
The fact is NATO trained and equipped them enough to last a week, but thanks to Russian incompetence they lasted several. Thanks to a new liberal government of smart educated reformers, angling for EU membership, they have excellent leadership that rallied world support. They have now got an endless supply train coming from NATO and Uncle Sam, they like what the see very much and will bleed Vlad white while breaking his bank. Vlad has got his cock caught in a meat grinder and it's sucking him in.
It will make a mousse of him.

Lol, with outside weaponry. They had nothing on the frontline, scuttled their only warship rather than escape. See how much of this aid ends up on the black market.
Were only concerned about how much of it kills Russians and destroys their equipment. It's the big payouts from Russian money is where the action will be after the war, it will be enough cash to tempt Jesus.
Were only concerned about how much of it kills Russians and destroys their equipment. It's the big payouts from Russian money is where the action will be after the war, it will be enough cash to tempt Jesus.
Never deal with russians, they don’t pay. Nigerian warlords pay, half of what’s left will end up in Africa.
Never deal with russians, they don’t pay. Nigerian warlords pay, half of what’s left will end up in Africa.
We already have their money, it is literally in the bank, it was fortunate that all the crooks had to keep their ill gotten gains outside Russia, along with Vlad's war chest. I really hope Vlad WAS worth 200 billion bucks, that will cover a lot of expenses, he might end up paying for the whole fucking thing personally! :lol:
You can believe what you want. Americans attacked more countries and started wars than russia so i dont know is that better then when americans doing it.
poot-poot's mistake was these are white people. Europe didn't give a shit about all the dead kids in Syria. But white dead kids? Boy did he step on his dick.*

*that is an American expression for fucking up. In no way do I think poot-poot's dick is long enough for you to step on, much less himself.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . If ruskis really want take whole ukraine it will be done in days with weapons we got these days. If any big country really want some land or destroy it will be done in days these days. . . . . . . . . .
So you are saying poot-poot is trying to lose? He sent the trucks with the dry rotted tires, the untrained kids, the spoiled food and not enough fuel for the tanks on purpose? Where I went to school, that is not taught as sound military strategy. It's almost like they believed their own propaganda. That Ukraine wasn't a real country and they wouldn't fight. I'm guessing that after this is all over, some of the Russian war colleges will have do some editing.

Poot-poot has had 34 days to destroy city block after city block of apartments. His army is hell on housing. They can kill women and children at a very high rate. Not as good against other folks with guns though.
Who feared russia? even finland didnt fear russia and there is no long time when war was there.
Ye thats funny and show stupid you are putting gifs after miss spelling. Nice to see how stupid people are still in usa and brainwashed. Go fight against terrorist other countries, go get more jabs so you stay healthy and strong hail to biden most non corruptist and best president! Im out :clap:
The Ukrainian Fighters Defending Kyiv | Russia–Ukraine War

As Russia pledges to scale back operations in Kyiv, soldiers from the 112th Brigade of Ukraine’s Territorial Defense are still preparing for the worst. Our cameras went inside their makeshift base.
Nice place to visit...

RBC: The Ministry of Transport has developed a bill obliging taxi aggregators to transfer data to the FSB
The Ministry of Transport of Russia has prepared a bill providing for the transfer of FSB data by taxi aggregators, RBC reports citing a document whose authenticity was confirmed by market participants.

that just means people will walk a couple of blocks before getting a cab, have them let them off a couple of blocks from where they're actually going, or have it drop them at the nearest subway or train station
I thought it demonstrated what Vlad and his gang have gotten themselves into, it will not end well for them. If the Ukrainians keep organizing, receiving arms, training new soldiers and building military power, then in a couple of months the Russians will be in a lot more trouble than they are now. Uncle Sam and NATO are betting heavily on Ukraine cause they like what they see and if it continues as it does, it will bleed Vlad white of arms and cash over the next couple of months. Raising a million men is one thing and arming them should not be an issue, but training them is, making sure they don't starve to death is another. Making sure they don't hate Vlad's guts is another thing they might have to contend with too. There is much to be done by the Ukrainians, they need to ramp up their psychological warfare IMHO, with low Russian morale that can be exploited more. Also I haven't heard of too many IEDs going off behind Russian lines yet, but that is coming too.

