January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

fuck yeah...taking the fifth IS SAYING "i did something wrong, that would get me in trouble if i tell you about it..."
Disbarred and shunned by the legal community I should say, along with an investigation by the DOJ, they gotta do this fucker and there's no getting out of it. If he realizes what's gonna come his way eventually, he'll squeal like a pig to stay outta prison, ditto for Meadows and Rudy should be an open book. You gotta be rich, guilty as sin and a bit nuts to fuck around with this stuff. I remember it cost Scooter Libby 14 million in legal fees before Bush commuted his sentence, he appeared before congress and went on trial for outing a CIA agent. Most of these assholes will be ruined by legal costs alone and are shitting their pants looking for a cheap way out.

They might do the underlings, but Garland will wait for NY to do Donald first, put him away and muzzle him, before he moves on him with federal indictments. Grand juries and a independent special counsel with scope and power are in the future I think, politicians were involved too. I hope they pick a real mean bastard with lot's of talent who will hound them all to the fucking grave!

@9:20 there is some new video of the insurrection.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-fanone-danny-rodriguez-capitol-attack_n_61a7f982e4b0451e5510a4a1Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 5.24.01 PM.png
D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, who was brutally attacked by Donald Trump supporters during the assault on the U.S. Capitol, said the newly released FBI interview with the assailant who drove a stun gun into Fanone’s neck on Jan. 6 illustrates how the former president “manipulated” his followers.

“If you look at that and you can’t see the direct correlation between Donald Trump and his supporters’ quote-unquote ‘political speak’ and their actions on Jan. 6, you’re an idiot,” Fanone told HuffPost on Wednesday.

Danny Rodriguez, a 39-year-old California man who was wearing a “Make American Great Again” hat when he was filmed electroshocking Fanone on Jan. 6, was arrested on March 31, one month after he was named in a HuffPost story. While he’s locked up in jail awaiting trial, Rodriguez’s federal public defenders have been trying to get his confession to the FBI tossed on the claim that Rodriguez wasn’t properly advised of his Miranda rights.

Rodriguez was named in a new indictment along with his friend Ed Badalian, who went by “Trump Ed” online, as well as with an unnamed California man whom online sleuths have nicknamed “Swedish Scarf.” All three men went through a broken window that day and raided the Capitol building, and later celebrated the attack at an Airbnb in Virginia with other Trump supporters, many from the Los Angeles area.

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In a video released this week, Rodriguez repeatedly cries and confesses to electroshocking Fanone after he was picked up by the FBI. Rodriguez describes himself as “not smart,” “so stupid,” “an asshole, and a “fucking piece of shit” during the interview. One of the FBI special agents who questioned Rodriguez told him he should speak to them because “antifa, [Black Lives Matter] and The Huffington Post” were “telling the Danny Rodriguez story” and he needed to tell his side of what happened on Jan. 6.

Fanone said that although Rodriguez may look pathetic in his interview, it still illustrates just how close the country came to an even worse outcome on Jan. 6.

“They take a Danny Rodriguez interview, and they see that oh, this guy’s a moron. He’s a sad person who’s kind of pathetic in a way, and they think, ‘How bad could Jan. 6 really have been?’” Fanone said. “They’re not looking at the big picture. This was an orchestrated event. Despite the fact that most of the people on the ground are buffoons, so what? There are 15,000 of them.”

Fanone said Rodriguez’s confession video is also an example of how Trump supporters were “manipulated” by the former president’s lies about a stolen election.

“I hold no fucking grudges towards him whatsoever, because in Danny Rodriguez, I see a lot of people that I know,” Fanone told HuffPost. “He’s a moron and a misfit, and he was like many people looking for camaraderie, looking for something to belong to.”

The FBI has made more than 675 arrests in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a figure that represents roughly one-fourth of the total number of potential defendants who engaged in chargeable criminal activity that day. The FBI’s website features images of more than 350 rioters wanted for violence, including more than 250 who assaulted law enforcement officers.

Fanone said there’s a “clear pattern” in Jan. 6 cases of Trump supporters taking actions they believe were justified because they actually believed Trump’s lies about mass voter fraud.

“I want accountability for Danny Rodriguez. Not just for what he did to Michael Fanone, but for what he did to Officer Michael Fanone,” Fanone said. “He was attacking a police officer who was protecting the Capitol and trying to protect members of Congress and democracy, and he came there to subvert that on behalf of Donald Trump.”
The Jan. 6 Committee Is ‘Putting This Puzzle Together’ Says Donna Edwards

Former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, former U.S. attorney Harry Litman, and New York Times Congressional reporter Luke Broadwater discuss the path forward for the January 6th select committee as they vote to refer Jeffrey Clark for contempt and anticipate public hearings next year.
The Jan. 6 Committee Is ‘Putting This Puzzle Together’ Says Donna Edwards

