January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Ursus marijanus
It still blows my mind that trump, a dude born super rich that really kind of epitomizes the negative stereotypes of super rich elite east coast people, got so many rural and small town voters to back him.

Both elections, the old Pace Picante salsa ads where they yelled "NEW YORK CITY" just ran through my head continuously when you would see the rallies. I was just baffled by how/why people bought the bullshit.
I think thats the one that ends on a disapproving cow saying “animal!”



Well-Known Member
It had been a long time since anyone had courted what we used to call white trash. Trumpf got them fired up about the black dude that proceeded him, then told them he was going to fix what was wrong with their world. Of course he did nothing for them, but he did talk to them.

Just like the would be school shooters, all it takes is someone telling them they are worthy. It is enough to get them to love you.


Well-Known Member

Lindsey Graham desperate to avoid testifying about Trump's Georgia election crimes
7,034 views Jul 16, 2022 A Georgia state court judge has ordered Lindsey Graham to testify before the grand jury because Graham is an important and necessary witness to the possible Georgia state election crimes of former president Donald Trump. In a remarkable show of cowardice, Graham ran to a federal court in South Carolina and filed a motion to quash the subpoena in a desperate attempt to keep from having to testify about Trump's crimes.

This video takes apart the legal claims in Graham's court court filing. This video also discusses the real reason Graham is scared to death of being placed under oath and examined about his repeated phone calls with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.


Well-Known Member
FUCK You, you rude Prick. Too many scum bag Liberals on this forum for me. AMF!
One fascist is too many for my liking. Unfortunately, 70 million fascists voted for Trump and many still support Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy. Fortunately 83 million voted for Biden to be the 46th president and chief executive to lead us away from Republican totalitarianism.

Antifa is short for antifascist. I'm against fascis;m. Why aren't you?


Well-Known Member
With a court date on Monday morning Steve Bannon is probably on one Helluva bender tonight! The stress must be getting to him and his example will help to loosen tongues and assholes.


Well-Known Member
Homeless Steve, bottle of MD 20-20, paper sack, sidewalk. That's the image.
I think Stevo will have a home with the feds until he is removed in a bag. When he is sentenced he is looking at a mandatory 2 years, one for blowing them off and the other on failure to deliver documents. While he's in the crowbar hotel, other crimes to do with J6 will probably come to light, conspiracy comes to mind. When they slap the cuffs on him at the sentencing and since it's mandatory time, it could be when he is found guilty, no point in delay to put him away, for good. Stevo will need to get used to being sober and a loser, maybe he will regain his health and find Jesus or something.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I think Stevo will have a home with the feds until he is removed in a bag. When he is sentenced he is looking at a mandatory 2 years, one for blowing them off and the other on failure to deliver documents. While he's in the crowbar hotel, other crimes to do with J6 will probably come to light, conspiracy comes to mind. When they slap the cuffs on him at the sentencing and since it's mandatory time, it could be when he is found guilty, no point in delay to put him away, for good. Stevo will need to get used to being sober and a loser, maybe he will regain his health and find Jesus or something.
it's not a mandatory 2 years, it's a maximum of two years, and $2,000.00
one year and one thousand dollars per charge. if they give him the max. if they convict him, that's up to a federal judge to do.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Have they charged Trump yet? It's amazing how long this is all taking, are they waiting for him to die of old age first? Do we know if Trump pardoned himself when he was Prez yet?


Well-Known Member