Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
Well, Stalin AND the Nazis…looks like Ukrainians take to actual invasion the exact same way I imagine I would - the way I imagine a lot of us imagine we would. Probably why Pooti put so much time, effort, and resources into weaponizing social media to lead many millions into betraying their own nation, their own principles, their friends and family under the guise of “true American patriotism”: an actual, physical invasion would have gone very badly.
If ya wanna know why the Ukrainians would rather die than live under a new Soviet nightmare. Nazis aside, since they ain't around much or in power, however Stalin's heir is and he has a dream.

Russians have a dark past.
The Russians are a miserable people, always were.
They've never truly lived in a Democracy, just being under the rule/thumb of one individual whether it be a Czar or a Commissar.
They have mostly been slaves in reality & it shows it shows in their Art.
Their authors couldn't/wouldn't write anything humane, all loss & death & the misery of being a human being
Nice :)
Forget painters, they don't exist (hard to do when your drunk)
Music also is dismal.
Nope, they aren't a happy group.
The Russians are a miserable people, always were.
They've never truly lived in a Democracy, just being under the rule/thumb of one individual whether it be a Czar or a Commissar.
They have mostly been slaves in reality & it shows it shows in their Art.
Their authors couldn't/wouldn't write anything humane, all loss & death & the misery of being a human being
Nice :)
Forget painters, they don't exist (hard to do when your drunk)
Music also is dismal.
Nope, they aren't a happy group.
Never underestimate an adversary, that's what got Vlad into trouble, Hitler too!
The Russians are a miserable people, always were.
They've never truly lived in a Democracy, just being under the rule/thumb of one individual whether it be a Czar or a Commissar.
They have mostly been slaves in reality & it shows it shows in their Art.
Their authors couldn't/wouldn't write anything humane, all loss & death & the misery of being a human being
Nice :)
Forget painters, they don't exist (hard to do when your drunk)
Music also is dismal.
Nope, they aren't a happy group.
Well they have possibly the greatest short story writer in the history of literature in Chekhov. They have a whole slew of the greatest writers of fiction the world has ever seen in Dostoyevsky, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Turgenev's, A Sportsman's sketches is also short story writing to rival Maupassant, even your own Hemmingway or Henry Lawson for that matter. If loss and death and misery are not humane then maybe we need to redefine our terms.
It's funny that you would try and rubbish Russian culture when American literature is still in it's infancy and will probably never advance past that point. The only music you have worth listening to comes via Africa and much of that has become crass gangster talk about money, guns, drugs and women........Your culture is degenerate in every sense best be quiet about culture you have none.
Desperate situations can create people of real character. Like the pressure that creates diamonds.
The style of government you live under has less than nothing to do with the kind of person you are.
The US is in an endgame moment. If the rest of the world stops propping up your economy and calls your bluff then it's game over, lights out, adios....
Oh no, I would never underestimate the Russians like the French & Germans did.
They are not to be taking lightly & aligned with these guys, are very dangerous.

Biden Officials Repeatedly Urged China to Help Avert War in Ukraine (
Ya wanna be nice to China, one demon at a time! The rest of the world is more important to China than Russia, they have it made and won't want to fuck up a good thing. Help them with their energy issues, better they buy from Iran than Russia etc. Everybody is going green new grid and EVs in a decade, especially China, the demand for oil will diminish and when Russia gets to sell any it will be like fucking coal and will be worth a lot less than it is now! Iran probably knows this too and can be China's energy hinterland.
Some of those NATO fighters could sure make a mess of that convoy! More grist for the RPG and anti tank weapon mill.

