
The secret world of offshore banking is proving it can stand up to kleptocrats
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has produced an unexpected side effect: The complicated offshore financial system is rapidly proving it can dismantle itself.

The war has galvanized an extraordinary coalition among tax havens that usually compete fiercely with one another to attract Russian wealth. Led by the European Union, the United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Monaco - all of which have long been favored asset hiding places for Russia's richest individuals - are suddenly cooperating to impose sanctions and expel Russian President Vladimir Putin's cronies from the zone of legal and financial impunity known as "fiscal paradise."

In addition to separate sanctions on Russian banks and other organizations, each of those jurisdictions has now frozen or seized the personal wealth of top Russian government officials, billionaire business executives and state media representatives. Other jurisdictions have also joined the fight. Singapore stopped short of individual sanctions, but the popular tax haven made the "almost unprecedented" move to shut out Russian banks. Even Cyprus - so dependent on Putin's cronies that it has been described as a "Russian bank with dirty money posing as an E.U. state" - has risked the wrath of its top clients by breaking off an agreement to let Russian planes use Cypriot airspace and Russian naval ships dock in Cypriot ports.

These are extraordinary developments in their own right, no matter what Putin does next in Ukraine. Even if the sanctions don't produce the intended Russian withdrawal, they have shown that tax havens can act collectively in the best interests of society by refusing to aid and abet kleptocrats. This is such a revelation because for decades, offshore centers - ranging from giants like the United States and Switzerland to tiny islands such as Nevis in the Caribbean - have insisted that this cannot be done under any circumstances. But as several commentators have noted, the news keeps showing us that the impossible is indeed possible.

Most importantly, the fiscal paradises of the world have demonstrated that they are willing and able, when they wish, to break down their own walls of silence and complicity - even though this threatens their core business model. Just how serious a threat that represents to kleptocrats can be judged by their reactions to this move. When the Panama Papers exposed what many suspected to be portions of Putin's personal fortune, he allegedly viewed the revelations as a "personal attack," demanding retaliation against the West in the form of interference with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Those data leaks, filled with revelations about rampant corruption among government and business leaders worldwide, were the first breach in the nearly impenetrable secrecy that has always been the main product of the world's tax havens.

A few years later, Putin now describes coordinated sanctions against supporters of his regime as "akin to an act of war." The coalition dealing out the sanctions apparently views these measures in the same light. The French finance minister described last week's seizure of a yacht owned by Igor Sechin - a former deputy prime minister, now considered the second-most powerful Russian after Putin himself - as part of an "all-out economic and financial war in Russia."

With Russian offshore wealth estimated conservatively as equivalent to 85 percent of the country's GDP, there is a great deal at stake, but it is not just the money. Anti-corruption campaigners like Alexei Navalny who have fought for years against Russian kleptocracy insist that sanctioning and seizing oligarchs' offshore wealth is essential to halting the abuses of Putin's regime.

Just two years ago, Navalny claimed sanctions on Russian oligarchs were failing precisely because they were implemented in a piecemeal, "chaotic" and halfhearted manner by countries like the United States and Great Britain. But that has changed almost overnight. While some critics still view progress on sanctions as unnecessarily slow - especially in "Londongrad," as the British capital is sometimes known because of its friendliness to Russian wealth - some observers have already declared that "the era of Russian money in London is over."

Where will Russian wealth go now that Putin's war has galvanized so many other tax havens to unite in shutting out the oligarchs? Now that the offshore system has shown that it can expel some of its most cherished clients from fiscal paradise, kleptocrats from outside Russia must be wondering whether that fate will befall them next. They cannot unsee what we have all seen: that the wall of offshore omerta can and will be breached in unpredictable ways.

It would be a consummate irony if Putin himself accomplished with his invasion of Ukraine what a string of devastating offshore leaks could not: the self-destruction of the offshore financial system. He has unquestionably, if unintentionally, accelerated the process "John Doe" and the insiders behind the 2017 Paradise Papers and 2021 Pandora Papers leaks began by breaching the wall of seemingly impenetrable tax haven secrecy.

