The Junk Drawer

someone's logic is...flawed...
"Cannabis has been a big debate in Tennessee over the last few years. Critics argue it isn’t federally legal yet, while proponents say cannabis use is already happening illegally, so you may as well make money and make it safer by taxing and regulating it."

please explain to me how taxing and regulating cannabis will make it safer? law makers are totally ignorant on the subject, they read a few articles and assume they have enough expertise to make a meaningful decision, and their regulations are almost without fail asinine, idiotic, and useless...
their very effective regulations are why this search is so populated....
and this one, for pesticides...
i know legalization has been a lot of peoples dream for a long time, but if this is the result, i'll stay illegal, thanks....
Taxing it pays for regulating it.
Regulating it keeps most moldy, toxic etc. bud off the legal market.
Most folks would rather not grow their own.

this is cool...if it works. i'm going to reserve judgement until they get the numbers back to see if it did what they wanted it to.
what i'm wondering is if they will have sufficient warning to get one of these units ready and launched in time to make a big enough difference?
I am thinking that they would have a rocket parked in space waiting for an asteroid. Too much risk having to gamble on good weather to launch it from earth.
I am thinking that they would have a rocket parked in space waiting for an asteroid. Too much risk having to gamble on good weather to launch it from earth.
I’m looking forward to the standoff video of the strike. We will learn a lot about the structural competence of the impact host. That’ll inform on how to shift threat objects.
Little update on Hurricane Fiona I'm sitting in the car using my neighbor's Wi-Fi he's got a generator and apparently we got internet so when power comes back on tomorrow hopefully things will be back to normal. I normally come out to the car and charge up the phone and do a little youtubing but I can pick up Wi-Fi just fine in the house from my neighbor. I guess it pays to give a guy a bud every now and again! A good thing he made me the offer today I just about burned through all my data on my cell phone plan
Monty Python holds up...about half of Mel Brooks movies, love young frankenstein, history of the world, spaceballs, the producers, even high anxiety and silent movie...but i'm kind of tired of blazing saddles (just because i've seen it and seen it, and seen it...), 12 chairs, robinhood, or that stupid dracula movie...
the mighty boosh holds dwarf holds up...Fawlty Towers hold up...ALF does not hold up...nor does nightrider, charlie's angels, the A team, fantasy island, the love boat, the 6 million dollar man, or chips. good times holds up, diffrent strokes does not...
all in the family holds up, she's the sherrif DOES NOT...
Tuuh tuh tuh thuuuhn, tuh tuh thuuhn… A-Team still on rerun.
someone's logic is...flawed...
"Cannabis has been a big debate in Tennessee over the last few years. Critics argue it isn’t federally legal yet, while proponents say cannabis use is already happening illegally, so you may as well make money and make it safer by taxing and regulating it."

please explain to me how taxing and regulating cannabis will make it safer? law makers are totally ignorant on the subject, they read a few articles and assume they have enough expertise to make a meaningful decision, and their regulations are almost without fail asinine, idiotic, and useless...
their very effective regulations are why this search is so populated....
and this one, for pesticides...
i know legalization has been a lot of peoples dream for a long time, but if this is the result, i'll stay illegal, thanks....
Used to be a much discussed topic in weed forums in NL, people scream legalize, while growing illegally for money. I’ve said many times legalization automatically means regulation and taxes, just as is the case with any consumer product, like vegetables or a smartphone. But the hippies kept shouting legalize, remove it from (what we call) opium list (list of drugs banned). So the government gave in and was like ok, let’s do a test in some cities with legal government grown… what? no said the hippies, no government weed, free market. So the government was like ok, let’s do a test in some cities with legal grown weed by a select few who can get a permit… We had it all figured out for decades, essentially decriminalize but don’t legalize. Cause legal means heavily regulated and taxed, more money for big corps, less variety and more money for the war on drugs. Haven’t heard anything about it since covid though, well besides the mayor of Amsterdam wanting to ban sales to tourists. That would be good for business for street dealers, which is a real risk for consumers. Coffeeshops are pretty capable of buying good weed and usually have trustworthy suppliers. Not all of course, but that’s the same with restaurants, if it looks bad and the service sucks the kitchen probably isn’t much better. But yeah, I should get some spraypaint and prefix some graffiti with “il”.
It depends on how legalization is done in Canada it seems to be working out okay the government allows us to mail pot from one Province to another and it keeps the price low plus there are native reserves that sell it cheap 60 an ounce and you can buy it online fairly cheap the going price for an ounce of government dope, I'd say about 23% pot here it is about 125 Canadian an ounce it's really not worth growing it anymore that's why I gave up my garden
Well my car died in the driveway and I can't even charge my phone on the damn thing it's a good thing my buddy across the road offered to give me a charge later on when when she gets low. Some kind of an electrical problem I think, I'm going to have to wait for the garage just opened up get her towed down. Well things were going just swimmingly until that happened!
Germany is going to change drastically:

From another article:

What Germany’s traffic light coalition has in mind is potentially much further reaching, and more in line with how marijuana legalisation looks like in Canada. Cannabis could be regulated and taxed here, with over €5 billion a year in potential tax revenues.

