Elons Little Plan

Elon is turning into Donald Trump! Apple and google could launch their own Twitter clone and drop Elon from their play stores and sign in programs.

Let's talk about why Musk's antics matter....
Another despotic thinker who is ill advised and motivated.

wow...how the fuck did someone this fucking stupid, shortsighted, and bigoted ever fool as many fucking people as muck has?
by the way, that's not a typo, that's what i'm calling him from now on, muck...he lives in it, spreads it, rakes it, and spouts it...only seems appropriate to me
wow...how the fuck did someone this fucking stupid, shortsighted, and bigoted ever fool as many fucking people as muck has?
by the way, that's not a typo, that's what i'm calling him from now on, muck...he lives in it, spreads it, rakes it, and spouts it...only seems appropriate to me
The modern Bond villain moonraker remake, muckraker and end the movie with Elon getting two taps to the head by Bond! Elis Muck should avoid law suits...

"My greatest disappointment" Kara Swisher on Elon Musk's Twitter takeover | DW News

57,785 views Nov 29, 2022
Kara Swisher is one of the most influential people in the US tech industry. In a conversation with DW’S bureau Chief Ines Pohl about Elon Musk's recent Twitter takeover Swisher said, that the Tesla CEO is trying to ruin the social networking site's valuation so he can buy it up for cheap “and then own the whole company from the banks that lent him $13 Billion.”
Swisher also said that employees left at Twitter after a recent slew of layoffs feel like hostages: Many of those who stayed are “on visas or they don't have a choice...”.
If Musk continues to create an "unsteady platform" through his leadership “Apple and Google can throw him off the app store", Swisher said. Which would limit user access to Twitter.
Her biggest advice is to not take Elon Musk seriously: ”He's trying to call attention to the platform. He's essentially committing a traffic accident every day in order to get people interested in him.”
Elon's ego is killing people now. The master of the universe treads on regular folks like so many cockroaches on his path to perdition and an egotistical dead end.

wow, it's like watching an old monster movie, where at the end, the wounded monster is thrashing around in a pool of something, and every time he thrashes his way to the surface, he impales himself on some new spike, which only makes him thrash harder...the only real difference here is that the monster is destroying the lives of former employees, and helping to spread white nationalism, fascist lies, and medical disinformation, instead of just destroying Tokyo.
I think musk might be contemplating a run for the Presidency. Why not? Only he can fix things. We've heard that before and it didn't end well.

"Twitter’s new CEO has aligned himself with the GOP and welcomed back far right-wing users as Democratic scrutiny escalates."

I think musk might be contemplating a run for the Presidency. Why not? Only he can fix things. We've heard that before and it didn't end well.

"Twitter’s new CEO has aligned himself with the GOP and welcomed back far right-wing users as Democratic scrutiny escalates."

he's a fucking fascist, the republicans would welcome him with open arms.
I think musk might be contemplating a run for the Presidency. Why not? Only he can fix things. We've heard that before and it didn't end well.

"Twitter’s new CEO has aligned himself with the GOP and welcomed back far right-wing users as Democratic scrutiny escalates."

He wasn't born in America, and we all know how republicans feel about African born foreigners running for president! :lol:
he's a fucking fascist, the republicans would welcome him with open arms.

They already have. musk has all the qualities they like. He's a jerk. He's a celebrity. He'll abuse them and toss them aside. He's rich. He doesn't care about them. He's pro-Russia. He likes to fire people. He has shiny things. He's anti-union. Etc...

If the Democrats were smart they'd hit him where it hurts and boycott Tesla and stop buying his cars. Republicans don't buy electric vehicles.