
I agree with the ACLU on this one. I can see freezing the assets. But not giving the money to another unless it goes through some serious court proceedings. If it was cool for them to own all this stuff before the war I don't understand how it can be taken now without the folks getting their day in court.

It wasn't cool for them to own their ill begotten plunder..be assured they stole it from someone else or used dark money to acquire..why do you think they live on the sea?

If you support a war criminal by giving resources so that war criminal can continue? That makes you a criminal too and you can have your assets seized and sold the value of your crime which can be assigned to you. How do you put value to human life though?

Putin took Ukraines shit and someone has to be in charge of the rebuild and we're going to need money for that..do you think the US is going to open her purse when Americans pay for benefits the government guarantees and you're unable to collect having to hire an attorney and pay 25% just to get your own paid benefit?
His KGB career was less than stellar.
he retired a lieutenant colonel, which was actually a pretty high rank, full colonels were the only ones to outrank him in the field, anything above that was an office position. a kgb lieutenant colonel could tell a military general to jump, and make him disappear if he didn't jump high enough.
he retired in 91, and by 99 was appointed prime minister by the retiring Yeltsin...that's not stellar, it's meteoric
I agree with the ACLU on this one. I can see freezing the assets. But not giving the money to another unless it goes through some serious court proceedings. If it was cool for them to own all this stuff before the war I don't understand how it can be taken now without the folks getting their day in court.
Looks like those Russian boys got a good dose at Chernobyl and I wouldn't be surprised if some died from it and many others are showing symptoms of radiation poisoning. They might even dump the equipment they used there in Belarus, but they aren't even smart enough to hose it down and wipe down the interiors at a minimum. The Russians cut education way back for decades and it shows with untrained ignorant troops who behave like savages under stress and who kill them selves with nuclear waste.

Stupidity defeated them and not much else, they made it real easy for the Ukrainians who were exploiting their many mistakes and shitty tactical organization. That doesn't mean they did not fight well and hard to defeat them though, but it made it one Helluva a lot easier. The Ukrainians have learned and adapted, have the Russians?
Inside Ukraine's Chernobyl site after Russian occupation - BBC News
This is a bit different than the Russian situation and parliament can pass new laws overnight. There is a lot of Russian money in the UK and when it gets seized those holding it with power, will get some of it too, to help grease the wheels. There is gonna be white hot heat on this issue for a long fucking time and not just the Ukrainians will be applying the heat.

There also is a lot more international cooperation on this one too and even the tax havens like Switzerland have opened up their books. It would make a very useful international precedent if Russia ended up paying the shot for this war and make others think twice. If corrupt dictators lose their money stashed abroad for starting wars and almost all have pillaged their countries and stashed the cash abroad. It is a punishment aimed at a particular group of people and individuals, that will seriously make them think twice, if it becomes established practice. The rich elites in any country would kill such a threat to their fortunes by straggling them in the cradle or killing them after they got power. Incentives are everything with some people.
Slow painful death ahead.

In a particularly ill-advised action, a Russian soldier from a chemical, biological and nuclear protection unit picked up a source of cobalt-60 at one waste storage site with his bare hands, exposing himself to so much radiation in a few seconds that it went off the scales of a Geiger counter, Simyonov said. It was not clear what happened to the man, he said.

"Yay, we hit a railway station with a missile!!!"...."What's that? Civilians you say?"...
"Boo, the Ukrainian's hit their own railway station with a missile that we don't even use!"
"What do you mean, why do we have 70 or 80 of those missiles pointed at Ukrainian civilians? i already told you, we don't use those missiles, that we have many of in Ukraine and Belarus! Ignore the man behind the curtain!"....
Soldier : ( Bad Russian Accent ) …“ Look , most shiny rock will make yuri’s garden beautiful “

Picks up Cobalt -60

Soldier : “ I see flashing yellow / blue colors ! “ …… * falls over.
Slow painful death ahead.

In a particularly ill-advised action, a Russian soldier from a chemical, biological and nuclear protection unit picked up a source of cobalt-60 at one waste storage site with his bare hands, exposing himself to so much radiation in a few seconds that it went off the scales of a Geiger counter, Simyonov said. It was not clear what happened to the man, he said.

View attachment 5115764
He was one of the "trained" ones, education in Russia must be something these days, like "training" in the army, perhaps they just had the name and none of the training along with old equipment.

Yep don't like no education and cut the federal department of education and just to make sure, have a bunch of fucking lunatics and traitors threaten to murder them and their families unless the teach bullshit. Go ahead and turn your country into a bunch of ignorant fucking animals, just like Russia did, if the republicans get power, fucking with education will be at the top of their list.
He was one of the "trained" ones, education in Russia must be something these days, like "training" in the army, perhaps they just had the name and none of the training along with old equipment.

Yep don't like no education and cut the federal department of education and just to make sure, have a bunch of fucking lunatics and traitors threaten to murder them and their families unless the teach bullshit. Go ahead and turn your country into a bunch of ignorant fucking animals, just like Russia did, if the republicans get power, fucking with education will be at the top of their list.

exactly …. “ a trained professional “ .

Not only did they bulldoze trenches and bunkers into Hot Soil but also irradiated equipment / gear / rations etc.
They might as well set up a card table next to Corium “ foot “.
When the Russians launched Sputnik and then manned space flight, it spurred the Eisenhower administration to make an all out effort in math and science education in schools and colleges nationwide. Kennedy went to the moon, but Ike laid a foundation that brought us the 12st century with a generation of technically trained people, going to the moon only provided jobs for a fraction of them. There is a reason education went downhill, the brown folks started getting some and doing quite well in the meritocracy of education. There is also a reason they don't teach civics any more or much history and what is taught, they want to fuck with just like they fuck with reality and create alternative ones. It's the same reason they show up at school board meetings screaming about bullshit and making death threats. It's the reason educational quality in America is often neighborhood by neighborhood and not consistently state wide and varies so much between some counties. Too often local control means lunatics driving an agenda that is anti social or anti science. It all has to do with racism and it's just an example of a much larger problem of white people fucking themselves because "the enemy" might get some too and they would rather starve than let that happen. Sacrifices have to be made in war and these people are at civil war with liberal democracy, WTF else would they vote for Trump?
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I'd check that with a Geiger counter before I went anywhere near it, unless it was stamped "Made in China"! Locally made mementos might be a bit hot!

Russian “ snow “ or Chinese “ pollutants “ - What’s the difference ? Lol.

Edit : Probably china - notice the misspell
When the Russians launched Sputnik An then manned space flight, i spurred the Eisenhower administration to make an all out effort in math and science education in schools and colleges nationwide. Kennedy went to the moon, but Ike laid a foundation that brought us the 12st century with generation of technically trained people, going to the moon only provided jobs for a fraction of them. There is a reason education went downhill, the brown folks started getting some and doing quite well in the meritocracy of education. There is also a reason they don't teach civics any more or much history and what is taught, they want to fuck with just like the fuck with reality and create alternative ones. It's the same reason they show up at school board meetings screaming about bullshit and making death threats. It's the reason educational quality in America is often neighborhood by neighborhood and not consistently state wide and varies so much between some counties. Too often local control means lunatics driving an agenda that is anti social or anti science. It all has to do with racism and it's just an example of a much larger problem of white people fucking themselves because "the enemy" might get some too and they would rather starve than let that happen. Sacrifices have to be made in war and these people are at civil war with liberal democracy, WTF else would they vote for Trump?
Lol at 12th century
“and just look at how far we have come”
