"The best way to avoid this problem is not to get there."

So because of your paranoia, society should stop giving the next generation the opportunities to become the ones who do everything in our society to help everyone else here? I don't have or want kids, but understand that all those future doctors, nurses, administrators, janitors, plumbers, carpenters, delivery drivers etc will all benefit from our public tax dollars helping them to gain an education. And the better they do, the better we all have it.

And there is no question that you use those benefits all the time. So wake up to reality and quit bitching is my suggestion.

Nice cherry picking btw. I guess this means you are once again aligned with the right wing agenda of destroying our public school system, shocker.

So because of your paranoia, society should stop giving the next generation the opportunities to become the ones who do everything in our society to help everyone else here? I don't have or want kids, but understand that all those future doctors, nurses, administrators, janitors, plumbers, carpenters, delivery drivers etc will all benefit from our public tax dollars helping them to gain an education. And the better they do, the better we all have it.

And there is no question that you use those benefits all the time. So wake up to reality and quit bitching is my suggestion.

Nice cherry picking btw. I guess this means you are once again aligned with the right wing agenda of destroying our public school system, shocker.

Shouldn't we teach kids using a gun to get your way is a bad practice to base a business model in though ?

I'm not opposed to you and your friends getting together and funding your schools, why do you want to use guns to force everybody else to pay for your violent ideas though? What is it about using children as a shield for your idea that you like so much ?

Why can't you "co-exist" and put your gun down ?
I'm good with using the guns to protect the books.

That's an incomplete and rationalization creating thought though, it avoids the nature of how those books were paid for in the first place.

Guns were used, to pay for them. Ironically, the same kids who will be forced to read some of those books will be told "bullying is wrong" .

School teachers love guns being used to threaten otherwise peaceful people but they want to pretend they teach kids bullying is wrong. That's really funny.
Shouldn't we teach kids using a gun to get your way is a bad practice to base a business model in though ?

I'm not opposed to you and your friends getting together and funding your schools,
Well good for you. You are not opposed to the reality that if me and my friends wanted to get together and fund a school (assuming we had the wealth) for our children, we very much could.

why do you want to use guns to force everybody else to pay for your violent ideas though?

Is this more of that right wing propagandist spin on actually funding the IRS so that they can make a dent in the largest corporation's taxes that are going unpaid? I call bullshit on the 'violence' spiel you do. Because I understand that all that shit you leave behind on your property one day will have to be cleaned up by the community you live in.

What is it about using children as a shield for your idea that you like so much ?

Why can't you "co-exist" and put your gun down ?
There is a difference between 'using children as a shield' and being extremely worried about the right wing attack on them that is willing to hurt the ability of large portions of our society to not be able to gain a complete education. Chosing to not understand the massive benefit we have as a society with our public school system is on you.

Well good for you. You are not opposed to the reality that if me and my friends wanted to get together and fund a school (assuming we had the wealth) for our children, we very much could.


Is this more of that right wing propagandist spin on actually funding the IRS so that they can make a dent in the largest corporation's taxes that are going unpaid? I call bullshit on the 'violence' spiel you do. Because I understand that all that shit you leave behind on your property one day will have to be cleaned up by the community you live in.

There is a difference between 'using children as a shield' and being extremely worried about the right wing attack on them that is willing to hurt the ability of large portions of our society to not be able to gain a complete education. Chosing to not understand the massive benefit we have as a society with our public school system is on you.

So, you do or do not acknowledge that the present funding for governemnt schools relies at least in part on the use of guns and / or threats of use of guns ? Easy question.

That it's ironic to teach kids bullying is bad, while using guns as the primary way to gain "customer funding" ? What part of forcible funding rather than mutual trade would you say is better ?

Do you like it when an idea is so good ,it has to be funded by gun threats ? (that was sarcasm) .
The threat to democracy isn't alarmist. I've never worried like this in the past 69 years. The predictable progression has been steady and and is now accelerating. America as I know it has already changed and signaled a terminal phase for democracy with open violence and racism.

The consequences of ignoring this threat are dire.
The threat to democracy isn't alarmist. I've never worried like this in the past 69 years. The predictable progression has been steady and and is now accelerating. America as I know it has already changed and signaled a terminal phase for democracy with open violence and racism.

The consequences of ignoring this threat are dire.

Are you willing to admit that a planned gang rape is a form of democracy though and that at least sometimes a majority choice can deliver unintended consequences to peaceful or disinterested individuals ?

The consequences of ignoring this are dire.
Anyway, nothing to worry about, I guess. Just another alarmist thread like the Roe v Wade thread.

Whoa!! Was that yours?

White Men have had a hard on since always about Women's Rights after we got them in the 60s..I was born into a world where there were no rights over my own body. I wasn't allowed to buy birth control, have my own checking account or do anything without my husbands approval.
That's an incomplete and rationalization creating thought though, it avoids the nature of how those books were paid for in the first place.

