Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

Actually is was more like 73 million and that was the high point in 2020 when the cockroaches and white trash crawled out of the woodwork, in Cheeto Jesus's last miracle. They lost a lot over J6 and are losing more every day, the trials of 2023 and 2024 will cost them more, as will the clown show in the house. The GOP is divided and coming apart at the seams and Donald going to prison will either save it or destroy it.

We will soon see, because an indictment or two will be dropping on Donald fairly soon and then it will depend on if the judge gives him conditions of release until trial, bail, a muzzle or he could simply hold him in jail until trial. If Donald gets indicted and is running around loose, the first place he is gonna run to is to Kevin, where he will grab him by the nuts and squeeze them until his head pops clean off, while freaking out and raving on social media! :lol: If Kevin figures he has trouble with the debt ceiling, wait till the shit really hits the fan with Donald's indictment, many republicans secretly want him gone and are hoping Jack will do him for them. Fortunately for them Donald won't be around long enough to form a third party, or make a Bull Moose run, an independent run for the WH that would fuck them in 2024.
73 million
yeah, reg'ed voters, yeah. but they come from families of un reg'ed. and if it is
4 ppl per family, that's easily 150 mill or more trumpified, idiots, at least. I see
ppl in here so optimistic, i bet those same ppl in 2015 thot trump'd never win,
that hillary had it in the bag. and sure he lost by 3 mill pop votes, but he won,
none the less. This is AmeriKKKa, ppl seem to forget that. This country supported
Hitler and fascism. The usa practically invented fascism. It's based on hate and
racism, remember? What country has more of that than the USA? Maybe Russia.
This country is Bizzaro World. So ppl like that Orange Demon, DeSantis and Santos
are the ones that these magats seek. I don't know if it's stupidity or a desire to show
those of us who are in the real world that by gosh they don't have to take it anymore.
That they're just being oppositional for the sake of defiance, seems to be their creed.
Education, bringing them into the same world the rest of us inhabit is the only way to
fix this. And try to educate a dumbed-down individual who already thinks they're smarter
than you are. Call me cynical, but i've been watching pretty closely since Nixon, and Reagan.
Who the HELL would vote for Reagan? Or Dumbya? You got to be shitting me! Who'd do that?
AmeriKKKans would do that.
yeah, reg'ed voters, yeah. but they come from families of un reg'ed. and if it is
4 ppl per family, that's easily 150 mill or more trumpified, idiots, at least. I see
ppl in here so optimistic, i bet those same ppl in 2015 thot trump'd never win,
that hillary had it in the bag. and sure he lost by 3 mill pop votes, but he won,
none the less. This is AmeriKKKa, ppl seem to forget that. This country supported
Hitler and fascism. The usa practically invented fascism. It's based on hate and
racism, remember? What country has more of that than the USA? Maybe Russia.
This country is Bizzaro World. So ppl like that Orange Demon, DeSantis and Santos
are the ones that these magats seek. I don't know if it's stupidity or a desire to show
those of us who are in the real world that by gosh they don't have to take it anymore.
That they're just being oppositional for the sake of defiance, seems to be their creed.
Education, bringing them into the same world the rest of us inhabit is the only way to
fix this. And try to educate a dumbed-down individual who already thinks they're smarter
than you are. Call me cynical, but i've been watching pretty closely since Nixon, and Reagan.
Who the HELL would vote for Reagan? Or Dumbya? You got to be shitting me! Who'd do that?
AmeriKKKans would do that.
WTF? Are you an American? That shit is messed up.
yeah, reg'ed voters, yeah. but they come from families of un reg'ed. and if it is
4 ppl per family, that's easily 150 mill or more trumpified, idiots, at least. I see
ppl in here so optimistic, i bet those same ppl in 2015 thot trump'd never win,
that hillary had it in the bag. and sure he lost by 3 mill pop votes, but he won,
none the less. This is AmeriKKKa, ppl seem to forget that. This country supported
Hitler and fascism. The usa practically invented fascism. It's based on hate and
racism, remember? What country has more of that than the USA? Maybe Russia.
This country is Bizzaro World. So ppl like that Orange Demon, DeSantis and Santos
are the ones that these magats seek. I don't know if it's stupidity or a desire to show
those of us who are in the real world that by gosh they don't have to take it anymore.
That they're just being oppositional for the sake of defiance, seems to be their creed.
Education, bringing them into the same world the rest of us inhabit is the only way to
fix this. And try to educate a dumbed-down individual who already thinks they're smarter
than you are. Call me cynical, but i've been watching pretty closely since Nixon, and Reagan.
Who the HELL would vote for Reagan? Or Dumbya? You got to be shitting me! Who'd do that?
AmeriKKKans would do that.
Dems aren't absolved from all of that either. How many of them visit Davos each year to bask in the "wisdom" of Klaus Schwab, the son of a Nazi supporter?
WTF? Are you an American? That shit is messed up.
Explain, please?
How many of them visit Davos each year to bask in the "wisdom" of Klaus Schwab, the son of a Nazi supporter?
Those same high moral Dems are paying big bucks for their hookers during their week at the WEF in Davos too.