This is Murdoch owned skynews, a suspected Russian propaganda outlet.
BREAKING: Massive Russian convoy seen outside Kyiv

Well they have possibly the greatest short story writer in the history of literature in Chekhov. They have a whole slew of the greatest writers of fiction the world has ever seen in Dostoyevsky, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Turgenev's, A Sportsman's sketches is also short story writing to rival Maupassant, even your own Hemmingway or Henry Lawson for that matter. If loss and death and misery are not humane then maybe we need to redefine our terms.
It's funny that you would try and rubbish Russian culture when American literature is still in it's infancy and will probably never advance past that point. The only music you have worth listening to comes via Africa and much of that has become crass gangster talk about money, guns, drugs and women........Your culture is degenerate in every sense best be quiet about culture you have none.
Desperate situations can create people of real character. Like the pressure that creates diamonds.
The style of government you live under has less than nothing to do with the kind of person you are.
The US is in an endgame moment. If the rest of the world stops propping up your economy and calls your bluff then it's game over, lights out, adios....

lol sure we are, that is why Putin had to get Steven Seagall for their bullshit movies.

The issue with why you might believe this lie you make about us, is that we don't have only one 'culture' here, we have many. Im going to go out on a limb here and say that you pretty much just listed white guys, or basically only dealing with half of one culture.
The EU commission is predicting that more than 7mion refugees will mount up if the war drags on.
But Kiew is now surrounded, they can't flee anymore.
Sweden is sending weapons now, distancing first time their neutrality (since the Finnish-Russian war) - but calling it "an exception"
More sanctions are being worked on, from G7, sports, maybe Turkey will show more face, too.
There are conflicting reports whether the factions involved are going to meet at the border of Belarus....
German industry has enough energy stored up till summer, currently evaluating alternatives. Atomics is out of the window, as many reactors cannot be reactivated without risk.

Anti-war demonstrants in the 100.000s at Berlin:

True, that's how we know now that the A bomb is quite efficient :D
Coz that's what they did. Just tried the bomb on practically already defeated Japan

Edit: don't want to start the topic again la~ sorry la~~
no, feel welcome to be wrong as many times a day as you want to be wrong, that's how children learn, by having people point out to them when they're wrong...many children don't like being told they're wrong, and shout and stomp their feet, and even threaten...but they're still wrong
I never said it was the US’s fault?

You are the exact reason why your county if fucked.

Full of opinion, hot air, shit and dumb as fuck.

Romania is extremely close to the Russian border for a missile system, like cuba is close to the us. You didn’t like Russian missiles in cuba.

Cuba can make whatever allegiance they want. Fuckin idiot.

The EU is becoming a unelected superstate like the ussr was. Hoovering up former ussr countries is a recipe for war.

Idiots like you scream about democracy when your last 2 presidents are the best advert against it.

You voted bush in twice too. The man is like a trained chimp.

Do you have any idea how many Ukrainians love Putin?

You are a typical arrogant, uniformed yank who probably doesn’t have a passport.
You make it obvious that you know arrogant uninformed wankers from the inside out.

You may have a passport, but apparently you’ve lost your thought-processing equipment, and all your rhetorical questions are stupid - how many times *have* you been in trouble at school for trying to bullshit the teacher?

FTR, I *do* have a passport. In my own name. Since 1971.
I’ve even used it. More than once.
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Well they have possibly the greatest short story writer in the history of literature in Chekhov. They have a whole slew of the greatest writers of fiction the world has ever seen in Dostoyevsky, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Turgenev's, A Sportsman's sketches is also short story writing to rival Maupassant, even your own Hemmingway or Henry Lawson for that matter. If loss and death and misery are not humane then maybe we need to redefine our terms.
It's funny that you would try and rubbish Russian culture when American literature is still in it's infancy and will probably never advance past that point. The only music you have worth listening to comes via Africa and much of that has become crass gangster talk about money, guns, drugs and women........Your culture is degenerate in every sense best be quiet about culture you have none.
Desperate situations can create people of real character. Like the pressure that creates diamonds.
The style of government you live under has less than nothing to do with the kind of person you are.
The US is in an endgame moment. If the rest of the world stops propping up your economy and calls your bluff then it's game over, lights out, adios....
Oh, hi,

I asked a question earlier and I guess you were so busy trying to find a recent great Russian author but couldn't. Agree those authors from long ago were great. Maybe if Putin didn't impose such harsh censorship Russia could once again have a thriving art community but you know, dictators and artists tend to disagree on just about everything so, I'm sorry you have to go back 200 years to find anyone of note.