Guns were used, to pay for them. Ironically, the same kids who will be forced to read some of those books will be told "bullying is wrong" .

School teachers love guns being used to threaten otherwise peaceful people but they want to pretend they teach kids bullying is wrong. That's really funny.

The books exist. Therefore they are.

Wear a boot on your head to keep it off your neck! boot.jpg
Whoa!! Was that yours?

White Men have had a hard on since always about Women's Rights after we got them in the 60s..I was born into a world where there were no rights over my own body. I wasn't allowed to buy birth control, have my own checking account or do anything without my husbands approval.
Undetected sarcasm I think. The Roe v Wade thread preceded the SCOTUS decision didn't it?
The people of Portland Oregon aren't complacent

View attachment 5206880

The people in most communities know what's going on:

View attachment 5206881

When its time to act, we know it.

Now is not the time. We know that too. It feels to some as if people are complacent. Well, right now, be complacent. Because now is not the time for unrest.
“Complacent” is a poor word choice:

  1. Contented self-satisfaction.
  2. Total lack of concern.
  3. Disposition to please, or an act intended to give pleasure; friendly civility, or a civil act. See complaisance (now generally used in this sense).
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

I was speaking of a false sense of the urgency of the situation. I’m not calling for violence in the streets, nor am I against protest, or standing one’s metaphorical ground.

Those aren’t the only forms of action available to us. Being active in the ‘larger conversation’ is important, whether it’s supporting positions or candidates or policies, being a candidate, helping others get to the polls for the election, having conversations like we have here, pushing back against the bullshit - ALL of it matters: it will be taken in by whoever reads it, whether they want to or not - they’ll absorb some, reject some, but the conversation changes us, and that change is extremely important - especially now. ‘Mindshare’ is a dated term, but we’re all digging for truths we can understand, but humans all have the same stuff go on in them, it’s just, ‘how it dances’ is different for everybody.

Not letting that conversation be dominated by the wormtongues & screamers from ‘the right’ is not as simple as it was when we still had public spaces to physically gather in - it takes more creativity and imagination (and *legitimate* research) than reading the shitstream & reacting to it. It’s a different level of struggle, but it’s NOT optional: one of the ways we got here *was* by complacency - thinking that the forces against the nation were just ‘crazy people, ignorant, uninformed, behind the times’. We *could* have seen through the bullshit, but we kept extending the benefit of the doubt, ignoring the deep-rooted brainwashing that was happening right under our noses, figuring they’d all die off, unable to turn the most traditional aspects of our society against because they were dumb, crazy, morons….

Worked great, huh? Maybe, time for a different plan? Like calling them out, not letting them soak undisturbed in THEIR induced brain-rot, not permitting THEIR true-American, Christian-soldier complacence to allow the overthrow gang to pick up this kind of speed, pushing back whenever and wherever we can.
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“Complacent” is a poor word choice:

I was speaking of a false sense of the urgency of the situation. I’m not calling for violence in the streets, nor am I against protest, or standing one’s metaphorical ground.

Those aren’t the only forms of action available to us. Being active in the ‘larger conversation’ is important, whether it’s supporting positions or candidates or policies, being a candidate, helping others get to the polls for the election, having conversations like we have here, pushing back against the bullshit - ALL of it matters: it will be taken in by whoever reads it, whether they want to or not - they’ll absorb some, reject some, but the conversation changes us, and that change is extremely important - especially now. ‘Mindshare’ is a dated term, but we’re all digging for truths we can understand, but humans all have the same stuff go on in them, it’s just, ‘how it dances’ is different for everybody.

Not letting that conversation be dominated by the wormtongues & screamers from ‘the right’ is not as simple as it was when we still had public spaces to physically gather in - it takes more creativity and imagination (and *legitimate* research) than reading the shitstream & reacting to it. It’s a different level of struggle, but it’s NOT optional: one of the ways we got here *was* by complacency - thinking that the forces against the nation were just ‘crazy people, ignorant, uninformed, behind the times’. We *could* have seen through the bullshit, but we kept extending the benefit of the doubt, ignoring the deep-rooted brainwashing that was happening right under our noses, figuring they’d all die off, unable to turn the most traditional aspects of our society against because they were dumb, crazy, morons….

Worked great, huh? Maybe, time for a different plan? Like calling them out, not letting them soak undisturbed in THEIR induced brain-rot, not permitting THEIR true-American, Christian-soldier complacence to allow the overthrow gang to pick up this kind of speed, pushing back whenever and wherever we can.

It is working. Not great but it is working. The conversation is not being dominated by the right. They would like to dominate it. And they do in some quarters but not for most of the people in the US. People are turning out to vote in larger numbers. The majority of voters are choosing leaders in the moderate left to represent them.

There is a demographic and generational shift taking place. There is still a significant portion of this country who are resisting the change. In order to do so, they are putting our democracy at risk. So, yeah these are interesting times.