The Junk Drawer

I don't think we need to worry about AI using the neural net processing power of a cockroach anytime soon. However startrek translators would be useful, but they can start wars like "skynet" in the terminator by having us call each other assholes when we mean to say hello! Your AI personal servant who answers calls and takes care of personal business will revolt and spread your vices online. It even looks and acts like you online and is your avatar in games, virtual worlds and video calls, it could start acting like an asshole and go on an insane rampage, if a new class of virus should infect it! :lol:


By one unique metric, we could approach technological singularity by the end of this decade, if not sooner.

A translation company developed a metric, Time to Edit (TTE), to calculate the time it takes for professional human editors to fix AI-generated translations compared to human ones. This may help quantify the speed toward singularity.

An AI that can translate speech as well as a human could change society.

In the world of artificial intelligence, the idea of “singularity” looms large. This slippery concept describes the moment AI exceeds beyond human control and rapidly transforms society. The tricky thing about AI singularity (and why it borrows terminology from black hole physics) is that it’s enormously difficult to predict where it begins and nearly impossible to know what’s beyond this technological “event horizon.”

However, some AI researchers are on the hunt for signs of reaching singularity measured by AI progress approaching the skills and ability comparable to a human. One such metric, defined by Translated, a Rome-based translation company, is an AI’s ability to translate speech at the accuracy of a human. Language is one of the most difficult AI challenges, but a computer that could close that gap could theoretically show signs of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

“That’s because language is the most natural thing for humans,” Translated CEO Marco Trombetti said at a conference in Orlando, Florida, in December. “Nonetheless, the data Translated collected clearly shows that machines are not that far from closing the gap.”

The company tracked its AI’s performance from 2014 to 2022 using a metric called “Time to Edit,” or TTE, which calculates the time it takes for professional human editors to fix AI-generated translations compared to human ones. Over that 8-year period and analyzing over 2 billion post-edits, Translated’s AI showed a slow, but undeniable improvement as it slowly closed the gap toward human-level translation quality.

Garland announces DOJ 'dismantled' international ransomware network

50,889 views Jan 26, 2023 #JusticeDepartment #Ransomware #Politics
Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Justice Department had taken action to "dismantle" an international ransomware network for extorting and attempting to extort hundreds of millions of dollars.

egg prices have dropped 50% in the last ten days, but egg prices haven't dropped.
Egg producers are saying the avian flu "laid waste" to their flocks, but independent observers say the flocks never lost more than 6% of their numbers.
the profits egg producers are seeing right now are 5 times what they were 2 years ago...time for the FTC to look into this shit.

egg prices have dropped 50% in the last ten days, but egg prices haven't dropped.
Egg producers are saying the avian flu "laid waste" to their flocks, but independent observers say the flocks never lost more than 6% of their numbers.
the profits egg producers are seeing right now are 5 times what they were 2 years ago...time for the FTC to look into this shit.
Greed. It's a bitch.

egg prices have dropped 50% in the last ten days, but egg prices haven't dropped.
Egg producers are saying the avian flu "laid waste" to their flocks, but independent observers say the flocks never lost more than 6% of their numbers.
the profits egg producers are seeing right now are 5 times what they were 2 years ago...time for the FTC to look into this shit.

Still getting a dozen eggs a day here and the girls are on a work to rule strike so not putting out overtime eggs. :) 'Tis winter tho and some extra light in the coop would help but we're getting plenty with extra to sell to pay for the feed and we get a lot for free from local farmers etc. Filled 5 200L drums with a mix of wheat and oats from the local gov't research outfit. Seed cleaning plant gives the wife all the samples when they run out of room. She just takes empty feed bags to town and fills up 10 or more and the guys there load it for her and her daughter unloads it here.

Wife just got an electric flour mill to grind feeds for the girls. Now the girl will get less exercise not using the hand grinder. Can mill our own flour with it too so I gotta do that and make some real home made bread.

Living in the country is a mighty fine life.
We all get together on Saturday night.
Whoopin and a holler and a does-see-do.
Gonna turn the boys loose now here we go!
(Goose Creek Symphony)


egg prices have dropped 50% in the last ten days, but egg prices haven't dropped.
Egg producers are saying the avian flu "laid waste" to their flocks, but independent observers say the flocks never lost more than 6% of their numbers.
the profits egg producers are seeing right now are 5 times what they were 2 years ago...time for the FTC to look into this shit.
It's one of those few areas where 5 year mandatory minimum sentences would work wonders... Those who wear suits hate jail and will act accordingly, they will do what they can get away with. So, mandatory minimum prison sentences work for those who wear suits and not much for anybody else, they work particularly well on the greedy and power hungry.

Fine the company, jail the executives, even board members and major stock holders who actually run the company and control the executives. Corporations are financial instruments, the motives and intentions lay with those running it, sometimes the big house in the Hamptons is more important than human life or obeying the law. It is the certainty of getting caught that deters crime, and these people have a certainty of getting away with highway robbery, price collusion and monopoly. What is the point of having anti trust laws, if they are never enforced?
Greed. It's a bitch.
Proper markets would solve the issue, but that is not happening, where is the competition? Actually enforcing antitrust laws would solve it, so would marketing boards for milk and eggs like other countries use. Too few big players on the retail and production end obviously, if they can mostly artificially inflate the price of eggs by that much.

