The Junk Drawer

She seriously looks great for 81. Heck, for 51. Back when I was young I thought all women stopped looking good after 35 but nowadays that’s like minimum age to look attractive. I’ll take a few well-placed wrinkles over baby fat (I hope that expression works in english too lol). Not all women know how to use them though, it’s like excessive duckface is a virus. I got a uhmm cousin-in-law who recently blew up her lips and it looked ridiculous. I’m thinking of having some work done on my eye lids myself, got some malar bags going on too lately. Want to know Leonardo’s secret, though he does wear glasses in the Fiat 500e commercial. I tried eye yoga but don’t have the discipline to keep it up.
I cannot cross my legs in even half-lotus for long, so my eyes? No.
I didn’t mean to sound like I questioned the possibility of you being a rocket scientist, I thought you were in the medical field.

I post here from my cell phone and I don’t see the signature line.
Worked in the hospital complex a couple jobs after the rocket thing. Was not really a scientist, just worked in engineering in a rocket plant.

Retired Beer Swiller, Rocket Scientist, College Professor, Professional Air Sniffer.
I return my phosphate with gratitude.

i like this idea, the only bigger waste of real estate than a graveyard is a golf course
The combo has potential.
combination graveyard/golfcourses?...i'm not sure about that...i'm not worried about it being disrespectful, i'm worried about the balls bouncing wild off of monuments, and about damaging my golf shoes if i land in one of those patches where all the markers are flat plates on the ground with names and dates...of course, you could make golf shoes optional, and work the monuments into the game in a variation on minigolf, with full sized windmills, curvy bridges, holes in the fairway that make your ball pop out in weird it maxi golf-the final destination.
combination graveyard/golfcourses?...i'm not sure about that...i'm not worried about it being disrespectful, i'm worried about the balls bouncing wild off of monuments, and about damaging my golf shoes if i land in one of those patches where all the markers are flat plates on the ground with names and dates...of course, you could make golf shoes optional, and work the monuments into the game in a variation on minigolf, with full sized windmills, curvy bridges, holes in the fairway that make your ball pop out in weird it maxi golf-the final destination.
I was referring to

Yeah, those plaques on the ground. They cram them in tight sometimes, and you can't avoid standing on them, unless you want to take a drop...that can't be good for your golf shoes.
it just goes to show how little i think of trump, that this ^ didn't even occur to me. i have better things to think about, trying to design a collapsible target holder to take to the range when i go shooting, using a spot of birdshit on my truck window as a sight to pretend to shoot slow fucking tourists slowing me down, wondering if they just flipped a coin to decide which cake was angel food,
and which was devil's food, trying to decide if it's worth it to get an aquarium to raise feeder minnows to feed my pet know, shit that really matters.
Yeah, those plaques on the ground. They cram them in tight sometimes, and you can't avoid standing on them, unless you want to take a drop...that can't be good for your golf shoes.
it just goes to show how little i think of trump, that this ^ didn't even occur to me. i have better things to think about, trying to design a collapsible target holder to take to the range when i go shooting, using a spot of birdshit on my truck window as a sight to pretend to shoot slow fucking tourists slowing me down, wondering if they just flipped a coin to decide which cake was angel food,
and which was devil's food, trying to decide if it's worth it to get an aquarium to raise feeder minnows to feed my pet know, shit that really matters.
Buy feeders at the pet shop. Add terrestrials while there. Live crickets and meal worms or wax. Wash your hands. LOL.
Buy feeders at the pet shop. Add terrestrials while there. Live crickets and meal worms or wax. Wash your hands. LOL.
the options here suck, pet smart or pet sense, or an outrageously expensive independent store. none of them sell feeder minnows, just little tetras, which would work, i guess. crickets aren't a good choice for the turtles, mine are aquatic (yellow belly sliders) and the crickets would just drown and make a mess. they do eat meal worms, i give them a couple of live ones, a few canned ones, a little kale every day, some mango or apple once a week, and pelletized food with vitamins. the lizard eats crickets though, but i don't want to raise them, they stink, and i don't want a big tank of them stinking up the house. 50 a week for 8 bucks is just fine.
wax worms are ok, but they're really high in fat, should be like a once in a while treat
the options here suck, pet smart or pet sense, or an outrageously expensive independent store. none of them sell feeder minnows, just little tetras, which would work, i guess. crickets aren't a good choice for the turtles, mine are aquatic (yellow belly sliders) and the crickets would just drown and make a mess. they do eat meal worms, i give them a couple of live ones, a few canned ones, a little kale every day, some mango or apple once a week, and pelletized food with vitamins. the lizard eats crickets though, but i don't want to raise them, they stink, and i don't want a big tank of them stinking up the house. 50 a week for 8 bucks is just fine.
wax worms are ok, but they're really high in fat, should be like a once in a while treat
Ghost shrimp would be my suggestion. Been a bit since my painted and snapper hatchling days. Caught not raised. Fish guy raised in a swamp thing. I tried.
Ghost shrimp would be my suggestion. Been a bit since my painted and snapper hatchling days. Caught not raised. Fish guy raised in a swamp thing. I tried.
i've never tried those, wonder how hard it would be to raise them? it's not really a cost thing, it's an even split between not trusting the petmarts to supply a good steady, healthy supply, and not wanting to have to go to the pet store on a more than once a week basis
i like this idea, the only bigger waste of real estate than a graveyard is a golf course