Former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, former U.S. attorney Harry Litman, and New York Times Congressional reporter Luke Broadwater discuss the path forward for the January 6th select committee as they vote to refer Jeffrey Clark for contempt and anticipate public hearings next year.
I was pretty happy to hear about the couple weeks worth of serious public hearings about Trump's failed insurrection in 2022.
i still say we should just hang the motherfucker. everyone on the planet who isn't a fucking moron knows he's guilty, beyond any shadow of a doubt, just grab his fat old ass, throw a rope over the closest branch big enough to hold his whopper bloated carcass, and be done with it once and for all
i still say we should just hang the motherfucker. everyone on the planet who isn't a fucking moron knows he's guilty, beyond any shadow of a doubt, just grab his fat old ass, throw a rope over the closest branch big enough to hold his whopper bloated carcass, and be done with it once and for all
We would have to go full red wedding to make a dent in these evil traitorous fuck heads. Im ok with letting the wheels of justice crush them all humanely.
i still say we should just hang the motherfucker. everyone on the planet who isn't a fucking moron knows he's guilty, beyond any shadow of a doubt, just grab his fat old ass, throw a rope over the closest branch big enough to hold his whopper bloated carcass, and be done with it once and for all
No! It is vital that he be brought down by meticulous application of the law. You’d make a martyr and postpone or abort the collapse of the treason party.
No! It is vital that he be brought down by meticulous application of the law. You’d make a martyr and postpone or abort the collapse of the treason party.
that's fine, because after you hang the fat fuck, you start making those that object enemies of the people, and hound them to the ends of the earth...can't find a job, because you are an enemy of the people? tough shit, starve. can't find housing, because you're an enemy of the people? dig a hole and hide in it. can't get medical treatment because you're an enemy of the people? oh well, take some horse dewormer, dumbass.
but seriously, the climax of the "treason party" is trump getting strung up, either literally, or figuratively, whats the fucking difference?
people think i'm mean at times...but i'm advocating a quick death to give the nation a chance to move the fuck on, while you're trying to drag it out so you can savor the suffering...¿ hang trump, and all the republicans who helped organize 1/6, on the lawn of the Whitehouse. put it on tv, and make sure all the commentators have scripts that make it clear that treason will not be tolerated in this country, and those that commit sedition will be hung by the neck until dead.
that's fine, because after you hang the fat fuck, you start making those that object enemies of the people, and hound them to the ends of the earth...can't find a job, because you are an enemy of the people? tough shit, starve. can't find housing, because you're an enemy of the people? dig a hole and hide in it. can't get medical treatment because you're an enemy of the people? oh well, take some horse dewormer, dumbass.
but seriously, the climax of the "treason party" is trump getting strung up, either literally, or figuratively, whats the fucking difference?
people think i'm mean at times...but i'm advocating a quick death to give the nation a chance to move the fuck on, while you're trying to drag it out so you can savor the suffering...¿ hang trump, and all the republicans who helped organize 1/6, on the lawn of the Whitehouse. put it on tv, and make sure all the commentators have scripts that make it clear that treason will not be tolerated in this country, and those that commit sedition will be hung by the neck until dead.
You entirely miss my point and assign sadism as my motive.
My motive is not giving the treason party either the moral high ground nor a martyr. It is imperative to our national healing that we not engage in summary justice. The Rittenhouse verdict graphically illustrates the depth of shit we’re in.
You entirely miss my point and assign sadism as my motive.
My motive is not giving the treason party either the moral high ground nor a martyr. It is imperative to our national healing that we not engage in summary justice. The Rittenhouse verdict graphically illustrates the depth of shit we’re in.
i'm not being serious, you goofball....well, not entirely.
i know full well that we can't just hang the fucker, even though it's no more than he deserves. and i don't think you're a sadist...at least not much of one. not nearly as much of one as i am. i've always wanted to follow the Hammurabic code in serious cases...an eye for an eye, literally. it would give a lot of these whining fuckface magats cause to pause if a few of the worst ones were hung on a jibbet in front of the capital building, as a warning to the rest of them. and that is me being serious...
i'm not being serious, you goofball....well, not entirely.
i know full well that we can't just hang the fucker, even though it's no more than he deserves. and i don't think you're a sadist...at least not much of one. not nearly as much of one as i am. i've always wanted to follow the Hammurabic code in serious cases...an eye for an eye, literally. it would give a lot of these whining fuckface magats cause to pause if a few of the worst ones were hung on a jibbet in front of the capital building, as a warning to the rest of them. and that is me being serious...
Your angry emoji suggested to me you were serious.
don't be a "littlefinger"...he'd slide right into the republican party, he could take up where jeffrey epstein left off, the supplier of children to republican deviants, who then turn around and accuse innocent democrats of being part of a worldwide child sex ring....
So Matt Gaetz but smarter?
Depends. I don't see too many Republicans calling for him to get ousted. Who knows what kind of dirt he helped whip up on them.
they should just kick every fucking republican in office the fuck out and make them hold new elections, with no donor money, and no negative ads...they should, however, post the truth about them in every newspaper, news site, and all polling places, their arrests, their voting records, their close ties to criminals...yeah, i know, never happen, a lot of stuff that should happen never happens