the parking lot after work. :|
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for every defensive use of a gun here, there are 15 instances of deadly gun violence and again as many suicides.

The other side of that is that there is something visceral about holding a handgun. Much rationalization gets troweled onto that.
I agree that they're used in suicides way too much. But if you're going to blow your head off most people wouldn't grab an AR. They'd grab a shotgun (like one of my best friends did), or a pistol and hope they get it right. A .22 cal pistol isn't a good choice though. A teacher in college used one to shoot himself in the head and then changed his mind. Well he tossed the gun in the trash, and tried getting in the building but it was locked so they found him that morning dead in front.

And if people really want to die they will find a way, but it is scary that guns make it so easy and usually there's no second chances. So I do think it's super important to keep them out of the hands of anyone with any kind of those thoughts, and children of course.
He wants to take them but that's never gonna happen. The threat of a ban just makes more people want them and go out and buy them now before they're banned. They've already tried a ban of what they consider assault rifles and it didn't work. It won't work this time either. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That about sums up Special Joe.
Cowards are the kind of people who put other lives at risk over an imagined fear. What you just said is not uncommon among MAGA types and other gun nuts. They imagine they need a gun for self defense and imagine that Democrats are "gonna" "take them". Both fears are false but they believe them and so oppose rational laws that do in fact save lives without anybody who feels they need it for self defense being taken away. Two false fears makes somebody who says what you did a coward twice over.
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for every defensive use of a gun here, there are 15 instances of deadly gun violence and again as many suicides.

The other side of that is that there is something visceral about holding a handgun. Much rationalization gets troweled onto that.

About 30 years ago I saw a deal for a handgun course at 1/2 price so went and took it. After firing your 50 .22 rounds, half in a revolver and half in a semi auto you could go upstairs and buy a box of ammo and they let you get a gun to match it. Of course I got a 50 box of .357 wadcutters and wanted a S&W K-frame to use but got stuck with a nickle plated Colt that had real nice fitting combat grips. Bought one of those torso targets then went and had fun. Tried rapid fire one-handed for all six rounds and tho my grouping sucked at 20 yds they were all in the chest area. That mofo would have been dead for sure. :)

Next month I'm finally taking the gun course to get my PAL so I can buy some ammo or a rifle if I wanted another one but my old .303 works just fine. All out of .22 rounds from target shooting in my back yard. My old permits expired over 20 years ago.

Cowards are the kind of people who put other lives at risk over an imagined fear. What you just said is not uncommon among MAGA types and other gun nuts. They imagine they need a gun for self defense and imagine that Democrats are "gonna" "take them". Both fears are false but they believe them and so oppose rational laws that do in fact save lives. Two false fears makes somebody who says what you did a coward twice over.
Nobody's taking anything from me. I'm not worried. :lol:
So I do think it's super important to keep them out of the hands of anyone with any kind of those thoughts, and children of course.

How would you propose to do that without more gun regulation? Mental health care in the states is as bad or worse than it is here in Canada so you can bet that without the more stringent regs we have here there would be a lot more suicide by gun and likely more mass shootings too. No one's coming for my guns.

We got MAiD here that was just upgraded to include people with extreme mental illness looking to take the easy way out with a doctor's help. It's gone back for possible amendments before becoming law tho.

About 30 years ago I saw a deal for a handgun course at 1/2 price so went and took it. After firing your 50 .22 rounds, half in a revolver and half in a semi auto you could go upstairs and buy a box of ammo and they let you get a gun to match it. Of course I got a 50 box of .357 wadcutters and wanted a S&W K-frame to use but got stuck with a nickle plated Colt that had real nice fitting combat grips. Bought one of those torso targets then went and had fun. Tried rapid fire one-handed for all six rounds and tho my grouping sucked at 20 yds they were all in the chest area. That mofo would have been dead for sure. :)

Next month I'm finally taking the gun course to get my PAL so I can buy some ammo or a rifle if I wanted another one but my old .303 works just fine. All out of .22 rounds from target shooting in my back yard. My old permits expired over 20 years ago.

OMG how could you have survived all this time without your ammo?
How would you propose to do that without more gun regulation? Mental health care in the states is as bad or worse than it is here in Canada so you can bet that without the more stringent regs we have here there would be a lot more suicide by gun and likely more mass shootings too. No one's coming for my guns.

We got MAiD here that was just upgraded to include people with extreme mental illness looking to take the easy way out with a doctor's help. It's gone back for possible amendments before becoming law tho.

Ya, the mental health issue is the biggest concern to me. Our system is all fucked up when it comes to dealing with it. I would rather we all focus on that before the guns.