The Junk Drawer

The mRNA decode should have something for cancer vaccines by 2030.

The mRNA decode should have something for cancer vaccines by 2030.

maybe...when they do it, and don't kill anyone, then it will be huge...
there are too many "THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING AND WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING" stories like that, and the world doesn't seem to be getting changed on a daily basis.
For all the Jedi's out there.


I love this about our world..why can't we keep having fun, smoke weed..chillax with one and other? Get a dog if you don't have one..hate cats? A lion mane collared bunny would be better..they use litter box and you can take it for a walk in stroller. You can also take them out for grass play. If I succeed my dog that's my next animal.

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maybe...when they do it, and don't kill anyone, then it will be huge...
there are too many "THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING AND WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING" stories like that, and the world doesn't seem to be getting changed on a daily basis.

Ummmmm, glass half full, Roger sheeeeeeesh!

If you 1)follow the medical community (check I love science) 2)read (college level in 8th grade) you would know we're going to see this in our lifetime and in the very near future- they always overshoot the time estimate..better to over deliver than under perform. The technology is here, that was the hard part. It's an identification exercise at this point.
Ummmmm, glass half full, Roger sheeeeeeesh!

If you 1)follow the medical community (check I love science) 2)read (college level in 8th grade) you would know we're going to see this in our lifetime and in the very near future- they always overshoot the time estimate..better to over deliver than under perform. The technology is here, that was the hard part. It's an identification exercise at this point.
i'm not trying to bash it and call it horseshit, but there are a lot of things in development, medical, scientific, see stories like that almost daily, and at best, one out of ten appears in the news a second time, and perhaps one in ten of those actually goes any further. if every story i had seen like that panned out well, we would be using limitless fusion energy to drive a world wide web of super conducting mag lev bullet trains, oil would be nothing but a chemical base, the environment would be fixed, and all disease would be cured...but it aint.
Looking for visual humor concerning rebar (weird, Ikr?)
I happened onto a sort of ethnic welders’ feud. Mama grew up near Beograd.



If that was done freehand, I mean just wow.
Today’s bit of happy, in honor of the first confirmed piloted supersonic flight 75 years (and five days) ago on 1947 October 14.

This happened not 22 years later, and I find this video treatment lyrical to the point of aching beauty.

“We did this. This. We did it, together.”

Does that mean I shouldn't buy those binoculars?
By no means! The sky is just too cool not to look. And the satellite apocalypse might not happen in our lifetimes, or even at all, should they be recognized and regulated as a sort of pollution. LarStink sats are required to be able to deorbit within five years of going dead.
maybe...when they do it, and don't kill anyone, then it will be huge...
there are too many "THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING AND WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING" stories like that, and the world doesn't seem to be getting changed on a daily basis.
fifty years ago I read an article confidently promising a cure for dental caries within a decade. The here ought to be a way to buy put options on futurism.
i'm not trying to bash it and call it horseshit, but there are a lot of things in development, medical, scientific, see stories like that almost daily, and at best, one out of ten appears in the news a second time, and perhaps one in ten of those actually goes any further. if every story i had seen like that panned out well, we would be using limitless fusion energy to drive a world wide web of super conducting mag lev bullet trains, oil would be nothing but a chemical base, the environment would be fixed, and all disease would be cured...but it aint.

It traditionally ain't because the 30% must this case it's Germany- they tend to be into science and outlawed Nazis, so further advanced.
U.S. Army’s First Trans Officer Indicted for Spying for Russia
Maj. Jamie Lee Henry and her wife are accused of conspiring to hand over the private medical information of Army personnel and their families.
By John Riley on September 30, 2022
U.S. Army’s First Trans Officer Indicted for Spying for Russia
Maj. Jamie Lee Henry and her wife are accused of conspiring to hand over the private medical information of Army personnel and their families.
By John Riley on September 30, 2022
Gee looks like serious time, think Trump will get more for the secret documents and obstruction of Justice?
I wonder if this would be more serious than Flynn working for Russia and rate more time?

People are busted for this kind of shit all the time and sentences are usually long, for everybody, including Trump, whether they are straight, gay or trans, one size cell fits all.
A robber enters a bank, he pulls out a gun, and he shouts: “Everyone on the ground. This is a robbery!”.
Immediately, everyone in the bank drops down with their hands on their heads except for one man reading a newspaper.
The man lowers his newspaper and begins to stare at the robber with an amused look on his face.
It makes the robber angry, so he walks towards the man, puts the gun to his face, and asks him: “what so funny, ha? You want to get shot?”.
The man’s amused look turns into a smile as he answers the robber back: “You are joking right?”.
The robber, bursting with anger, places the gun one inch away from the man’s face and says: “Say that again. I dare you”.
The man, who was previously completely relaxed, is now getting a bit worried.
He lowers his newspaper further and says: “No, really. You are not serious, are you?”
The robber sticks the gun into the man’s forehead and threatens with a more serious tone: “One more word and I swear I am pulling the trigger”.
The man, no longer showing the slightest hint of amusement, says: “Look, there is a first time to everything, but this is unbelievable.
Do you really have any idea of what you are doing?”.
“That is it!” the robber snaps. “I have a gun, you are unarmed, everybody else is scared to death, and there are zero guards in here! Don’t you understand the situation? I completely got this under control!”.
At this point, the man puts down his newspaper with an honest, concerned look on his face.
He looks the robber in the eye and says: “Dude, this is a blood bank”