Pandemic 2020

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Almost 6.5 million reported dead (it’s probably more than twice that), but it’s blown way out of proportion?

Nefarious reason? I take it you’re unvaccinated.
No. I am vaccinated. Like i said I switched camps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the numbers are inflated. With that being said, I know it is real and many have died. But if you take in consideration all the pre existing conditions and age of roughly 70% of these deaths then the actual number that died from JUST Covid 19 is dramatically reduced. Not belittling anyones death or loss. It was and still is a major over-reaction that destroyed local economies worldwide. And yes, Nefarious is the proper term to be used for the situation.
No. I am vaccinated. Like i said I switched camps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the numbers are inflated. With that being said, I know it is real and many have died. But if you take in consideration all the pre existing conditions and age of roughly 70% of these deaths then the actual number that died from JUST Covid 19 is dramatically reduced. Not belittling anyones death or loss. It was and still is a major over-reaction that destroyed local economies worldwide. And yes, Nefarious is the proper term to be used for the situation.
I believe you’re not a rocket scientist.
And don't get me started on those tens of millions claiming disability from covid, bunch of lazy parasites taking advantage of the system, just rub some dirt on it and be a man.
And don't get me started on those tens of millions claiming disability from covid, bunch of lazy parasites taking advantage of the system, just rub some dirt on it and be a man.
Sure. Cut that number by half as well. If we are just talking out of our asses here then I can throw bullshit numbers and snippy one liners too. Impossible for intelligent conversations to happen i guess.
. . . . . . . . . . I have changed camps as far as the pandemic is concerned. I now truly believe it was blown way out of proportion for some nefarious reason.
We are doing great. Deaths are below 1K per day now. Yesterday only 723 died from covid. At that rate it will take us 18 more days to reach 1M dead. And they always say the first million are the hardest.
Ouch. Hope your peeps come through ok. Crazy isn't. I'm a good ways south of New York and live in a mainly rural area. No one here cares. If you ask it's just like a bad cold. I haven't worn a mask in months and really didn't ever wear it much. I have changed camps as far as the pandemic is concerned. I now truly believe it was blown way out of proportion for some nefarious reason.
i believe you are making a fundamental error of reason.
Your post reduces to “I see or hear no signs locally, therefore it isnt really a thing.”

So, no. Bad dataset, from which imagined “nefarious purposes” (?okay, whose grand conspiracy and why?) cannot be derived.
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