About that question I asked earlier.

Would you explain why Putin invaded Ukraine?
Those Russians doing it have some serious balls. They are taking actual risks.

This subject has actually caused quite a schism in the Republican Party and they aren't good with that. Contradictions hurt the average Republican voter's head.

Something tells me that the dice are quite possibly rolling. The pro-Putin Republicans look like shit right now. Where will the wheel stop? Time will tell.

We're going to have our asses handed to us in the next midterm. But maybe the Republican victory will be Pyrrhic.
and it's kind of sad. it's like watching retarded diabetics vote to eat sugar by the spoon fulls, they're happy now, but when they start to turn yellow from kidney failure and drop to the floor twitching and foaming at the mouth, guess who gets to clean up the mess...again?
Oh, hi,

I asked a question earlier and I guess you were so busy trying to find a recent great Russian author but couldn't. Agree those authors from long ago were great. Maybe if Putin didn't impose such harsh censorship Russia could once again have a thriving art community but you know, dictators and artists tend to disagree on just about everything so, I'm sorry you have to go back 200 years to find anyone of note.

About that question I asked earlier.

Would you explain why Putin invaded Ukraine?
Friend, it doesn't seem to matter who is in power in Russia historically it is never good for the poorer people. I am not trying to justify the acts of a harsh and brutal dictator but great novels are written under those conditions usually. Hence the lack of great American novels since the Civil war.
In answer to your question, I would say he was provoked by the US. I would also suggest that he is the kind of person that should not be provoked. He is unstable to say the least and has come to think of his view of the world as the only one. However much of a mad dog Putin is and even after this war has been fully accounted for his regime will still have less blood on it's hands than the US one over the same timeframe. The facts are the balance of power is shifting away from the US, and rightly so.
Friend, it doesn't seem to matter who is in power in Russia historically it is never good for the poorer people. I am not trying to justify the acts of a harsh and brutal dictator but great novels are written under those conditions usually. Hence the lack of great American novels since the Civil war.
In answer to your question, I would say he was provoked by the US. I would also suggest that he is the kind of person that should not be provoked. He is unstable to say the least and has come to think of his view of the world as the only one. However much of a mad dog Putin is and even after this war has been fully accounted for his regime will still have less blood on it's hands than the US one over the same timeframe. The facts are the balance of power is shifting away from the US, and rightly so.
Hey friend :finger: :finger:
Crimes are made on all sides in all conflicts, and I am not defending these guys, they are war criminals. But you too must acknowledge that, too. There are no innocent sides in a conflict, almost never.
no, i must not acknowledge that...Ukraine was attacked on numerous occasions by russia...i don't recall Ukraine attacking russia for control of Crimea, or Donetsk, or Luhansk...just russians being aggressive fucking pricks who want to ressurect an empire better left dead.
The world hated them then, and they're starting to hate them again, already...they will have no empire, and at this point, they'll be lucky to have russia by the time they quit pissing into the wind
Friend, it doesn't seem to matter who is in power in Russia historically it is never good for the poorer people. I am not trying to justify the acts of a harsh and brutal dictator but great novels are written under those conditions usually. Hence the lack of great American novels since the Civil war.
In answer to your question, I would say he was provoked by the US. I would also suggest that he is the kind of person that should not be provoked. He is unstable to say the least and has come to think of his view of the world as the only one. However much of a mad dog Putin is and even after this war has been fully accounted for his regime will still have less blood on it's hands than the US one over the same timeframe. The facts are the balance of power is shifting away from the US, and rightly so.
'both sides' trolling with a heavy dash of racism induced blindness.