Has Trump ever got a deal for these guys.
It will go to Ukraine after a UN commission collects it all, for compensation and reconstruction, Ukraine will have a post war boom. Thanks Vlad, they will be taunting him (if he lives) from their new homes, while people in Russia are forced back to the land and peasanthood.
Somehow this ended up in alerts to me. For what it’s worth, I’m not a Vladolf fan.
I don't know either
Might have something to do with the oil I'm lubricating my brain with :)

Oh, you shoot huh?
I fucking love it.
My fav is baiting chipmunks and popping a few from around 100 yds with my Springfield '07, iron sights.
Yup, I use a copper tip 30.06/250 grain bullet and it's hard as fuck to hit those fuckers.
They never stop moving, you have to get 'em when their picking up the nut.
Takes practice but it's a lot of fun :)
Fuck Vlad, he's fucking toast.
Even if he takes Kiev, he & Russia are irrevocably fucked.
The whole world fucking hates them
And as far as asshole using nuclear weapons, I'd say go right ahead you dumb fuck, & you better hope the wind is blowing away from you, and not at you.
Vlad fucked himself, but Joe caused him to do it along with NATO, if he didn't attack now he would have more trouble in the future. His obvious military blunders, he was apparently directing it, and strategic mistakes will be paid for in Russian blood, treasure and the shattered dreams of a generation. Russia makes almost none of the consumer goods and groceries it depends on, stores will run out, prices will soar and pensions and government salaries will become almost worthless, the great depression will look like a picnic. Soon car parts and tires will runout and spare parts for all their imported infrastructure too. The place will start coming apart at the seams as shit breaks down and food dries up. All I can say is they better keep the price of vodka as low as the price of gas. Gas is cheap, but if your car is busted you are fucked, not that you will have a job to go to anyway.

He will be remembered for his blunders, failures and fucking mother Russia by a generation, for a generation, it must burn his asshole like battery acid! :lol:
So what is the problem with Ukrainian pilots flying them from Germany? Will Vlad cut off the gas? He is operating out of Belarus and has no declaration of war or UN approval in invading a UN member and they are quibbling about legal technicalities?
What is the problem? Flying planes into a war zone is an act of war. The only way I could think of is to fly to the border, then truck them across. Poland could have done that themselves.
What is the problem? Flying planes into a war zone is an act of war. The only way I could think of is to fly to the border, then truck them across. Poland could have done that themselves.
Attacking Ukraine from Russia and Belarus wasn't an act of war? Fine truck them in, do the dance of death with the fucker, he will lose in the end.
What is the problem? Flying planes into a war zone is an act of war. The only way I could think of is to fly to the border, then truck them across. Poland could have done that themselves.
Eventually the the CIA/Ukrainians are gonna fly in C130 transports and other smaller ones for an "Air America" operation in Ukraine, Vlad is gonna have to get used to it or shoot them down.
It will be sometime before the fields of Ukraine dry up with spring rains to allow military maneuvering. Right now everybody is confined to roads, because even tanks get stuck in that shit. Vlad will have to wait for the land to dry out, because the roads are jammed with logistics now and will be lined with IEDs by then and everybody in the country will be armed to the teeth with soviet weapons. Many of the women and children will be evacuated to the west into NATO countries and the stage will be set, if this goes on it will be Hell on earth in Ukraine.
Yes. They will be "phased" out.
Yes, like pretty much every european country is doing to some extend. Difference is UK can do it faster and entirely.

Johnson yesterday: “And you can’t simply close down use of oil and gas overnight, even from Russia - that’s obviously not something every country around the world can do. We can go fast in the UK, other countries can go fast, but there are different dependencies.”

Rutte (dutch pm) said something similar after he and Trudeau played with imaginary lightsabers.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz already said nein too to full ban on Russian oil and gas too so EU won’t be following.
There was a time where the West thought Russia can act like a responsible State. Since that time Putin and company has basically turned it into a police state. Europe wants the natural gas to replace burning coal in order to combat global warming. They do not have many options. It would be great if North America could ship its natural gas to them, the infrastructure does not exist to make it cost effective to replace Russian gas yet. So Europe is dealing with the devil in order to combat the world going to hell.
Wrong America is the police state! I understand Putin’s frustration with us, and I’ll present facts! Fact number 1 America has encircled not only Russia but also China for over 20 yrs, and inching closer & closer. How would you feel if your enemy moves to your borders? It’s not like NATO has Russians best interest at heart! That’s like Russia stationing and setting up military bases in Mexico, Canada and the Caribbeans! Bottom line I understand exactly, and I’m not a zombie living oblivious to the world I live in, and America has the Ukraine president in his back pocket! World War 3 has been started & lastly we have a war based economy! When funds are low we go to war!
Mar 8, 2022 - Press ISW

