
I dunno if it's in the deal, but when the Ukrainians get their hands on those American drones, they can hit ammo dumps inside Russia close to the border, same for MRLSs and artillery units. Even with modified argi drones, they can fly 20 miles into Russia on a one a way mission blow up an ammo dump on waypoint missions using GPS. They can drop a half dozen small bombs, plus carry a few KG of plastic explosive to go out with a bang on the main target. Interestingly these DJI agri drones are made in China, so if one should get shot down bombing the shit out of Russian territory, they can't blame Uncle Sam, blame China! :lol:
Well it looks like Putin is pulling troops but where they are going is the question.
I would assume that Putin will finish taking Dunbas and all that area.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
President of Ukraine

May be suggesting that the USA, Germany, Poland, Israel and maybe more be a special kind of NATO to protect Ukraine but I don't see how that would work.

The one thing I believe is that Russia will take part of Ukraine for a second time and plan for the next wave of taking even more of Ukraine.
think i'll push towards sabotage...we really won't know overall...
The Russian probably unloaded from the trains as it arrived from Russia and stacked it up waiting for the trucks that never came back to pick it up or were traffic jammed on the roads. There was probably a mountain of shit improperly stored close together for security reasons. When one goes up for whatever reason, so does the rest and likely anybody who was close enough to hear the drone at night was probably killed in the blasts and there wouldn't be much left of the drone either if it landed on the right thing. In such circumstances a small RC plane flying a way point mission and carrying a half a pound of plastic explosive could do the same thing, a half a dozen of them would make sure it blew up!

This is what RC plane hobbyist play with these days and why I think that it can make a difference, here you have the brain of a drone, or a cruise missle, it cost about $120. with a good quality GPS module. Look at the specs, it comes with a variety of radio receivers and can use custom ones too and even be hooked up to a starlink satellite connection I imagine. Pipe the video from your camera into it and output to the video transmitter and you've got a HUD, called an OSD that can give you a ton of info from the drone, or it can fly autonomously to the target. This is off the shelf stuff that can be ordered from Amazon or Bangood.

A flight control computer, quads use a different version, this is for RC planes.

FrSKY R9 / RXSR Pilot F765 FC with stacked R9 or RXSR ACCESS receiver,
Supports FrSky F.Port 2.0 Protocol
12 Servo/Motor Outputs & Multiple Serial Ports (6 UARTs, I²C, SPI)
Powerful STM32F765 Based Flight Controller is capable Running on INAV / Ardupilot / Betaflight Firmware
Built-in Graphic FrSky OSD
Supports FrSky S.Port Sensors
Built-in Multiple Sensors
Max 150A Capable Hall-effect Current Sensor
Built-in 3-axis Gyroscope & 3-axis Accelerometer Sensor (ICM20602IMU, ±2000dps, ±16g)
Supports ICM20601/ICM20602/MPU6000 IMU as external gyroscope module with vibration insulated box
Built-in Barometer sensor(SPL06-001)
Adjustable Voltage Output through integrated BEC function
Supports Black Box Data Record Function(via SD card)
Compatible Receiver
Standard FPC Interface on-board receiver with a perfect fit protection box (RXSR-FC/R9MM-FC-OTA, etc.)
All F.Port 2.0 Capable Receivers (Archer and Tandem Series Receivers, etc.)
SBUS Receivers and Some Others with Serial Ports
Last edited:
There been war 8 years now and people dont still know it. Patrick Lancaster That guy is true journalist all should watch him.
Oh nice try

The Russian probably unloaded from the trains as it arrived from Russia and stacked it up waiting for the trucks that never came back to pick it up or were traffic jammed on the roads. There was probably a mountain of shit improperly stored close together for security reasons. When one goes up for whatever reason, so does the rest and likely anybody who was close enough to hear the drone at night was probably killed in the blasts and there wouldn't be much left of the drone either if it landed on the right thing. In such circumstances a small RC plane flying a way point mission and carrying a half a pound of plastic explosive could do the same thing, a half a dozen of them would make sure it blew up!

This is what RC plane hobbyist play with these days and why I think that it can make a difference, here you have the brain of a drone, or a cruise missle, it cost about $120. with a good quality GPS module. Look at the specs, it comes with a variety of radio receivers and can use custom ones too and even be hooked up to a starlink satellite connection I imagine. Pipe the video from you camera into it and output to the video transmitter and you've got a HUD, called and OSD that can give you a ton of info from the drone, or it can fly autonomously to the target. This is off the shelf stuff that can be ordered from Amazon or Bangood.

A flight control computer, quads use a different version, this is for RC planes.

FrSKY R9 / RXSR Pilot F765 FC with stacked R9 or RXSR ACCESS receiver,
Supports FrSky F.Port 2.0 Protocol
12 Servo/Motor Outputs & Multiple Serial Ports (6 UARTs, I²C, SPI)
Powerful STM32F765 Based Flight Controller is capable Running on INAV / Ardupilot / Betaflight Firmware
Built-in Graphic FrSky OSD
Supports FrSky S.Port Sensors
Built-in Multiple Sensors
Max 150A Capable Hall-effect Current Sensor
Built-in 3-axis Gyroscope & 3-axis Accelerometer Sensor (ICM20602IMU, ±2000dps, ±16g)
Supports ICM20601/ICM20602/MPU6000 IMU as external gyroscope module with vibration insulated box
Built-in Barometer sensor(SPL06-001)
Adjustable Voltage Output through integrated BEC function
Supports Black Box Data Record Function(via SD card)
Compatible Receiver
Standard FPC Interface on-board receiver with a perfect fit protection box (RXSR-FC/R9MM-FC-OTA, etc.)
All F.Port 2.0 Capable Receivers (Archer and Tandem Series Receivers, etc.)
SBUS Receivers and Some Others with Serial Ports

that will definitely be one way to do it.......
Oh you lived there or nearby to understand all what is going on there? And btw he didnt live in ukraine, he live in DPR.
More irrelevance. Lancaster is a propagandist, and you recommended his cant without disclosing his loyalties. You’re not doing this very well.
You can go watch and ask people who live in warzones what there is happening and get better understand it than some desk rats journalist telling people what they told write to mass propaganda news. Your city data forum is good and true information place or facebook fact checks what is totally propaganda trash. But hey atleast war stopped corona and people dont get pushed every news go to get jab or another corona shit.
You can go watch and ask people who live in warzones what there is happening and get better understand it than some desk rats journalist telling people what they told write to mass propaganda news. Your city data forum is good and true information place or facebook fact checks what is totally propaganda trash. But hey atleast war stopped corona and people dont get pushed every news go to get jab or another corona shit.
None of this alters the fact that you came and recommended a Russia-loyal liar.
Yes ofc all these citizens who talks videos are russia liars and actors. DPR is own country not under ukraine or russia. Where you next biolab is going to be?
DPR is a breakaway province of Ukraine. I would not support their corrupt leaders backed by an autocrat whose military is incapable of pursuing its tactical goals in the supposed “much smaller country”. Face it; this is an excellent summary.
