January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

It is all a bunch of crap, it was a group of morons and actually may have bee let in by Capitol Police. No fucking insurrection, that is pure Liberal Horse shit. If they want to convict criminals start with the Burn Loot and Murder trash and move to the Antifa scum.
here, i doubt you are smart enough to read the bigger words, get a grown up to help you with them...
antifa isn't like the proud bois...they aren't a real organization, they're more like a creed...you want to fight fascism? you want to fight racism? you want to fight sexism?...you're willing to put your personal safety at risk to stop fascist authoritarians from marching in your home town? then guess what? you're already a member of ANTIFA....ANTIFA is EVERYONE who opposes people trying to take away the rights of others, trying to impose their values upon others, who threaten others because of their race or sexual identity...
i suppose i qualify as a member, and i've never even paid dues....
if you're going to hate someone, at least know the real reasons to hate them, for god's sake, quit listening to fucking morons on faux news and alex jones podcasts..
It has been a little one sided in one way. Almost all of the witnesses are life long Republicans who were serving in the Trumpf administration.

Fun fact. Daddy was an Anti-Fascists. He did the walking tour of France and Germany in the summer and fall of 1944. It's funny (in a sad way) that so many Americans embrace fascists today when as a country we did so much to defeat them 75 years ago. I will admit I did Not See that coming.

It was here 75 years ago, never went away. Had Japan not bombed pearl harbor, public sentiment might not have gone the way it did and turned the US fully against Germany. We didn't seem to have much of a problem with the ideology. It is funny, just saw something about Charles Lindberg shilling for the nazis and he made the same points luckyluke does about trying to keep America out of the situation.

The nazi's ran summer camps in New York ffs. They held an event at Madison Square garden. As a country, we were way cooler with them than we should have been. There's lots of interesting books on it. We did have a whole lot of capitalism mixed in with our embrace of fascists.
Stinkys tough guys cry like little girls LOL.

i drink their tears with relish...i hope they cry a lot more...in the prison shower
If Trump runs again, it will because Garland allows it after being an accessory after the fact for his crimes. Georgia looks like it's gonna nail his ass too and if they do, it will be a TV trial. I hope he announces before the election and runs some kind of fake campaign refighting the 2020 election, in the midst of a criminal investigation that could drop indictments on his head at any time. The republicans will want to spin the issues and memory hole Donald and J6, but Donald will want to make it difficult to indict him and will try to foment civil war over it, if he can. However once indicted a judge will muzzle Donald with a gag order, the judge owns his ass once indicted, if he opens his pie hole, it's jail until trial.

So timing is important when nailing Donald's ass, I wouldn't expect it before the election, but ya never know. It is getting pretty hard for Garland to keep from indicting Trump, the heat is white hot. However Donald running his fake, I wuz robbed show in the fall will be a nightmare for the GOP, they would love for Donald to be put away ASAP, before the election, but they dare not breathe a word!

Conway predicts Trump will run again. Hear who he thinks can beat him
121,382 views Jul 16, 2022 Conservative attorney George Conway, who is now a fierce critic of former President Donald Trump, predicts that Trump will run for president again and says Ron DeSantis may be the only candidate that can beat him one-on-one.
It still blows my mind that trump, a dude born super rich that really kind of epitomizes the negative stereotypes of super rich elite east coast people, got so many rural and small town voters to back him.

Both elections, the old Pace Picante salsa ads where they yelled "NEW YORK CITY" just ran through my head continuously when you would see the rallies. I was just baffled by how/why people bought the bullshit.
It still blows my mind that trump, a dude born super rich that really kind of epitomizes the negative stereotypes of super rich elite east coast people, got so many rural and small town voters to back him.

Both elections, the old Pace Picante salsa ads where they yelled "NEW YORK CITY" just ran through my head continuously when you would see the rallies. I was just baffled by how/why people bought the bullshit.
It had been a long time since anyone had courted what we used to call white trash. Trumpf got them fired up about the black dude that proceeded him, then told them he was going to fix what was wrong with their world. Of course he did nothing for them, but he did talk to them.

Just like the would be school shooters, all it takes is someone telling them they are worthy. It is enough to get them to love you.
It still blows my mind that trump, a dude born super rich that really kind of epitomizes the negative stereotypes of super rich elite east coast people, got so many rural and small town voters to back him.

Both elections, the old Pace Picante salsa ads where they yelled "NEW YORK CITY" just ran through my head continuously when you would see the rallies. I was just baffled by how/why people bought the bullshit.
to me, it just signifies how much people feel like they're inadequately represented, conservatives, liberals, and center...
you elect an official on all the promises they make, then they hit the wall of partisan politics that keeps anything from ever getting done,
makes no difference that it was erected by people long in their graves, DC seems to have this thing about the status quo, and tradition, even if the status quo is a broken system, and the traditions are ones of racism, sexism, maintaining the old boy system, and protecting their corporate sponsors from the bad bad tax men...


this isn't really a new thing, it's just been getting progressively worse over the past century
The lights had better be on all weekend at the Secret Service HQ and it's cyber forensics lab, they want answers by Tuesday. Bennie Thompson is also chairman of the homeland security committee and they have oversight over the Secret Service and will want answers too. These guys don't get to skip subpoenas with Joe in the WH and Garland running the DOJ, they are government employees, civil servants. Also, Joe is about to appoint their new boss, since the head of the Secret Service is retiring and they will need to deal with the aftermath of this bullshit and congress.

Jan. 6 committee subpoenas Secret service over missing texts
84,215 views Jul 16, 2022 The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol issued a subpoena to the Secret Service over missing text messages. The Secret Service said it would respond to the subpoena "swiftly."
FUCK You, you rude Prick. Too many scum bag Liberals on this forum for me. AMF!
Liberal means freedom under the constitution and rule of law, I can see why you are repelled by the concept.

What happens when the King shit you anoint into power throws you under the bus for power or advantage? They use your kind like toilet paper to wipe the shit off their asses, then they will flush you down history's toilet.