Russian forces continued concentrating in the eastern, northwestern, and western outskirts of Kyiv for an assault on the capital in the coming 24-96 hours. The reported appearance of forces belonging to Chechen leader Ramazan Kadyrov, Russia’s Rosgvardia internal security formations, and the Liga (former Wagner) Private Military Company in the western outskirts of Kyiv may indicate that the Russian military is struggling to assemble sufficient conventional combat power to launch its assault on the capital. Russian forces near Kyiv made limited gains and prepared for limited drives to continue their attempted encirclement to the west.
It's fun to speculate about events, there are smart professional people involved here and their former collogues are on TV giving a blow by blow of the war. It is sad to see the tragedy, I don't ignore it, but try to stay focused on the fight. I see a lot of history in the making in a short period of time. I also see great danger, but opportunity too, I see an epic struggle for liberal democracy and the fight of a courageous and valiant people who refuse to be subjugated by an asshole.

So we will wait and see, while Vlad's mighty army creeps ever closer and the Ukrainians are being armed to the teeth. We will also wait and see what form air support for the Ukrainians will take. The longer we wait the better for the Ukrainians and the worse for Vlad. Let him twist in the wind for a spell, but don't provoke him. Vlad's army already in Ukraine will be soon exhausted and starved of supplies, unless help arrives soon, we will wait and see about that too. ;-)
dude, you've been completely triggered over the goings on in Ukraine. I'm not criticizing, just saying. I mostly skip over your posts. Posting here is a way to deal with the stress, so have at it.

"Don't provoke him" ? We decide what we will do, not him. We have to be consistent in our words and actions. We must say what we will do and then do what we said. One of the worst mistakes this country made recently is when Obama drew a red line regarding use of chemical weapons in Syria and we didn't follow up when Assad used it. It appears that Vlad didn't think we'd follow up this time either. As I said earlier, the age of appeasement is over. China take note.

Sanctions will gradually accumulate in their effect. They aren't going to stop his actions in Ukraine, which get worse every day. I have no idea how that will turn out. 80 million dollars between 1B and 20B dollars a day is what it costs him to prosecute his war. Sanctions are going to bite harder and harder and he's bleeding out his treasury. After whatever happens in Ukraine happens, give it another two years. Sanctions will stay in place. The world will adjust and wean itself off Russian energy. That revenue will dry up. Eventually, Russia will reach a tipping point. The blow we deliver must be hard enough so that Putin will not be able to fight a war again.
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Attacking Ukraine from Russia and Belarus wasn't an act of war? Fine truck them in, do the dance of death with the fucker, he will lose in the end.
Yes. Russia and Belarus are at war with Ukraine. They are not at war with NATO. We are trying really hard not to keep it that way. The main danger is due to Russia's weakness. They are going to have a hell of a time taking Ukraine. NATO would clean up his army so fast he would be more likely to use nukes.

This is a very dangerous time. Poot-poot might not take it, but we must leave him an out if we want to get out of this with the least amount of damage possible.
Wrong America is the police state! I understand Putin’s frustration with us, and I’ll present facts! Fact number 1 America has encircled not only Russia but also China for over 20 yrs, and inching closer & closer. How would you feel if your enemy moves to your borders? It’s not like NATO has Russians best interest at heart! That’s like Russia stationing and setting up military bases in Mexico, Canada and the Caribbeans! Bottom line I understand exactly, and I’m not a zombie living oblivious to the world I live in, and America has the Ukraine president in his back pocket! World War 3 has been started & lastly we have a war based economy! When funds are low we go to war!
We are liberal democracies Putin is a nuked up Mafia Don, we have moral authority and he has shit, fuck Putin.
He invaded Ukraine, NOT America or anybody else, Putin and the Russians did it, not because they were afraid of NATO, but because they were afraid of the EU and the prosperity that liberal democracy brings.

So don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Are you for liberal democracy or not? If you don't know what it is or means, I can define it for you.
Do you support Russia in this war or Ukraine, or are both sides the same?
Wrong America is the police state! I understand Putin’s frustration with us, and I’ll present facts! Fact number 1 America has encircled not only Russia but also China for over 20 yrs, and inching closer & closer. How would you feel if your enemy moves to your borders? It’s not like NATO has Russians best interest at heart! That’s like Russia stationing and setting up military bases in Mexico, Canada and the Caribbeans! Bottom line I understand exactly, and I’m not a zombie living oblivious to the world I live in, and America has the Ukraine president in his back pocket! World War 3 has been started & lastly we have a war based economy! When funds are low we go to war!
Putin keeps attacking neighboring countries and it is our fault that the remaining ones want to ally with the EU/NATO nations?

You should lay off the propaganda man, it is messing with your mind.