The Junk Drawer

"I was assigned by history's most sadistic, corrupt and criminal human being to keep disabled people from claiming benefits, legitimate or otherwise, and to damage this agency as much as I possibly could. I see no reason other than politics for wanting me to leave."

I don't understand why ALL of Tя☭mp human time-bombs haven't been fired- especially DeJoy. It may require bending the law a bit but Biden and his people should be able to figure it out.

Once you apply SSA, it's bound by it's own law to give you an answer in 90-days so you don't lose your home, car etc. It took me 4 years and I had been paying since age 15- 1975..I lived on no money this past year from September 2021 to March 2022 with not a dime. I had a roof and food bank thanks to a .org. I pocketed equal and creamer at the corner store. Begged my PM for soap and washed my underwear in the sink.

That is our America.
Iran oil workers go on strike
Workers at an Iranian oil company went on strike Monday as ongoing anti-government demonstrations creep into important sectors of the country’s economy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that dozens of employees at a plant in the Iranian province of Bushehr blocked roadways as part of an anti-government protest.

According to various social media posts, the protesting workers shouted, “Do not fear. We stand together” and “Death to the dictator.”
Iranian media outlet Tasnim described Monday’s incident as a salary dispute between the plant and its 700 employees. It is unclear how production has been impacted at the complex since the strike began.

Iranian government officials haven’t commented on the demonstration, the Journal reported.
This was the first time anti-government protests around the country have spread into the critical oil sector; however, retail outlets and small businesses have shut down their operations in support of the ongoing protests.

Tensions between Iranian citizens and authorities have escalated amid protests initially sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, which have expanded into calls for an end to state violence and discrimination toward women, as well as calls for regime change.

Nonprofit organization Iran Human Rights said 185 people had been killed during protests as of Oct. 6, including at least 19 children, with the highest number occurring in the Sistan and Baluchistan province in Iran’s southeast.

Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian national, died in police custody last month after being arrested by authorities for improperly wearing her hijab, which violated Iran’s strict rules on female dress codes.

According to a United Nation Human Rights Office report, Amini collapsed and died after spending three days in the custody of Iran’s morality police. The U.N. also noted that Amini was “severely beaten” during her detainment.
Iranian officials have denied the allegations of torture and ill-treatment in Amini’s death, saying that the Iranian national died of a heart attack while in police custody.

U.S. officials, along with others, have condemned Iran for its treatment of women and the tactics it used to disperse demonstrators and imposed sanctions on the country during the protests.

It would be nice for the Iranian people take back their country. Another dream would be for Russia and China fall. North Korea? That would be icing on the cake.
Iran oil workers go on strike
Workers at an Iranian oil company went on strike Monday as ongoing anti-government demonstrations creep into important sectors of the country’s economy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that dozens of employees at a plant in the Iranian province of Bushehr blocked roadways as part of an anti-government protest.

According to various social media posts, the protesting workers shouted, “Do not fear. We stand together” and “Death to the dictator.”
Iranian media outlet Tasnim described Monday’s incident as a salary dispute between the plant and its 700 employees. It is unclear how production has been impacted at the complex since the strike began.

Iranian government officials haven’t commented on the demonstration, the Journal reported.
This was the first time anti-government protests around the country have spread into the critical oil sector; however, retail outlets and small businesses have shut down their operations in support of the ongoing protests.

Tensions between Iranian citizens and authorities have escalated amid protests initially sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, which have expanded into calls for an end to state violence and discrimination toward women, as well as calls for regime change.

Nonprofit organization Iran Human Rights said 185 people had been killed during protests as of Oct. 6, including at least 19 children, with the highest number occurring in the Sistan and Baluchistan province in Iran’s southeast.

Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian national, died in police custody last month after being arrested by authorities for improperly wearing her hijab, which violated Iran’s strict rules on female dress codes.

According to a United Nation Human Rights Office report, Amini collapsed and died after spending three days in the custody of Iran’s morality police. The U.N. also noted that Amini was “severely beaten” during her detainment.
Iranian officials have denied the allegations of torture and ill-treatment in Amini’s death, saying that the Iranian national died of a heart attack while in police custody.

U.S. officials, along with others, have condemned Iran for its treatment of women and the tactics it used to disperse demonstrators and imposed sanctions on the country during the protests.

