Elons Little Plan

More tweets insulting Elon on his own platform, hoisting him by his own petard daily you could say. Maybe it will become too much, and he will delete the whole platform and run off to Mars! :lol: His image has crashed in a month, and he looks like a dummy who overpaid by 4 times the value and is trying to sweat the difference out of the innocent employees. He is now perceived as an asshole in the press and on his own platform FFS! He even tied himself to Trump and the Trumpers by coming out of the closet just as Trump is about to go off the abyss and explode into a shit pile at the bottom. Donald's tweets to his fans during his trial could be interesting and desperate! If the judge let him, he'd have a multitude of morons on the courthouse steps with MTG leading the charge.
Musk is currently having a $44 billion tantrum, one where his "good ideas" never seem to work, where he can never quite seem to impress the people he wants to. He's desperate for the media to love him, but entirely on his terms - and it isn't working. https://ez.substack.com/p/the-year-of-finding-out

a similar logic extends to people on disability. It interferes with the self-made person mythos.
circular logic. "My good fortune (or fill in the blank*) is because God favors me"

*winning the game
*good health
*whatever it is you want to justify

Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.[1] Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor.
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circular logic. "My good fortune (or fill in the blank*) is because God favors me"

*winning the game
*good health
*whatever it is you want to justify

Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.[1] Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor.
I believe Calvin preached that.
circular logic. "My good fortune (or fill in the blank*) is because God favors me"

*winning the game
*good health
*whatever it is you want to justify

Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.[1] Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor.
because Jesus never said "it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to pass into the kingdom of god."
and John 2:13 doesn't talk about Jesus getting righteously pissed and throwing the money changers out of the temple....
these people will justify whatever they want to, to themselves. the rest of us know better.
because Jesus never said "it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to pass into the kingdom of god."
and John 2:13 doesn't talk about Jesus getting righteously pissed and throwing the money changers out of the temple....
these people will justify whatever they want to, to themselves. the rest of us know better.
Right wing Christian religion is dubbed Cafeteria Christianity. They pick and choose which parts of Christianity to observe.
Right wing Christian religion is dubbed Cafeteria Christianity. They pick and choose which parts of Christianity to observe.
I wouldn't even call it Christianity, that involves attaining a state of grace according to theological doctrine. It is a program of moral and ethical self-improvement you could say, it is not attained by faith alone, it is by our thought's words and actions that the big guy, the just God judges us by. It is a theology of slave owners and bigots, faith and faith alone to the point of believing absurdities, good deeds count for nothing. After the bible was printed in the vernacular every nutcase and psycho in Europe and America put their own spin on at best an ambiguous and confusing book.
I wouldn't even call it Christianity, that involves attaining a state of grace according to theological doctrine. It is a program of moral and ethical self-improvement you could say, it is not attained by faith alone, it is by our thought's words and actions that the big guy, the just God judges us by. It is a theology of slave owners and bigots, faith and faith alone to the point of believing absurdities, good deeds count for nothing. After the bible was printed in the vernacular every nutcase and psycho in Europe and America put their own spin on at best an ambiguous and confusing book.
I don't believe there is a God. So, what you just said make no sense to me. IMO, we are seeing contention between what has been a white male dominated society since this country's inception to something different due to demographic shift and the complexity of today's society.
I don't believe there is a God. So, what you just said make no sense to me. IMO, we are seeing contention between what has been a white male dominated society since this country's inception to something different due to demographic shift and the complexity of today's society.
Christianity makes no logical sense on any level and the influence of religion is waning in all societies, even Iran. Demographic and generational change are driving change and that can be accelerated by getting out the youth vote with a great ground game and lots of motivation, they need it to get them to the polls. This time around ya had luck and Trump on yer side, but it gets easier every cycle in spite of the gerrymandering advantage they have, state-wide offices can't be gerrymandered though.
Fix Twitter by first removing himself, then worry about conquering the tech world, after he manages a small social media company into the ground inside a month after paying 4 times more for it than it was worth. Google and Apple must be quaking in fear! :lol: If they removed him from their stores and online sign in plans, Twitter is fucked in a flash!

I don't believe there is a God. So, what you just said make no sense to me. IMO, we are seeing contention between what has been a white male dominated society since this country's inception to something different due to demographic shift and the complexity of today's society.
I was going to remark about the theology (and controversy) behind the use of the verb “attaining”, which is the sort of thing people in seminary will devote entire academic careers to arguing.

But then I was reminded of listening to youngsters seriously fighting over the arcana of the technology in Star Wars (and why scene x in movie y commits a cardinal heresy).

When a casual inspection of any Star Wars product reveals complete contempt for the core principles of physics, engineering, and biology. The kids’ discussion was getting acrimonious.

It is frightening to me how good we are at compartmenting out the bits of the story that blatantly falsify it, and go on to work to the active harm of those who tell the rest differently. Maga has a comparable problem, which perhaps is why the alliance with evangelicals is hand and glove.
Fix Twitter by first removing himself, then worry about conquering the tech world, after he manages a small social media company into the ground inside a month after paying 4 times more for it than it was worth. Google and Apple must be quaking in fear! :lol: If they removed him from their stores and online sign in plans, Twitter is fucked in a flash!

HAHAHAHA....No....FUCK NO...I wouldn't even willingly call anyone using one of the pieces of shit.
I plan to in NO WAY support musk in ANY of his endeavors. The world would be a better, safer, more secure place if he got hit by a falling starlink satellite today.
Fix Twitter by first removing himself, then worry about conquering the tech world, after he manages a small social media company into the ground inside a month after paying 4 times more for it than it was worth. Google and Apple must be quaking in fear! :lol: If they removed him from their stores and online sign in plans, Twitter is fucked in a flash!

It won’t be very smart, but it will be one heck of a Smugphone.
It would be self-driving and randomly call people on your contact list to tell them to fuck off! :lol: If you get into a Tesla with one fun things start to happen as it fights with the car computer for control.
There was a Top Gear episode some years back where the three stooges were talking about Apple getting involved in auto software. James (the cool one) made a jape about “predictive steering”. O strange new world.
because Jesus never said "it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to pass into the kingdom of god."
and John 2:13 doesn't talk about Jesus getting righteously pissed and throwing the money changers out of the temple....
these people will justify whatever they want to, to themselves. the rest of us know better.
For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you ” (Luke 17:20-21) ... ;)
circular logic. "My good fortune (or fill in the blank*) is because God favors me"

*winning the game
*good health
*whatever it is you want to justify

Prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.[1] Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor.
So, if they have a misfortune, it is God's wrath because he hates their guts! :lol: Or the Lord works in mysterious ways etc...
So, if they have a misfortune, it is God's wrath because he hates their guts! :lol: Or the Lord works in mysterious ways etc...
That is the implication. People who become wealthy don't often crash back into poverty, so it's not often that a wealthy conservative Christian has to face the sharp end of that stick. The belief that God favors the devout with material wealth is used to justify all sorts of ill treatment of the poor and the things wealthy person do to gain or hold onto their wealth. "They can't be doing wrong, after all, God is on their side. The proof that he is, is in the wealth they have." Circular reasoning.