Eww, the NY Post says, ew. Now there's a bastion of unbiased, journalistic integrity there.
Not that hookers got a damn thing to do with a thing I said. What's next, gonna quote some Qanon conspiracy theories?
Bring something to say, other than wave a lot of meaningless, fascist-partisan bs at the subject.
Explain, please?

Eww, the NY Post says, ew. Now there's a bastion of unbiased, journalistic integrity there.
Not that hookers got a damn thing to do with a thing I said. What's next, gonna quote some Qanon conspiracy theories?
Bring something to say, other than wave a lot of meaningless, fascist-partisan bs at the subject.
If you don't believe it, then research it yourself. It seems more like you don't want to believe it, so you simply dismiss it out of hand.
Those same high moral Dems are paying big bucks for their hookers during their week at the WEF in Davos too.

If no trafficking is involved, I couldn't care less about prostitution - no matter the parenthetical letter or local legality.
If no trafficking is involved, I couldn't care less about prostitution - no matter the parenthetical letter or local legality.
The pimps flew all the prostitutes over to Davos for the week to sexually exploit them. Isn't that considered trafficking?
If you don't believe it, then research it yourself. It seems more like you don't want to believe it, so you simply dismiss it out of hand.
it's not that i don't believe it, it's that i just don't give a fuck.
some guy takes a trip and visits a call girl? wow, stop the presses, big headline..."who fucking cares?"
Dems aren't absolved from all of that either. How many of them visit Davos each year to bask in the "wisdom" of Klaus Schwab, the son of a Nazi supporter?
i see a lot of shit about his family history...and not one fucking word about him ever supporting any nazi group or idea.
do you think we should round up all the descendants of Nazi soldiers during WW2? they had nazi ancestors, they must be nazis as well.
how far back should we go? arrest the descendants of the bolsheviks? who can trust them? how about the descendants of the government agents who gave American Indians blankets that were infected with smallpox? they surely would still do the same thing... :roll:
so...mr. research it yourself...this is what my research showed me...that you didn't do even a quick google search, you just bought into the same bullshit that magats and qanon freaks swallow eagerly, because it confirms their biases.
Those same high moral Dems are paying big bucks for their hookers during their week at the WEF in Davos too.

it's not that i don't believe it, it's that i just don't give a fuck.
some guy takes a trip and visits a call girl? wow, stop the presses, big headline..."who fucking cares?"

i see a lot of shit about his family history...and not one fucking word about him ever supporting any nazi group or idea.
do you think we should round up all the descendants of Nazi soldiers during WW2? they had nazi ancestors, they must be nazis as well.
how far back should we go? arrest the descendants of the bolsheviks? who can trust them? how about the descendants of the government agents who gave American Indians blankets that were infected with smallpox? they surely would still do the same thing... :roll:
so...mr. research it yourself...this is what my research showed me...that you didn't do even a quick google search, you just bought into the same bullshit that magats and qanon freaks swallow eagerly, because it confirms their biases.
A bunch of drunk high rollers will attract every hooker, male and female in Europe, they flew in along with the big shots.
I don't see that in the article you linked. The way it is written suggests the prostitutes have self-agency.
You're right, I don't know if they flew of if they were driven. From the article in question:

"A woman who manages an escort service based in the Swiss town of Aargau, which is located some 100 miles from Davos, told 20 Minuten that she received 11 bookings and 25 inquiries — and that was just the beginning."

It's cool though, we can let it go. You guys have made it clear that you support sex exploitation, unless it's when someone like Matt Gaetz gets involved (who by the way, I find creepy as fuck).