It would be nice for the Iranian people take back their country. Another dream would be for Russia and China fall. North Korea? That would be icing on the cake.

Change is most always from the ground have to take a stand- enough is enough with Amini's death as she collapsed to the floor knowing only too well what future awaited her.
What thread?
Here you go:

Makes sense to start a thread about that, just interesting to see Italy go fascist under the RIU radar. Got us europeans (omfg I just lumped myself together with my fellow continentmen…) more worried than LePen in (socialist left) France.

She argues she’s no longer a fascist, like LePen is no longer a nazi and the Sweden Democrats are no longer neo nazis. We got a party called Green Left in NL (weird, as if there could be a Green Right too) which was once called the Communist Party. I don’t care how long ago that was, the origin excludes them from even being considered worthy of my vote. Worrying how many don’t have a problem with a party’s roots being nazism or fascist. How can she no longer be a fascist, without any elaborate intellectual reasoning to explain her change. As with far right in many other european countries, they all take a don’t ask don’t tell approach. They make a few statements and signal the nazis they are one of them and then act innocent, realizing symbols and uniforms are not a winning strategy.
Here you go:

Makes sense to start a thread about that, just interesting to see Italy go fascist under the RIU radar. Got us europeans (omfg I just lumped myself together with my fellow continentmen…) more worried than LePen in (socialist left) France.

She argues she’s no longer a fascist, like LePen is no longer a nazi and the Sweden Democrats are no longer neo nazis. We got a party called Green Left in NL (weird, as if there could be a Green Right too) which was once called the Communist Party. I don’t care how long ago that was, the origin excludes them from even being considered worthy of my vote. Worrying how many don’t have a problem with a party’s roots being nazism or fascist. How can she no longer be a fascist, without any elaborate intellectual reasoning to explain her change. As with far right in many other european countries, they all take a don’t ask don’t tell approach. They make a few statements and signal the nazis they are one of them and then act innocent, realizing symbols and uniforms are not a winning strategy.

There are many historical events that should be posted and discussed that aren't. I agree with your opinion; we are wrestling our own. Kyle Rittenhouse was in my town under the cover of secrecy last week..a democratic town. I posted all the inside dirt and didn't have a taker. @hanimmal liked it. <sigh>
My energy bill just increased almost 300%… that’s like 400usd pm extra. Not that we can’t afford it but fu Putin. Next two months government will give us, and every other household, 200bucks. Haven’t had government hand-out since I was a student but they can’t organize it on a short term, IRS and social services overloaded (too many budget cuts), so it goes straight through energy suppliers, who don’t know income so can't discriminate based on it. Free money for everyone. It’s almost like there’s a race between EU nations lately, handing out money to dampen the economic impact of Putin’s war.

I used relatively little electricity past 12 months, average gas (below average for this older home). Warm water and heating and some cooking on gas too. 350/m for just heating at new rates, average, used almost all in coldest 6 months. Basically energy co wants me to use over 600 bucks in natural gas to keep me warm in December. :lol: But then this is days after the government announced a ceiling for the rates on natural gas and electricity, starting Jan 1st, which is not calculated into the rates yet. That'll make it like 150% extra instead of 300%.

Since last winter I already managed to get another 30% reduction, all in all I’d pay 100 bucks a month extra, sacrificing just a little comfort. Compared to just a few years ago the natural gas rates are 20-30x higher (and ours higher than in most places in Europe), so many of the systems in place are not designed, installed, nor configured with efficiency in mind. The upside of that is that it doesn't take a whole lot (of for example electricity) for a more targeted and efficient alternative.

I do regret not pulling the heating from the seats of my previous car... that would go well in my couch and office chair this winter.
My energy bill just increased almost 300%… that’s like 400usd pm extra. Not that we can’t afford it but fu Putin. Next two months government will give us, and every other household, 200bucks. Haven’t had government hand-out since I was a student but they can’t organize it on a short term, IRS and social services overloaded (too many budget cuts), so it goes straight through energy suppliers, who don’t know income so can't discriminate based on it. Free money for everyone. It’s almost like there’s a race between EU nations lately, handing out money to dampen the economic impact of Putin’s war.