It’s also likely to be available in specially licensed premises to people over 18, similar to Amsterdam’s coffee shops, but also in pharmacies.

Lauterbach emphasised that his legal team was working to make sure such an ambitious legalisation approach would be in line with EU law, but says he doesn’t anticipate any problems.

Despite the title of first article, it’s expected to be approved as early as early 2023 and effectively legalized and available in 2024. They’re also looking at allowing small home grows. Chances are high I’ll be renting a place just across the border or maybe not even bother and buy bulk in Germany like I do with wine.
Germany is going to change drastically:

From another article:

What Germany’s traffic light coalition has in mind is potentially much further reaching, and more in line with how marijuana legalisation looks like in Canada. Cannabis could be regulated and taxed here, with over €5 billion a year in potential tax revenues.

It’s also likely to be available in specially licensed premises to people over 18, similar to Amsterdam’s coffee shops, but also in pharmacies.

Lauterbach emphasised that his legal team was working to make sure such an ambitious legalisation approach would be in line with EU law, but says he doesn’t anticipate any problems.

Despite the title of first article, it’s expected to be approved as early as early 2023 and effectively legalized and available in 2024. They’re also looking at allowing small home grows. Chances are high I’ll be renting a place just across the border or maybe not even bother and buy bulk in Germany like I do with wine.
I was gonna say something snarky about German wine, but then (btw I don’t think that is a horse chestnut leaf)


I was gonna say something snarky about German wine, but then (btw I don’t think that is a horse chestnut leaf)

View attachment 5204112

That label hurts my eyes... contrary to the common misconception, Germany has very good Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) nowadays but no I don't go to Germany to buy German wine, mostly Italian, Spanish and French, occasionally some Chilean or South African. It's the tax difference. Doesn't save me any money though, just better for the same amount.
I was gonna say something snarky about German wine, but then (btw I don’t think that is a horse chestnut leaf)

View attachment 5204112

i have a highly refined pallet for some odd things, but for some others, you can feed me the cheapest swill, and i'll like it better than the "good" stuff...i hate cheap beer, i'd rather drink antifreeze...but the cheaper the wine, the better i like it...if you could just put a shot of everclear in some grape juice, that would work for me just fine...
oddly enough, i'm a peanut butter snob...i keep three different brands of peanut butter to use for different things...i even go once a year with 4 jars of planters dry roasted peanuts to a store where they make their own peanut butter, and have them run it through for ain't lived till you have my chili, with dry roasted peanut butter on crackers.
That label hurts my eyes... contrary to the common misconception, Germany has very good Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) nowadays but no I don't go to Germany to buy German wine, mostly Italian, Spanish and French, occasionally some Chilean or South African. It's the tax difference. Doesn't save me any money though, just better for the same amount.
I’m not being serious.

Austria has some excellent wines; enjoyed a few bottles there circa new year ‘15.

My corner of the Mojave grows and vinifies some real fine no-excuses cuvées.

The old prejudices are prejudices and old.
i have a highly refined pallet for some odd things, but for some others, you can feed me the cheapest swill, and i'll like it better than the "good" stuff...i hate cheap beer, i'd rather drink antifreeze...but the cheaper the wine, the better i like it...if you could just put a shot of everclear in some grape juice, that would work for me just fine...
oddly enough, i'm a peanut butter snob...i keep three different brands of peanut butter to use for different things...i even go once a year with 4 jars of planters dry roasted peanuts to a store where they make their own peanut butter, and have them run it through for ain't lived till you have my chili, with dry roasted peanut butter on crackers.
I’m like that with mustard. Duke’s mayo rocks pretty hard, not far off my reference for God’s own condiment.

I just checked the update site for the power company and I probably won't get power back until Friday or even Monday I think I'm screwed it means I won't be able to get my car fixed until there's power in town. Oh well life's a b**** and then you die
camp out for a couple of days...make an adventure of it.
we have a 4 man tent, a queen sized air matress that you can blow up with the little electric pump or a foot pump, good sleeping bags, a coleman lantern and stove, a couple of lanterns with solar panels to make the batteries last out in the back yard, make a fire in the hibachi, keep the coffee pot hot...
oh, and a piece of advice from the last time the power went out for a few days here, get some dry ice if you can, and pack your freezer with it, unless you want to have to replace it all...
camp out for a couple of days...make an adventure of it.
we have a 4 man tent, a queen sized air matress that you can blow up with the little electric pump or a foot pump, good sleeping bags, a coleman lantern and stove, a couple of lanterns with solar panels to make the batteries last out in the back yard, make a fire in the hibachi, keep the coffee pot hot...
oh, and a piece of advice from the last time the power went out for a few days here, get some dry ice if you can, and pack your freezer with it, unless you want to have to replace it all...
Guess what power just came back on I got a call a broadcast call from the power company saying it would be back on tomorrow but the app said it wouldn't be back on until 3 or 4 days from now go figure anyway as soon as the computer reboots and updates Windows I'll get back in on it