
They wont take it cause they are losers and just backing up where is more civilians sad scared rats. Hope someone attack USA too after what you are doing so many countries already.
You know the funniest thing about this war?

The Ukrainians are armed largely with soviet era weapons that the Russians father's made. These were stored by NATO in the millions and were quickly shipped into Ukraine. All the damage done and all the aid given will be paid for by Russian money, we already have it in the bank and they will pay the entire cost of this war, down to the last dime. They will pay for the advanced weapons from the west killing them and they already paid for the older ones that are killing them. They will pay compensation to the families of the dead and refugees, even to those who opened their homes to them, why not, it's Russian money and there is lot's of it, plenty to be generous with.
Thats what doctors says what ive met sorry no mass propaganda media news reporting this.
Its gonna end after some nuclear bombs are hitted somewhere like last time when you nucleared japan.
Now that the Europeans have seen how weak and pathetic the Russian army is, they no longer fear it, the myth has been destroyed and Germany is getting strong again thanks to Vlad. Nobody fears Russia in conventional war after this fiasco and Russia is fucked for a generation and he will be remembered as an idiot who fucked Russia by a generation. Millions will have to return to the land and peasanthood, trying to scratch a living from the earth of Mother Russia.
Now that the Europeans have seen how weak and pathetic the Russian army is, they no longer fear it, the myth has been destroyed and Germany is getting strong again thanks to Vlad. Nobody fears Russia in conventional war after this fiasco and Russia is fucked for a generation and he will be remembered as an idiot who fucked Russia by a generation. Millions will have to return to the land and peasanthood, trying to scratch a living from the earth of Mother Russia.
Who feared russia? even finland didnt fear russia and there is no long time when war was there.
Ye thats funny and show stupid you are putting gifs after miss spelling. Nice to see how stupid people are still in usa and brainwashed. Go fight against terrorist other countries, go get more jabs so you stay healthy and strong hail to biden most non corruptist and best president! Im out :clap:
It all came down to which military has the most corruption. The ukes are as guilty as the russians for being unprepared. If not for “nato”s intervention they wouldn’t have lasted a week.
Ye thats funny and show stupid you are putting gifs after miss spelling. Nice to see how stupid people are still in usa and brainwashed. Go fight against terrorist other countries, go get more jabs so you stay healthy and strong hail to biden most non corruptist and best president! Im out :clap:
Atta boy comrade, you showed those Americans with their blue jeans and coca cola.
It all came down to which military has the most corruption. The ukes are as guilty as the russians for being unprepared. If not for “nato”s intervention they wouldn’t have lasted a week.
The fact is NATO trained and equipped them enough to last a week, but thanks to Russian incompetence they lasted several. Thanks to a new liberal government of smart educated reformers, angling for EU membership, they have excellent leadership that rallied world support. They have now got an endless supply train coming from NATO and Uncle Sam, they like what the see very much and will bleed Vlad white while breaking his bank. Vlad has got his cock caught in a meat grinder and it's sucking him in.