I used relatively little electricity past 12 months, average gas (below average for this older home). Warm water and heating and some cooking on gas too. 350/m for just heating at new rates, average, used almost all in coldest 6 months. Basically energy co wants me to use over 600 bucks in natural gas to keep me warm in December. :lol: But then this is days after the government announced a ceiling for the rates on natural gas and electricity, starting Jan 1st, which is not calculated into the rates yet. That'll make it like 150% extra instead of 300%.

Since last winter I already managed to get another 30% reduction, all in all I’d pay 100 bucks a month extra, sacrificing just a little comfort. Compared to just a few years ago the natural gas rates are 20-30x higher (and ours higher than in most places in Europe), so many of the systems in place are not designed, installed, nor configured with efficiency in mind. The upside of that is that it doesn't take a whole lot (of for example electricity) for a more targeted and efficient alternative.

I do regret not pulling the heating from the seats of my previous car... that would go well in my couch and office chair this winter.
They make wonderful heated garments for motorcyclists. Though I imagine those are trading for a premium.
Gas prices in my corner of the desert (that means propane) are high for a superposition of reasons. I’m gonna try to do this winter with passive heating only. I have a jacket for indoors.
I have a jacket for indoors.
I swear by lined sherpa hoodies from O'Neill. I rather buy a few more different colors of those than buy gas for such amounts. Or more trips to the sauna, or just more Licor 43. I reject their product cause it's no longer cost-effective. Wanna sell me heating, offer a better product. I grew up with single glazing and no heating in my room, when there was still snow and ice to skate on during winter. Gas rates are dropping fast and expected to continue to drop. Putin losing his influence on it, plus a decreasing demand... regardless, I consider it a fun and interesting challenge to see how little we can use this winter. Passively it rarely gets below 55 inside, and that's when nobody's home. I have a pretty large living which I can sort of cut in half again (as in many houses here it once was two separate rooms) so I still have options to reduce it further.
I swear by lined sherpa hoodies from O'Neill. I rather buy a few more different colors of those than buy gas for such amounts. Or more trips to the sauna, or just more Licor 43. I reject their product cause it's no longer cost-effective. Wanna sell me heating, offer a better product. I grew up with single glazing and no heating in my room, when there was still snow and ice to skate on during winter. Gas rates are dropping fast and expected to continue to drop. Putin losing his influence on it, plus a decreasing demand... regardless, I consider it a fun and interesting challenge to see how little we can use this winter. Passively it rarely gets below 55 inside, and that's when nobody's home. I have a pretty large living which I can sort of cut in half again (as in many houses here it once was two separate rooms) so I still have options to reduce it further.
55 is surprisingly livable. And good for the vin de garde. ;)
When it hits 43 (+6C) on the thermostat, I start to use exothermic invective. I dream of having a house built with 30cm of urethane in the walls, and windows with deep sills like I remember from grandmother’s mid-19th- century flat in Vienna.
I swear by lined sherpa hoodies from O'Neill. I rather buy a few more different colors of those than buy gas for such amounts. Or more trips to the sauna, or just more Licor 43. I reject their product cause it's no longer cost-effective. Wanna sell me heating, offer a better product. I grew up with single glazing and no heating in my room, when there was still snow and ice to skate on during winter. Gas rates are dropping fast and expected to continue to drop. Putin losing his influence on it, plus a decreasing demand... regardless, I consider it a fun and interesting challenge to see how little we can use this winter. Passively it rarely gets below 55 inside, and that's when nobody's home. I have a pretty large living which I can sort of cut in half again (as in many houses here it once was two separate rooms) so I still have options to reduce it further.

Consider buying from those who give back.

You may find something here you like in more ways than one..pass it on!
Not my thing, it just caught my eye because I have a hard enough time getting out of bed with this 60's body (oh my aching back).

Winnipeg woman, 62, wins gold at world powerlifting championship


A Winnipeg woman who won gold at a world powerlifting championship over the weekend says she started strength training later in life as a way to keep up with her grandchildren.

Although Gail-Ann Breese, 62, stayed active throughout her life, she began to feel sluggish in her late 50s and went on the hunt for ways to gain energy. She stuck to various forms of cardio but never considered strength training until a friend mentioned it and directed Breese to a trainer.

