Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
here, i doubt you are smart enough to read the bigger words, get a grown up to help you with them...It is all a bunch of crap, it was a group of morons and actually may have bee let in by Capitol Police. No fucking insurrection, that is pure Liberal Horse shit. If they want to convict criminals start with the Burn Loot and Murder trash and move to the Antifa scum.
antifa isn't like the proud bois...they aren't a real organization, they're more like a want to fight fascism? you want to fight racism? you want to fight sexism?'re willing to put your personal safety at risk to stop fascist authoritarians from marching in your home town? then guess what? you're already a member of ANTIFA....ANTIFA is EVERYONE who opposes people trying to take away the rights of others, trying to impose their values upon others, who threaten others because of their race or sexual identity...
i suppose i qualify as a member, and i've never even paid dues....
if you're going to hate someone, at least know the real reasons to hate them, for god's sake, quit listening to fucking morons on faux news and alex jones podcasts..