Who's going to run is 2024, and who's going to win?

They need to start shooting the ground out from under desantis if they can. If they can paint him as having the same moral failings Trump does, then great. Again though, desantis doesn't make republican voters accept quite such obvious bullshit just to get the bigotry they want.
Look at his war on education, voting rights, immigrants etc. Plenty of grist for the mill, but the mindset posted by some here shows us the amount of sheer delusion that makes the outcome bigly, yuugely uncertain.
Most Watched, Most Trusted.
A lot of stupid people doing a stupid thing doesn't make it anything but a lot of stupid people doing a stupid thing.
Most watched by dumbasses, most trusted by gullible fools that buy into Qanon crap...
They lie in just about every story they put out, then get away with it by calling it "infotainment"...They publicly admit their "news" is propagandist crap, they use it as a legal defense to keep fucker carlson out of deep shit...And fucking morons still believe them.
I expect a desantis win. Trump was shit, and he did not lose by that much.

I haven't seen anyone coming out of the democrats side, besides ol Joe, that could take it. It's bidens seat by all means, but it would be great if some fresh faces could get elevated on the national stage. The bench is weak.

If there is a primary I would like the potential candidates to be somewhat different than the 2020 field. I think it would be smart to avoid a candidate from the coasts, easy target to get painted as an elitist or whatever.
Desantis will win because the Democrats have no one. Many Democrats have been driven away from the party by all the extreme left idealists. Trump, on the other hand, represents an icon of being too extreme to attract any of those migrating (former) Democrats. Desantis is presently, the only reasonable candidate. Polls won't be good indicators of all the people who are now allying themselves with the "Independent" moniker. Democrats' hopes of a magic genie appearing from a bottle. won't happen. All those voters, who have been driven away by the left's extreme ideologies, will soon be ripe for the picking. Most people who DO vote, don't want to waste their vote, so they will choose the candidate who they think will fight against the current, United States of Soddom and Gammorah. Of course, no matter who it is, unless they are openly queer, they will end up with some kind of "phobic" or "ist" suffix as part of their title....but, what else is new?
I expect a desantis win. Trump was shit, and he did not lose by that much.

I haven't seen anyone coming out of the democrats side, besides ol Joe, that could take it. It's bidens seat by all means, but it would be great if some fresh faces could get elevated on the national stage. The bench is weak.

If there is a primary I would like the potential candidates to be somewhat different than the 2020 field. I think it would be smart to avoid a candidate from the coasts, easy target to get painted as an elitist or whatever.
I would love it if Joe ran again but I kinda have a feeling something will happen and it will end up being someone else. I hope I'm wrong and he runs again because he will be easy to beat. Especially if he can't hide in his basement.
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Desantis will win because the Democrats have no one. Many Democrats have been driven away from the party by all the extreme left idealists. Trump, on the other hand, represents an icon of being too extreme to attract any of those migrating (former) Democrats. Desantis is presently, the only reasonable candidate. Polls won't be good indicators of all the people who are now allying themselves with the "Independent" moniker. Democrats' hopes of a magic genie appearing from a bottle. won't happen. All those voters, who have been driven away by the left's extreme ideologies, will soon be ripe for the picking. Most people who DO vote, don't want to waste their vote, so they will choose the candidate who they think will fight against the current, United States of Soddom and Gammorah. Of course, no matter who it is, unless they are openly queer, they will end up with some kind of "phobic" or "ist" suffix as part of their title....but, what else is new?
i'm honestly not trying to be rude, but every word of that sounds like the delusional ramblings of a failed republican talking head...you're obviously looking at this from a red perspective...all i can say is good luck with that, and here's a link that may help you soon.
I'm curious about the radical leftists, the Democrats are led by wealthy 80 year old white people...they don't strike me as radicals.

Young people are gonna do young people stuff and seem weird to their parents, like long hair, rock and roll, and dope smoking...but it seems like a big ol stretch to try and paint the democrats as extreme anything.
Some people on here just swallow whatever info they hear, and it becomes fact to them. Ronnie can’t be any worse than Donnie and somehow we survived him.
Agent orange was a chaotic buffoon, and he legitimized the worst in/of the minority rule party. DeSatanis is neither, and he is solid Repug. He could succeed where the buffoon failed. The republic might not survive another maga at the reins.
I'm curious about the radical leftists, the Democrats are led by wealthy 80 year old white people...they don't strike me as radicals.

Young people are gonna do young people stuff and seem weird to their parents, like long hair, rock and roll, and dope smoking...but it seems like a big ol stretch to try and paint the democrats as extreme anything.
“The left” is a phantom conjured by Republicans who know how to play to fear.
Agent orange was a chaotic buffoon, and he legitimized the worst in/of the minority rule party. DeSatanis is neither, and he is solid Repug. He could succeed where the buffoon failed. The republic might not survive another maga at the reins.
Republicans are walking a fine line not pissing off trump. They do that and could lose the maga votes. So a lot of ass kissing going on for the next two years. Honestly the magas will vote for any moron they’re told to. Hell they already have :hump:
Republicans are walking a fine line not pissing off trump. They do that and could lose the maga votes. So a lot of ass kissing going on for the next two years. Honestly the magas will vote for any moron they’re told to. Hell they already have :hump:

They have some wiggle room, they can piss of maga voters and pull some regular voters back, or hold onto the magats and keep pushing away the regulars.

If I was them, I would go with that first option and hope to hold onto as many weirdos as possible while wooing the regulars back. It has to be becoming clear that a continued push to the far right is destined to fail. That said, I don't think they will lose many more Rs than they already have by continuing to travel the trumpy trail...but they lost doing that and can't attract new voters so eh...whatever.
They have some wiggle room, they can piss of maga voters and pull some regular voters back, or hold onto the magats and keep pushing away the regulars.

If I was them, I would go with that first option and hope to hold onto as many weirdos as possible while wooing the regulars back. It has to be becoming clear that a continued push to the far right is destined to fail. That said, I don't think they will lose many more Rs than they already have by continuing to travel the trumpy trail...but they lost doing that and can't attract new voters so eh...whatever.
Some of them would vote for satan over a dem.
he loses polls now, that aren't cherry picked for him to win...trump beats him in most polls
Trump has been beating him in polls forever, but DeSantis has slowly been narrowing the margin since Fall 2022. Back in Summer 2022, Trump was hovering around 55% for the nomination vs around 20% for DeSantis. Recently Trump has dropped around 10 points to 45%, and DeSantis has picked up that 10% and is up to 30%, and gaining.

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Hard to imagine Desantis winning the popular vote against any Democrat. The electoral college would give him a boost. But Trump's third party bid will take away part of Desantis' totals should Desantis win the GOP nomination.
I have a hard time believing that Trump will run as a 3rd party candidate, as I don't believe that he would want to lose to Biden twice.