"Certainly when I started it, I had no idea that I would end up as the world champion powerlifter," she told host Marcy Markusa during a Tuesday interview with CBC's Information Radio.

"I'm riding a bit of a high these last few days."

Breese's trainer educated her about bone density and muscle loss that comes after mid-life, she says, and that strength training can help counteract it. Together, they formed a fitness plan for Breese.

She attended her first powerlifting meet in December 2019 — an all-day event including including three squat lift, bench press and deadlift attempts.

"I remember when I first went out on the platform, [I thought] 'Oh please don't fall flat on your face,'" said Breese.
Not my thing, it just caught my eye because I have a hard enough time getting out of bed with this 60's body (oh my aching back).

Winnipeg woman, 62, wins gold at world powerlifting championship


A Winnipeg woman who won gold at a world powerlifting championship over the weekend says she started strength training later in life as a way to keep up with her grandchildren.

Although Gail-Ann Breese, 62, stayed active throughout her life, she began to feel sluggish in her late 50s and went on the hunt for ways to gain energy. She stuck to various forms of cardio but never considered strength training until a friend mentioned it and directed Breese to a trainer.

"Certainly when I started it, I had no idea that I would end up as the world champion powerlifter," she told host Marcy Markusa during a Tuesday interview with CBC's Information Radio.

"I'm riding a bit of a high these last few days."

Breese's trainer educated her about bone density and muscle loss that comes after mid-life, she says, and that strength training can help counteract it. Together, they formed a fitness plan for Breese.

She attended her first powerlifting meet in December 2019 — an all-day event including including three squat lift, bench press and deadlift attempts.

"I remember when I first went out on the platform, [I thought] 'Oh please don't fall flat on your face,'" said Breese.

Not my thing, it just caught my eye because I have a hard enough time getting out of bed with this 60's body (oh my aching back).

Winnipeg woman, 62, wins gold at world powerlifting championship


A Winnipeg woman who won gold at a world powerlifting championship over the weekend says she started strength training later in life as a way to keep up with her grandchildren.

Although Gail-Ann Breese, 62, stayed active throughout her life, she began to feel sluggish in her late 50s and went on the hunt for ways to gain energy. She stuck to various forms of cardio but never considered strength training until a friend mentioned it and directed Breese to a trainer.

"Certainly when I started it, I had no idea that I would end up as the world champion powerlifter," she told host Marcy Markusa during a Tuesday interview with CBC's Information Radio.

"I'm riding a bit of a high these last few days."

Breese's trainer educated her about bone density and muscle loss that comes after mid-life, she says, and that strength training can help counteract it. Together, they formed a fitness plan for Breese.

She attended her first powerlifting meet in December 2019 — an all-day event including including three squat lift, bench press and deadlift attempts.

"I remember when I first went out on the platform, [I thought] 'Oh please don't fall flat on your face,'" said Breese.

Can you believe it? This is so exciting.

Next for the republican party:
If they can play pong, then they can vote, why they is like the unborn, only they can vote! Order up some of them thar peachtree dishes and let's find us an evil scientist, money won't be an issue... If the unborn are human from conception and composed of less cells...

The question is not whether citizens are deserving of a home but where..'you mean when someone becomes wealthy the poor should have the same view?' "The poor did nothing to deserve it unlike the wealthy'.

Pathetic +the non working Power Plant in the middle of the city deserves the view along with the wealthy..would literally have that, but NOT a Walmart.

Isn't Redondo Beach kind of the joke of Cali? What makes them think their shit don't stink?
@printer I asked you and a few chimed in so this is the answer.

I asked an Engineer friend how could one survive being in the same room as a Particle was regarding Hopper in Stranger Things- I got the answer.


Seems Hopper is also Hellboy..Netflix didn't know which way interest would go for Hellboy 2, so they left it that he would *somehow survive even though it vaporized the Russians seasons before if Hellboy 2 wasn't renewed and it wasn't.

Hmmmmmm. Maybe we can lure Trump into the tube..tell him it's his new library entrance under construction..he understands 'under construction'.

We still have 17 days for the best October Surprise on record keep your fingers crossed:wink:
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Didn't Hopper duck behind a console? What is even more unusual is the Russians grabbed him before things really went to hell.