Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

Desantis will win because the Democrats have no one. Many Democrats have been driven away from the party by all the extreme left idealists. Trump, on the other hand, represents an icon of being too extreme to attract any of those migrating (former) Democrats. Desantis is presently, the only reasonable candidate. Polls won't be good indicators of all the people who are now allying themselves with the "Independent" moniker. Democrats' hopes of a magic genie appearing from a bottle. won't happen. All those voters, who have been driven away by the left's extreme ideologies, will soon be ripe for the picking. Most people who DO vote, don't want to waste their vote, so they will choose the candidate who they think will fight against the current, United States of Soddom and Gammorah. Of course, no matter who it is, unless they are openly queer, they will end up with some kind of "phobic" or "ist" suffix as part of their title....but, what else is new?
GOP culture wars are lead balloons to the GOP's chances in 2024. Just like their stance on women's reproductive rights which, along with their attacks on our democracy, sunk them in 2022.

lol at the biblical reference. For my entire life, that kind of reference has come from doddering old fools who were just a short time away from losing their mind to Alzheimer's. Along with the growing millennial demographic, US society is shifting away from your fake right wing Christian ethos, taking away any meaning old farts had when they uttered that curse on the US. You might as well be muttering "rhubarb".

The following has more meaning to the younger population than your crotchety curse on the US's growing acceptance of multicultural diversity.

While Ron DeSantis Is Fighting Culture Wars, Millions Of Floridians Are Losing Their Health Care
The Florida governor's record of opposing Medicaid expansion — and other initiatives to expand coverage — deserves more attention than it's getting

Agent orange was a chaotic buffoon, and he legitimized the worst in/of the minority rule party. DeSatanis is neither, and he is solid Repug. He could succeed where the buffoon failed. The republic might not survive another maga at the reins.
There's a difference between fascists? As far as i can see, they're both trouble, just different flavors of the same kind of shit.
Either one of them would just be 4 years of more shit for the democrats to fix, it would just be different shit that needed fixing.
GOP culture wars are lead balloons, just like their stance on women's reproductive rights which, along with their attacks on our democracy, sunk them in 2022.

lol at the biblical reference. For my entire life, that kind of reference has come from doddering old fools who were just a short time away from losing their mind to Alzheimer's. Along with the growing millenial demographic, US society is shifting away from your fake right wing Christian ethos, taking away any meaning old farts had when they uttered that curse on the US. You might as well be muttering "rhubarb".

The following has more meaning to the younger population than your crotchety curse on the US's growing acceptance of multicultural diversity.

While Ron DeSantis Is Fighting Culture Wars, Millions Of Floridians Are Losing Their Health Care
The Florida governor's record of opposing Medicaid expansion — and other initiatives to expand coverage — deserves more attention than it's getting

I otoh have run into quite a few people half my age who have bought into and are propagating the dominionist claptrap. I would be wary of counting those chickens until the wooden stake has been driven all the way through “and then some”.
I think we need to factor in the fact that Donald will be in prison by the end of this year and Jack could be going after republican congress people next year. There are 2 years of hurt ahead for the republicans, besides fucking up epically in the house right from the get go. They think they can fuck the economy and the voters will forget it in two years of blaming Biden for it and they are probably right, they regularly destroy the lives of their supporters and it makes no difference at all.

Joe is getting up there, but that's what VPs are for, he also has a life long stuttering issue that he has largely overcome and helps others with the same problems. Don't mistake his minor disability for senility, I've seen him perform with out a teleprompter thinking on his feet lot's of times, he is definitely firing on all cylinders and may for years to come. So far if we judge him based of performance, I don't think you will do better, he has experience and wisdom on his side and no sign of mental deterioration at all. Joe is modest and smarter than most people think, he has been regularly underestimated and his first 2 year's accomplishments speak for themselves, consider the democrats position in congress, his experience and connections paid off there too. America is in a dangerous period at home and abroad, you need a steady experienced hand guided by wisdom to get through it and Joe is your man. In his administration the surgeon general would tell you if he is unfit, but that wouldn't be required, Joe would put his country first and retire, he is not surrounded by yes men who live in fear.
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lose to Biden twice.
Biden's gonna get thrown out of office after impeachment. S'it, done. And
the other criminal who commited his theft of classified docs, maliciously, and with
criminal intent, and trying still to cover up, will not answer to any of his crimes at all.
It should be wowzah of a contrast between the two ppl and the two parties. They call
it the "Franken Syndrome". Repubs engage in pedophilia and nothing happens, then
accuse dems of eating babies. Dems do the least little bit and resign in shame. So it
will be for Joe.
Biden's gonna get thrown out of office after impeachment. S'it, done. And
the other criminal who commited his theft of classified docs, maliciously, and with
criminal intent, and trying still to cover up, will not answer to any of his crimes at all.
It should be wowzah of a contrast between the two ppl and the two parties. They call
it the "Franken Syndrome". Repubs engage in pedophilia and nothing happens, then
accuse dems of eating babies. Dems do the least little bit and resign in shame. So it
will be for Joe.

wait what?

There will be no impeachment for Biden.........

Biden's gonna get thrown out of office after impeachment. S'it, done. And
the other criminal who commited his theft of classified docs, maliciously, and with
criminal intent, and trying still to cover up, will not answer to any of his crimes at all.
It should be wowzah of a contrast between the two ppl and the two parties. They call
it the "Franken Syndrome". Repubs engage in pedophilia and nothing happens, then
accuse dems of eating babies. Dems do the least little bit and resign in shame. So it
will be for Joe.
So it's no more fantastic than the convictions on the right of speakers of the house for
pedophilia, and allegations of helping pedophiles, then calling the left baby eaters,
then getting Trump and that criminal cabal elected into office? Couldn't possibly
happen. :) Okie, then.
So it's no more fantastic than the convictions on the right of speakers of the house for
pedophilia, and allegations of helping pedophiles, then calling the left baby eaters,
then getting Trump and that criminal cabal elected into office? Couldn't possibly
happen. :) Okie, then.

ask matt getz bout the pedo thing, i'm pretty sure flordia would love to talk to him too.

and epstien....oh that right he's dead....