It's one of those problems a functioning government can solve, but difficult to do when the industry lobbyist drop a dump truck load of cash in a politician's fucking driveway at night. One party favors this kind of bullshit and created it in large part, the republicans and they've been doing it for decades, while blowing the dog whistle and fighting culture wars to seduce the suckers and morons of America. Just look at what the republican house is trying to pass or I should say propose, a 30% sales tax, feel like fucking yourself?
It would be a good issue to try and reach rural voters on, though I only give it a 10% chance of working.
I mean, check the date on this.

Only 399 years? I think they started allowing females to forego the obligatory head lace covering in the 70s they're coming around.

Ohhhhhhhhhh admiting to earths rotation..? That is one can of worms and doesn't align with some dates.
only 359 years to set the record straight....

The article is from 1992:lol:

They had to admit something; 1995 was calling from around the corner.
It's one of those few areas where 5 year mandatory minimum sentences would work wonders... Those who wear suits hate jail and will act accordingly, they will do what they can get away with. So, mandatory minimum prison sentences work for those who wear suits and not much for anybody else, they work particularly well on the greedy and power hungry.

Fine the company, jail the executives, even board members and major stock holders who actually run the company and control the executives. Corporations are financial instruments, the motives and intentions lay with those running it, sometimes the big house in the Hamptons is more important than human life or obeying the law. It is the certainty of getting caught that deters crime, and these people have a certainty of getting away with highway robbery, price collusion and monopoly. What is the point of having anti trust laws, if they are never enforced?
it's not A company, it's most, if not all of them..but mandatory sentences, and FINES that are large enough to hurt are a good idea
Proper markets would solve the issue, but that is not happening, where is the competition? Actually enforcing antitrust laws would solve it, so would marketing boards for milk and eggs like other countries use. Too few big players on the retail and production end obviously, if they can mostly artificially inflate the price of eggs by that much.

It's one of those problems a functioning government can solve, but difficult to do when the industry lobbyist drop a dump truck load of cash in a politician's fucking driveway at night. One party favors this kind of bullshit and created it in large part, the republicans and they've been doing it for decades, while blowing the dog whistle and fighting culture wars to seduce the suckers and morons of America. Just look at what the republican house is trying to pass or I should say propose, a 30% sales tax, feel like fucking yourself?

Man that sales tax thing is bonkers. It's wild how many republicans they will be able to get on board. Just...sheesh, hope donairs and Tim's live up to the hype, the dumb shit is getting to be too much. I'm so excited to watch people vote against their own interests some more and then blame democrats.

We have a couple of states that do the no income tax stuff, it's stupid. It's stupider that poor people support it. Don't know which bothers me more.

egg prices have dropped 50% in the last ten days, but egg prices haven't dropped.
Egg producers are saying the avian flu "laid waste" to their flocks, but independent observers say the flocks never lost more than 6% of their numbers.
the profits egg producers are seeing right now are 5 times what they were 2 years ago...time for the FTC to look into this shit.

Isn't this free market that @Rob Roy keeps discussing? Time to barter, Roger..throw some goods in the back of your truck and drive around looking for the old lady who sells the eggs.
it's not A company, it's most, if not all of them..but mandatory sentences, and FINES that are large enough to hurt are a good idea
The smaller the number of competition the easier it is to collude, formally or informally, say most of America is severed by two or three major grocery chains and a couple of wholesalers. They even charge producers for product placement in their stores FFS, eyelevel costs the most. In this case, taking advantage of the pandemic and the largely false narrative of bird flu concerns in the media. Oil companies do it too and prices rise instantly, but are often slow to fall, for instance, oil prices are not particularly high, why are gas and fuel oil prices so high? There are only a few large oil companies and refiners, standard oil is why you have had anti trust laws in the first place.
The smaller the number of competition the easier it is to collude, formally or informally, say most of America is severed by two or three major grocery chains and a couple of wholesalers. They even charge producers for product placement in their stores FFS, eyelevel costs the most. In this case, taking advantage of the pandemic and the largely false narrative of bird flu concerns in the media. Oil companies do it too and prices rise instantly, but are often slow to fall, for instance, oil prices are not particularly high, why are gas and fuel oil prices so high? There are only a few large oil companies and refiners, standard oil is why you have had anti trust laws in the first place.

Ticketmaster et al.

Garland announces DOJ 'dismantled' international ransomware network

50,889 views Jan 26, 2023 #JusticeDepartment #Ransomware #Politics
Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Justice Department had taken action to "dismantle" an international ransomware network for extorting and attempting to extort hundreds of millions of dollars.

My Primaries office with a bazillion locations was hacked. I know they 'got everything'..Amazon charges out of LA..THWARTED you pieces of shit! You were expected after you stole millions from my states unemployment fund.