SCOTUS Breyer Retirement

you know i keep looking; trying to feel it. it's almost like his energy has a lead shield around it and it just came to me this very moment he has Secret Service maybe that's why?

if nothing changes? i see him dying naturally in his bed just like Scalia..what happens to his soul is something else.

for all he has done; we will be robbed of the pound of flesh due us.
can you imagine less motivated secret service agents?...would you give your life to protect that living pile of cheeto dust? they should just give him a defective bullet proof vest and some running shoes, those would probably protect him better
False dichotomy. Just because Manchinema voted against an infrastructure spending bill doesn't mean they won't vote for Biden's pick for SCOTUS.

This is a SCOTUS nominee and their voting record on court nominees shows good agreement with other Democrats in that area. I'm not predicting the future, just doing what they say not to do in the financial industry. They say "past performance is not an indication of future results" then they make recommendations based upon past performance. So, Manchinema's past voting record shows they vote for Biden's choice for judges. So, I'm guessing that's what's going to happen in his SCOTUS appointment.

i call them both closet republicans, but in truth, they both have agendas, which they are disinclined to disclose. if it suits their agendas, they will vote to confirm, if it doesn't, they won't, and we'll likely never get an explanation of either ones behavior
Susan Collins says she’ll be in NO RUSH to confirm President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee: “This time there is no need for any rush. We can take our time, have hearings, go through the process, which is a very important one it is a lifetime appointment after all.”

If you need a interpreter it means "you will not get to nominate anyone".
Susan Collins says she’ll be in NO RUSH to confirm President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee: “This time there is no need for any rush. We can take our time, have hearings, go through the process, which is a very important one it is a lifetime appointment after all.”

If you need a interpreter it means "you will not get to nominate anyone".
the press will have a heyday with the republikkkans blocking a liberal justice, let em drag their feet, they'll get raked over the coals in the media, and lose what little minority support they have now...just more of them fucking themselves over, but that is what they're best at, isn't it?
The GQP could always go the other way too since this judge won't change anything until the courts are balanced again after the McConnell Koch funded stacking.

They could pretend like they are the ones that are not playing games and all get behind it and then troll the Democrats like it was them who were in the wrong for attacking their (under qualified/troll picks) nominations that they pushed through.

Because they can't stop it (unless Manchin/Sinema play games) so they will have to figure out how to minimize the Democrat win while pretending like they are not running on a racist agenda.
The GQP could always go the other way too since this judge won't change anything until the courts are balanced again after the McConnell Koch funded stacking.

They could pretend like they are the ones that are not playing games and all get behind it and then troll the Democrats like it was them who were in the wrong for attacking their (under qualified/troll picks) nominations that they pushed through.

Because they can't stop it (unless Manchin/Sinema play games) so they will have to figure out how to minimize the Democrat win while pretending like they are not running on a racist agenda.
Surely Ron Johnson wants diversity? :roll:
When the fuck are people going to wake up, the GOP would love to tear up the constitution and write the rules to suit them. But they will not stop a court nominee this time, wow.

the Dems need to stop with their decorum and put the fucking gloves on- they literally had to do it now out of fear how That Fucker might someone how intervene..think about that; at only one year into term..That Fucker who is no one (running in the background like malware) directing our countries destiny through his cult of stupid fuckers..they're like live zombies.
the press will have a heyday with the republikkkans blocking a liberal justice, let em drag their feet, they'll get raked over the coals in the media, and lose what little minority support they have now...just more of them fucking themselves over, but that is what they're best at, isn't it?
The Reps have no right to hinder this Appt. at all( between the Merrick Garland and Amy Coney Barrett fiascos) it's fair and noble for Biden to seek the confirmation of a left leaning Black fem. judge, If only Mrs. Bader-Ginsburg had stepped away Obama could have appt. another judge of a ideology similar to hers or left-center at the least, had she recognized and not been in denial of her health the Reps. wouldn't have this pro-life,pro corporation 6-3 majority to ram home the Reps. agenda.
He's another deep thinker and is concerned about the pick being bi-partizan, it's just his go to stall tactic, gives his donors time to get the cash together.

Joe Manchin also signed a letter saying he would go no lower on the BBB than $1.5T with Schumer; he turned around one Sunday morning and to the horror of all said he's a 'NO' literally out of nowhere.

he's a treasonous traitor not to be trusted.

i hope he dies soon in an ironic they find him dead in bed stuffed with coal..he was a very bad boy that year.
the press will have a heyday with the republikkkans blocking a liberal justice, let em drag their feet, they'll get raked over the coals in the media, and lose what little minority support they have now...just more of them fucking themselves over, but that is what they're best at, isn't it?

it's planned so Joe Rob makes his pick and gets her confirmed and in place prior to Breyer stepping down.

ACB was confirmed in 27 days.

they are starting to understand these vile people.