Vlad's biggest issue from a strategic point of view is he has 4 separate fronts with small armies on each that are not mutually supporting. A large mobile force of Ukrainians, could defeat each much smaller force in succession, just like Napoleon did, Generalship 101 and a fundamental error, never divide your forces!
They could have done a multi axis of attack operation w/better planning and logistics,Russia's whole operation is perplexing now that we have seen it play out,initially we thought they would operate in a Western manner since the blueprint has been shown,which is to debilitate all air defense,aircraft landing strips,command and control installations w/precision munitions and gain air supremacy,however they just carried out typical Russian doctrine based on massive artillery and no regard for using their soldier's lives,they were arrogant and had no respect for brave Ukranian's defending their homeland, they completely underestimated their opponent(violating a golden rule) in combat and were too stubborn to embrace how modern warfare is conducted which is astonishing when you consider that the blueprints have been written since 1990. In the end I'm happy that they have failed in this endevour,can you imagine the peacocking Putin and Mr. Xi as well as other authoritarian leaders would be doing at this moment in time,the fear in Europe of a precision Russian steamroller,the wind in the sails of Mr. Xi's Taiwan designs,damn I'm glad this thing played out in this way to give pause to aggression.
They could have done a multi axis of attack operation w/better planning and logistics,Russia's whole operation is perplexing now that we have seen it play out,initially we thought they would operate in a Western manner since the blueprint has been shown,which is to debilitate all air defense,aircraft landing strips,command and control installations w/precision munitions and gain air supremacy,however they just carried out typical Russian doctrine based on massive artillery and no regard for using their soldier's lives,they were arrogant and had no respect for brave Ukranian's defending their homeland, they completely underestimated their opponent(violating a golden rule) in combat and were too stubborn to embrace how modern warfare is conducted which is astonishing when you consider that the blueprints have been written since 1990. In the end I'm happy that they have failed in this endevour,can you imagine the peacocking Putin and Mr. Xi as well as other authoritarian leaders would be doing at this moment in time,the fear in Europe of a precision Russian steamroller,the wind in the sails of Mr. Xi's Taiwan designs,damn I'm glad this thing played out in this way to give pause to aggression.

Xi and others are reassessing things and since Russia is so weak their ambitions might lay in that direction towards the central republics in Asia. There are only two of them that gets them to Iran and one of them and their neighbors have lot's of oil and other goodies. China doesn't want to expand territory, it wants control and trade, using mostly soft power like America does, but it will have the military power in it's own back yard.

Taiwan is not expansion from their POV, it's reclaiming Chinese territory, however with the UN the people living there decide that. It will be like that in Ukraine too, nobody will tell the people living there who and what they are, they decide that for themselves in UN supervised referendums, in Donbass, Crimea and Kaliningrad on the Baltic. Vlad does not decide these things, the people living there do with referendums and now by beating the shit out of his army to keep their freedom. It's a simple straight forward war, a real black and white situation of right vs wrong, that makes it so much easier to do the right thing.
Xi and others are reassessing things and since Russia is so weak their ambitions might lay in that direction towards the central republics in Asia. There are only two of them that gets them to Iran and one of them and their neighbors have lot's of oil and other goodies. China doesn't want to expand territory, it wants control and trade, using mostly soft power like America does, but it will have the military power in it's own back yard.

Taiwan is not expansion from their POV, it's reclaiming Chinese territory, however with the UN the people living there decide that. It will be like that in Ukraine too, nobody will tell the people living there who and what they are, they decide that for themselves in UN supervised referendums, in Donbass, Crimea and Kaliningrad on the Baltic. Vlad does not decide these things, the people living there do with referendums and now by beating the shit out of his army to keep their freedom. It's a simple straight forward war, a real black and white situation of right vs wrong, that makes it so much easier to do the right thing.
it's going to be very akward for the world to move forward w/Putin still leading Russia,as the pain of sanctions decimates ordinary Russians lives,I hope the people who have pull in Russia come to the sane conclusion that he has to go,this is the only way Russia can rejoin the Int. community and make reparations to Ukraine,I and hopefully the Russian people don't see anyway Russia can move forward w/the status quo.